Huckabee For Me!

I agree Romney does not have great credentials on gun support, but I know it is better than the Dem's. I am in that lesser of two evils voting.

Romney is the only candidate running who has signed an assault weapons ban into law. How is that lesser of two evils?
Romney is the only candidate running who has signed an assault weapons ban into law. How is that lesser of two evils?

I was not aware of that. I guess I need to re-evaluate again, but I don't like McCain's backing (along with Kennedy) of the failed immigration bill. I will just wait to see who wins super Tuesday.
My guess is that Huckabee's campaign is about over. I wish it was not so. He had to win in SC to be seen as viable nationally. It is just some of the practical realities to running for persident.

Romney did restrict sales of "assault weapons" in MA.
It's still waaaaay early to tell Kayak. The states that have had their choosings aren't exactly big kahunas...We haven't even begun to see the results of the majority of other states... I like Huckabee, but wasn't exactly jumping on the bandwagon when he won the Iowa caucus and think that he's going to be our next prez. And I'm not getting nervous that he won't yet either...

Even if he doesn't get the nomination, it doesn't mean he won't be asked to be VP. That, in itself, would be an acceptable consilation to me...
I still like Huckabee, but I think he is is own worst enemy. He needs to stop implying that we need to replace the constitution with the Bible. He needs to broadened his views. He has a support band made up of evangelicals, and I fear that will not do for a national campaign win. On the positive side, I like his 2a stand, and his down to earth demeanor. Yes, he might be good for a VP slot. I will wait and see.
Early on I thought Huckleberry wasn't that bad. Watching him perform has proven otherwise. He is a straw man propped up by the media to deflect attention away from Ron Paul. When Fred bombed the Huckster was their only alternative. He is also the dems greatest fantasy for the nomination. They can barely contain themselves in commencing their attacks. Said it before I'll say it again: If the republicans fail to nominate the only true republican be prepared to salute Bill's wife. Ron Paul is Ms Clintons worse nightmare as he can outflank her from both sides. You won't hear that much as it is to terrifying for them to even whisper.

McCain, Huck, and Fred don't have the money to sustain their campaigns. So they say. But then, is it really the money? Or is it just that the media corporations like taking their money also. Looks like this time they might have to push for their candidates without the fringe benefits as Ron Paul has taken half of their win win. Another reason they hate him.
My guess is that Huckabee's campaign is about over. I wish it was not so. He had to win in SC to be seen as viable nationally.

When did SC become the bellweather state? It is disproportionately black and evangelical compared to the US. It is no barometer of anything simply the first southern primary state.
When did SC become the bellweather state?

Simple. If he can't win in SC then he is trouble with non-evangelical states. So, it is really a bellweather state.

Did I mention I live in SC.:cool:
but my point is that SC does not make anyone viable nationally.

Yes, but it's the inverse in this case. Winning SC does not make you viable nationally, but if you are a evangelical candidate and lose SC, then that speaks volumes.
If Huck can't win South Carolina, he won't do well in Georgia, Tennessee, Louisiana, or North Carolina.

There is still a chance he could do well in Alabama and Mississippi, but they tend to lag behind the rest of the south by about 20 years.
There is still a chance he could do well in Alabama and Mississippi,

Not arguing with you, but that and $1.58 will buy you a Starbucks coffee...nothing else.

I like Huckabee OK, but he should have gone the Kennedy/Romney route on religious issues. He should have said he is a strong Christian and Left it at that. I was raised a Southern Hard Rock Baptist, and I even have problems with having the Constitution molded after the Bible.
If it's Huckabee, I'm going fishing on election day.

And yet another reason why this country is going down the toilet...voter turnout becoming more and more of an issue. Just what this country needs.

Hope you catch a minnow...

My guess is that Huckabee's campaign is about over. I wish it was not so. He had to win in SC to be seen as viable nationally. It is just some of the practical realities to running for persident.

McCain didn't win by much. I think the sentiment would have been different if Huckabee took SC. Just because he actually didn't win the state doesn't necessarily mean it's doom and gloom for him. His second place finish was a strong one, relatively speaking. Not too long ago, people were counting out McCain. Now, IMO, it's a 3-way tie.

All I'm saying is that the media seems to sensationalizes the winner in each state thinking, "Huckabee took Iowa...looks like he's the one"...."Romney took appears he has the pulse of the Republican party". My point is that I don't think the clear winner will be evident until super tuesday...
And yet another reason why this country is going down the toilet...voter turnout becoming more and more of an issue. Just what this country needs.

The reason the country is going down the toilet is because the candidates suck. And that's the only reason. You have confused yourself into believing otherwise.