Huckabee For Me!

My view on why we're going down the toilet is that there are too many people that won't take responsibility for themselves or/and won't let others take responsibility for themselves.
Responsibility requires liberty, liberty requires responsibility.
The reason the country is going down the toilet is because the candidates suck. And that's the only reason. You have confused yourself into believing otherwise.

And not voting is the worst thing that a citizen can do. There's no grey area there.

Silence is acceptance. No way to spin that...

The former Arkansas governor finished second in the South Carolina Republican primary over the weekend after campaigning in which he said the federal government should stay out of disputes over display of the Confederate battle flag in the state. He said last week, "If somebody came to Arkansas and told us what to do with our flag, we'd tell 'em what to do with the pole, that's what we'd do."
by the Associated Press.

Of the negative things people like to post about candidates, I must say this may be a good indicator that he wants the federal govt's nose out of states' business...
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And not voting is the worst thing that a citizen can do. There's no grey area there.

Silence is acceptance. No way to spin that...

I don't know.. I think allowing non-transparent voting is worse.*

I define non-transparent voting as any of the following:
- Not having an auditable voting system
- Having a ballot that is non-trivial to decode (i.e. butterfly ballots) introducing error
- Not investigating voter fraud cases immediately when there is a disparity between exit polls and election results
- Ballot measures that are worded difficultly (I've seen situations where otherwise educated intelligent individuals read a measure differently and although they had the same opinion, voted opposite)
- voter caging and dead voters (ala Chicago Machine -- vote early vote often)

These things are trivial to prevent and not doing them subverts the entire election process. MUCH worse than someone not voting in a particular race.

* I'm saying that "None of the above" is equivalent to not voting at all.. but that is open to interpretation. Participating in the election process and deliberately not choosing a candidate is not the worst thing one can do in my mind.. maybe you are only discussing completely opting out of the process?
Not investigating voter fraud cases immediately when there is a disparity between exit polls and election results

Polls have no bearing on the legal vote. If people really believe that then you guys are dumber than I ever thought. I give up.

Poll says candidate b wins

Election results show candidate a wins

conclusions - there was fraud.

Why have elections; let's just take a poll and declare the winner! Dumb@ss logic from a dumbed down citizenry who equate CNN to the constitution. Get educated.

And by the way, if someone doesnt want to vote they don't have to and there is no stigma to that. With the elected leaders of the last 16 years, they might know something more than us voters.
My view on why we're going down the toilet is that there are too many people that won't take responsibility for themselves or/and won't let others take responsibility for themselves.
Responsibility requires liberty, liberty requires responsibility.

Right on... and we are reaching the point in elections where the irresponsible beneficiaries of government programs that care for them outnumber the payers and are simply voting themselves benefits. End of America.
Polls have no bearing on the legal vote. If people really believe that then you guys are dumber than I ever thought. I give up.

Poll says candidate b wins

Election results show candidate a wins

conclusions - there was fraud.

Why have elections; let's just take a poll and declare the winner! Dumb@ss logic from a dumbed down citizenry who equate CNN to the constitution. Get educated.

You need to educate yourself on exit polls. You shouldn't give up, you are almost there. If exit polls agree with election results within some margin or error, then there is an extremely high chance that the election is valid. If the exit polls disagree significantly then there is a chance that there was an issue with the election (whether it is fraud, equipment failure, transcription error or whatever) and it should be INVESTIGATED.

An investigation will determine whether or not there was a problem with the election.

I don't know what I wrote in my previous post that forced you to come up with that erroneous conclusion, but I will try to be more clear in the future. Exit polls are merely a cog in a system of checks on validating an election and ensuring that YOUR vote counts.

"Get educated" ? Yes, I believe we all should.
Participating in the election process and deliberately not choosing a candidate is not the worst thing one can do in my mind.. maybe you are only discussing completely opting out of the process?

Well, that's how I interpret it. Going fishing on election day to me means that one won't vote at all. In my not so humble opinion, I think not voting at all is the worst a citizen can do for one's country when it comes down to it that isn't criminal.

