Huckabee For Me!

It's really interesting how the same folks who take Liberals to task for ignoring evidence in preference of their feelings then turn around and say stuff like "evolution is just a theory, and believing in it takes as much faith as believing in the creation story."

Evolution is not "just a theory." Evolution is a fact. It occurs, and science has a hundred years of evidence piled up to support that claim. Anyone who argues otherwise is simply scientifically illiterate. (Any geneticists, molecular biologists, biochemists, or other practitioners of the hard sciences present who can, or have, put forth an argument against evolution on scientific grounds? No?)

A plumber or patent lawyer or English teacher or photographer posit a scientific argument against evolution from the base of their education is like an accountant criticizing the static design of his new neighborhood skating rink because "it doesn't look right."

The theory of evolution is our way of explaining the natural phenomenon observed (evolution) using the facts and evidence uncovered thus far. It is a scientific theory, not "just a theory", and people who don't know the difference ought to look it up. (Wikipedia is just a click away.) There is no controversy about evolution or its existence in the scientific community--denying that it takes place is about as pointless as trying to argue against the existence of gravity (and positing an "Intelligent Falling" theory in its place.) We're still trying to figure out exactly how it works, but there's absolutely no doubt in the mind of anyone willing to take a look at the accumulated data of a hundred years of observation that evolution occurs.

Now, I have two issues with the folks who argue against evolution and in favor of biblical creationism.

First, it's disingenuous (dare I say "dishonest"?) to claim opposition to evolution on scientific terms. You argue against evolution because you oppose the concept on religious grounds, not scientific grounds, and no evidence for evolution or against creationism will ever be enough to overcome your emotions on the issue. Therefore, a debate on the subject is as fruitless as a debate with an anti-gunner who "feels" that guns do more harm than good, and who will not be swayed by hard data if it contradicts their most dearly held emotions.

Second, you're giving credence to the scientific side of the argument when you try and argue against evolution with the convincing-sounding pseudo-science put forth by the creationists (or "Intelligent Design" proponents.) If you reject evolution (and, by extension, hard factual evidence) based on your faith, then that ought to be enough for you. "God said it, I believe it, that settles it." No debate necessary. If, on the other hand, you try and support your position with scientific-sounding arguments, then you admit to yourself and to your audience that the scientific point of view has more credence these days. You also acknowledge that your own faith isn't quite as rock-solid as you'd like it to be, since you're satisfying your own (human) desire to back your beliefs with hard evidence.

The problem is that there is no proof for creationism/ID. (There can't ever be any proof, because you're supposed to take the creation story on faith, and you can't have proof and faith at the same time.) All the scientific-sounding criticism of evolution put forth by the ID crowd is merely a religious argument clad in pseudo-science to make it more palatable for introduction into the classroom. It has no basis in observable facts or scientific methodology. It's not science because the claim at its core cannot be falsified.

Now, Glenn summed up my point of view so well that I feel one of the very rare temptations to just add a "+1" to his post. I don't want a President who is unwilling to make decisions based on the evidence before his eyes, and who goes by warm fuzzy feelings instead. If I wanted that kind of President, I'd elect Hillary, thank you very much.

Your right that scientific evidence supports the evolution theory and I see it as I practice Medicine - I don't care personally what my candidate's beliefs are regarding it because it makes no difference to me. Evolution is a fact; creationism is not factual. My only reservation with a candidate that supports creationism, is that they, in my eyes, have a blunted view of reality.

I like to try to meet these people in the middle and offer the hope that a supreme being or god created Adam and Eve, then evolution took it's course of natural selection as per Darwinian Theory. Kind of makes both sides feel better that way.
One other reservation with Republicans....

Is their Pro life stance. I personally don't think I would opt for my family member to get an abortion. When I was in my medical training I was offered the chance to assist several times in an elective D&C (abortion). Even at 6-8 weeks, body parts are visible and you clearly can tell that a life has been ended. I struggle with this personally.

Pro lifer's also are adamently against stem cell research which I strongly believe in as it is the next frontier of medicine for curing diseases such as cancer, dementia, spinal cord injuries and the like. Fortunately, researchers are developing ways to grow stem cell lines from skin and other sources of tissue than fetuses. This should hopefully be the happy medium that allows both republicans and democrats to accept this science.

I would like to continue this discussion on evolution versus creation...should I take this to PM's?

It is completely off topic as far as guns and l&p.
Blues: I wouldn't argue with Glenn about Psychology!!!

I really don't care if he believes in it or not. I believe that it is a fact. That counters my entire upbringing. However- I am not counting God out either. I believe that there is no other possibility than a supreme being who put all of this together- but, the bible is not a scientific text. It is not designed to be. It is a manual of sorts that has history, literature, and yes- some of the literal word of God. However, being that it was compiled mostly by texts written by men; men who lived thousands of years ago and had no clue about the nature of biology, it is a timeless text with the big picture.

Therefore, if Huckabee wants to deny evolution, I just don't care. It isn't like he can stop evolution by decree or executive order. A lot of people think that we're voting on Emperor. We are in fact voting for an executive officer to carry out the laws of congress. Oh- I wish we'd pay as much attention to who we vote into Congress. That's where the main power resides.
Like I said, I don't want to argue evolution here. I was asked why I would not support Huckabee and stated my reason.

While there is no religious test for the Presidency - that regards an official government test. It does not mean that someone's belief system is not a factor in my evalution of the man or woman.

There are some belief systems I disagree with and feel that someone believing in them has a cognitive decision process set that is not what I want in office.

Many :) - and I enjoy the conversation but I don't want to debate evolution per se. I would also not support Romney on the same basis - I feel that the tenets of his faith fly in the face of what I think is a rational view of the Judeo-christianity. I might disagree with a faith on a personal level but think that it is plausible. If one holds truly implausible beliefs (like Tom Cruise, for instance), I must question their ability to analyze other situations.

Like I said my counterpoint was Biden - obviously, I disagree with him strongly on the RKBA. But I was most impressed by his lack of thought on the AWB. He chortled how he worked on the original one and got it through. He wanted it renewed (as did Bush - blah). But, I know having sat through the presentations by DOJ sponsored researchers and read their articles that the AWB had no impact on any known crime indicator.

The researchers argued this was because the existing supplying met the criminal demand and there was perfect substitution of equally useful weapons not impacted by cosmetic only strictures of the AWB. They argued for a tougher ban on all semis, etc. We would argue differently, of course.

However, for Biden, not to know the evidence and argue irrationally for a ban that didn't even do what he wanted indicated to me faulty thought processes (not that I would vote for him anway - barf).

I am sick of politicians who spout slogans and know nothing.
Your right that scientific evidence supports the evolution theory and I see it as I practice Medicine - I don't care personally what my candidate's beliefs are regarding it because it makes no difference to me. Evolution is a fact; creationism is not factual. My only reservation with a candidate that supports creationism, is that they, in my eyes, have a blunted view of reality.

I practice medicine also, but fail to see the "evidence" of evolution theory in my practice. What exactly are you talking about? I hope its something more than bacteria developing anti-microbial resistance, because that is a far cry from telling me that man evolved from a single celled organism.

There is evidence that genetic changes occur over time, without doubt. But I don't think you can give me an example where one species turned into a different species. If you can, please do.

For political purposes though, I just don't see why it matters one way or another what a candidate believes regarding evolution. Congress is not going to pass any laws dealing with the subject, so the President's opinion matters no more than mine.
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Huckster is ok with me. He is the only one who believes the Constitution does not need to be "fixed."
With the exception of my two votes for Reagan, I've never voted for a politician with whom I felt completely comfortable. At times, I've voted less for someone and more against someone because, one way or another, one of those people was going to win, and I wanted the least-bad of the two. A sad reality, but a reality nonetheless.

Huckabee is far from my first choice, but I'll vote for him, or any other Republican nominee, rather than vote for Hillary/Obama, or not vote and let Hillary/Obama win. Neither Hillary nor Obama is going to care about why you didn't vote nor about your most important issues. Like other politicians, they are going to care about winning and about their most important issues.

What's more important, ultimately, can be summed up in two words: "justices" and "judges." Here are the names and ages of some of our current Supreme Court justices:

Stevens - 87
Ginsburg - 74
Scalia - 71
Kennedy - 71
Breyer - 69
Souter - 68

The Supreme Court is where the long-term gains and losses are made. The above list of people will have more impact on whatever issues you hold most dear for yourself, your children, and your nation than any president. Some of them will probably retire within the next 4 years. Any of the justices, listed above or not, might be killed in a car accident, by a heart-attack, etc.

With Huckabee or any other Republican, you might get another Stevens/Ginsburg/Breyer/Souter. With Hillary or Obama, you will get another Stevens/Ginsburg/Breyer/Souter.

Similar logic applies to appointments of federal judges.

When it comes to the Supreme Court and federal judges, I don't see my vote for any of the Republican candidates as a wasted vote. I'd rather gamble on might than guarantee will, because I'd rather have a chance than have no chance at all.
Rev. Jackson, Rev. Sharpton, Rev. Huckabee...

Three peas in a pod. They are all charlatans who will say anything to further their own ambitions. They speak with multi faceted tongues out of both sides of their mouths.

Personal integrity and dignity is what it takes to lead. Unfortunately I see little of either in the most of Republicans on the announced list. The closest I see is probably McCain. I would rather him be wrong on some issues that he believes in, than be mealy mouthed and swear one thing and do another.

His performance in the Hanoi Hilton shows more character than all the other candidates combined.
I'm trying to keep to the topic of discussion in this thread: Mike Huckabee, his beliefs and his decision-making ability. Keeping that discussion on topic requires me to not make religion the centerpiece of my post. I will endeavor to keep this relevant to a political discussion

Marko Kloos said:
Evolution is not "just a theory." Evolution is a fact. It occurs, and science has a hundred years of evidence piled up to support that claim. Anyone who argues otherwise is simply scientifically illiterate.
I should have defined terms better in my previous post. For what it's worth, it is macro-evolution that I do not believe in. There is no scientific evidence that proves that you and I evolved from a paramecium. Micro-evolution, mutation, gene migration and the like are all scientific fact. That is not disputed by most intelligent people regardless of their belief system. That the universe created itself and that life is a cosmic accident is not fact and it never will be.

This little misunderstanding is at the heart of the discussion and the primary reason why non-religious folks don't like Huckabee. Take a look at SecDef's quotation again:
SecDef said:
MIKE HUCKABEE: There’s only one explanation for it, and it’s not a human one. It’s the same power that helped the little boy with two fish and five loaves feed a crowd of 5,000 people. And that’s the only way our campaign could be doing what it’s doing. I’m not being facetious, nor am I trying to be trite. There literally are thousands of people across this country who are praying that a little will become much. And it has. And it defies all explanation.
He is saying that he cannot explain why he is so successful. He believes that it is due to a higher power. Whether he is right or wrong matters not at all. What matters is that some people will read this and say he's a religious nut. All he's saying is that he doesn't understand it and believes that some higher power is responsible. Is he going to just stop campaigning and let God do all the work? Of course not. When he is in the White House, will he let God veto bills for him? Of course not. He makes decisions every day as a candidate just as he did while governor of Arkansas. He has a record of obedience to the constitution of the state of Arkansas. When he has to do his job, he does it. Rickey Dale Newman is just one piece of evidence that proves this to be true. Huckabee will continue to be that man that he is when elected president.

There was much more to this post, but I took it to PM because it had to do with the belief system of another member. :)
False Conservative

I've done some research on Gov. Huckabee.

Here is one of the many articles I've come across.

He is no conservative and to the left of Romney.

I, too, think this has been a very good debate. Thank you for your part in it, Glenn.

I have also done some research on Gov. Huckabee. Here are a few of the many articles I've come across:
Huckabee's Tax Plan is Brilliant
Coming to Terms With Huckabee
After NH, Race May Break Huckabee's Way

Regarding Nate45's link to Robert Novak's article, in paragraph four, he writes: "there is no doubt about Huckabee's record during a decade in Little Rock as governor. He was regarded by fellow Republican governors as a compulsive tax increaser and spender."
And in paragraph six he writes that Huckabee, "recently signed the no-tax-increase pledge of Americans for Tax Reform."

He's pledged not to increase taxes and he left office as the governor of Arkansas with a balanced budget!

Huckster is ok with me. He is the only one who believes the Constitution does not need to be "fixed."
Oh Big G....the Paulestinians will be after you now!

I see no real problem with Huckabee. Nor do I see one with McCain or Romney. Thompson need shock treatments to show signs of life, and the Mad Doctor need basket-weaving classes.
Shuckabee is NOT conservative...

All of his ideas are founded in the "nanny gov'mint" concept...
He is so far left of center as to make the Clintons look moderate.

He masquerades as a conservative like McCain maquerades as a moderate...

Neither of them is remotely conservative...

Bush was NEVER a conservative. He is from a "moderate" family with a government entitlements and mandates mentality...

If you want to check me on this... pick ANY program they have been involved with... and you can see the
"I-can-take-care-of-you-better-than-you-can-take-care-of-yourself" mentality.

Oh, I believe they believe, they are conservative...

and they believe you believe, they are conservative...

but they have you both fooled! :D :D :D
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Since you have done a lot of research on this, would you share with us, if you haven't already, who you support and why??? Thanks in advance.
I haven't chosen anyone as yet...

I'm pretty fond of Thompson... because I trust him enough to have faith that if he does something like raise taxes he had a good reason and he had the Nation's best interests in mind.

I think I could trust Romney in the same manner... the changes in his positions have been honest changes...
he lived and he learned and that's a mark of a pretty good man.

I almost liked Paul... but his attitude about getting out of Iraq sets me back a little too much... I grew up in a neighborhood where if someone started a fight with you, or if you started a fight... you had to "see it through" or you were dog**** and nobody would respect you... a life lesson which applies on any scale.

I was pretty impressed with Huckabee at first but his very public religious bigotry really turned me off... and then I started looking at his record and you see the result in my earlier posts.

NOTE: Any of these fine men are considerably more suitable than the Democrat front runners... :barf:

Thanks for asking... You are a gentleman and a scholar... ;) :)
I almost liked Paul... but his attitude about getting out of Iraq sets me back a little too much... I grew up in a neighborhood where if someone started a fight with you, or if you started a fight... you had to "see it through" or you were dog**** and nobody would respect you... a life lesson which applies on any scale.

When I was much younger, and worked in corrections I learned quickly that this belief would have gotten me killed. It does not apply to life at all. One is allowed to change his/her mind after analyzing facts. You statement contradicts a previous one in same quote where you stated chaging your mind can be healthy (As you stated about Romney). Going blindly into a 'fight' to save you name will aften just get your but kicked. I think we need to change our minds about Iraq and formulate a definative plan to finish what we came to do or get the hell out of there.