How in the world does one think Ted Kennedy is still a member of Congress? Because the sheeple STILL vote for that guy. Can't stand his issues? VOTE HIM OUT!
I don't know about other states' laws, but there's always the blank spot to fill in a candidate of your choice if you don't like the nominees. Granted, the likelyhood of the candidate that you write in won't be elected. But, how else is the politicians going to see the wrongdoing if they don't see the RESULTS of an actual voting?

Kayak, I don't mean to go OT, but I'd like to spend a brief moment on this. If you disagree, I will delete my questions asked.

As much as I don't want to use Ron Paul for an example, it may actually be the best:
What if RP doesn't get the nomination? OK, so all of the people that support him writes his name in on general election day anyway...What message would it send to the govt. if they see, say, 20% of the voters pick him? Imagine, 1 in 5 voted for a person not even on one of the big tickets. The only way to be a voice is to vote. I do admit, some supporters of Paul drive me up the wall. BUT, at least they're doing their patriotic duty in actively performing a grass-roots campaign. Imagine if all the people that are sick and disgusted with their represented politicians had HALF the motivation these people have. Congress may not have ended up the way it is now. We might have had some darn good leaders in there doing the right thing for once.

Whether the attitude of it won't make a difference or not isn't the point. It's the principle. We, IMO, have a DUTY to vote. You don't have to vote for the person on the Rep. or Dem. ticket. JUST VOTE. My opinion is that if one doesn't vote, one doesn't really hold as much credibility on the gripe factor when things go south in the future. To be blatanly honest, I personally can't stand hearing people bellyache about the current state of our union day in and day out but doesn't do anything about it to change the representatives of the people. They just want others to get off their butts, spend 5 measly minutes filling in the dots with a No. 2 pencil to participate in the future well being of our country.

But, what am I thinking....this country is chocked full of apathetic people that want to blame others except themselves.

Now, back to Huckabee's for me, by KayakerSteve...
Right on... and we are reaching the point in elections where the irresponsible beneficiaries of government programs that care for them outnumber the payers and are simply voting themselves benefits. End of America.

Is this a dig on "welfare" citizens or lobbyists?

To try and stay on topic, it seems that Huckabee when he makes religious statements is pandering to a certain division of the US in order to get their votes. It is responsible to state your position and how it relates to this particular constituency, it is irresponsible to be vague and generate a wink wink nudge nudge "I'm on your side" platform creating divisiveness.

I find it humorous that people rant and moan about RP have racist connections/contributions, but are silent when Huckabee makes statements supporting the confederate flag -- which are either not in the spirit of the union of the states, the WE as a country, or simply outright racist, or both.
Looks like the Huckster's broke.

Huckabee Broke
By The Prowler
Published 1/22/2008 12:08:32 AM

Less than a month after a huge upset victory, and promises that fundraising would be ramped up, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is asking his senior staff to keep working for him without pay, while lower level campaign staff are seeing their salaries cut dramatically or eliminated altogether.

"The goal is to get a leaner, meaner campaign structure moving into Super Tuesday," says a senior campaign adviser.

But many of those being asked to take the cut are refusing, and walking away, leaving the campaign with holes to fill.

"The money simply hasn't come in at the rate that we expected," says the aide. "Florida is a $7 million commitment that we can't meet, and if we did, that leaves us exposed for Super Tuesday, where we have a lot of states and a lot media buys. We had to make tough decisions."
As for "... the most destructive administration in history..." I think I'd have to give that one to Mr Lincoln... he did more to harm this country than all other administrations combined - JMHO

Recently heard (or read) the Mikey made a statement to the effect that the Constitution should be changed to better reflect the bible... also a Constitutional amendmend on marriage.

Neither of these concepts is remotely acceptable to me...

That said, he may be the only viable alternative, since it looks like Fred may be looking for a VP slot instead.

Biggest problem I see is that unless we get control of Congress, it won't make a lot of difference one way or the other. :barf:
