Huckabee For Me!

Glenn E. Meyer

Again, people make statements that have no meat behind them - I would be interested in why you feel this way. I also would be open to hear why you choose whomever you support - I am very open minded about this; others aren't!
He released a rapist, not a murderer, and regrets doing so.
First question is why does he regret it and when did he start regretting it?

Secondly, he did also commute the sentences of 12 murderers... at least a couple of them were "tagalong" criminals who didn't actually pull the trigger... but a few of them were very questionable commutations.

No, I don't agree 100% with these (Huckabee's) views, but at least he is consistent.
The trouble with being consistent on his positive views...
is that he is also consistent on his negative views...

He is, in fact, inflexible rather than thoughtful, and incapable of admitting he MIGHT could be wrong about something and therefore change, or adjust, his views accordingly...

His negative remarks about Romney's religious views can be apologized for, but it doesn't make them disappear... he is a religious bigot who thinks you can't be in the Christian "way" if you don't believe in his Christian way...

Bigotry is yet another form of consistency... and that kind of consistency is not Presidential.

I think in all other respects, Huckaluyah is probably a pretty good man... but if he can't be a "golden ruler"
to everyone, then he can never be my President. :(
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Can any one be a GOLDEN RULER???? - NO, nobody will be perfect and nobody will meet your every need.. We must pick whomever seems to meet most of our needs. Your points are, however, heard.
Can anyone be a GOLDEN RULER???? - NO

I agree... it is difficult...

Live and let live?
Do unto others?
Apply the same Bill of Rights to everyone and not just the esoteric few.

These, and many other legal and moral principles, are taken from Judeo-Christian teachings over thousands of years...

A preacher, or a President, MUST avoid even the appearance of hypocrisy...
Either you are a Christian, or you are not...

"Honor is in being what you pretend to be."
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I don't feel like arguing about religion in detail. It gets us nowhere. It is enough to say that I feel his beliefs and mental processes are not congruent with what I deem would be good in a President. Let others fight out the specifics.
The trouble with being consistent on his positive views...
is that he is also consistent on his negative views...

Actually, I don't disagree. I am not 100% sold on Huckabee. I am fickle this time around. If Romney takes first place then OK with me. I am just hoping I don't have McCain or Guliani to choose from.
I personally don't care what his religious beliefs are. If he doesn't believe in evolution, so what? What will he do- outlaw the teaching of evolution?

Some of you need to get a grip. I don't even like Huckabee, will vote for Ron Paul, but so what if he believes that God created man. So do I. Just not by a literal translation of the bible.

Really, what I want to know is: Does he believe that he is morally restrained by the Constitution of the United States and if so, has he read and understand its constraints on him in the office of the President?

That covers guns, abortion, drugs, monetary policy, fiscal behavior and just about everything.

No- I don't think he'd be a good president, I don't think he'd be good at all, but it has nothing to do with his religious beliefs. It has to do with the problem with all the candidates save a few and those few it seems are universally viewed as kooks. I guess somebody who does not compromise is a kook and somebody who does is "electable".

I'm glad you found a candidate to get behind. He'll be much better than many Democrats.
Really, what I want to know is: Does he believe that he is morally restrained by the Constitution of the United States and if so, has he read and understand its constraints on him in the office of the President?

Good point.
Any of the Democratic contenders is a better choice than any of the Republicans.
So, you'd rather vote for a junior Illinois senator that wants ALL semiautos banned and anything chambered in .50cal, which will most likely include muzzleloaders...

Or, a junior New York senator that has more dirt piled on her than Mississippi mud that will stop at nothing to strip our 2A rights faster than ANY other candidate?

I guess I see where how really view the 2A...

Kayakersteve Your being fatuous.
I am for gun rights. But I vote for what's best for the nation as a whole. I am not mad at George Bush, well anymore mad than I'd be with anyone who cased the deaths of several thousand Americans.


That you don't believe in evolution is fine by me. That a man who doesn't believe in evolution might be elected to the office is very scary indeed.

Even scarier yet is one that doesn't have Judeo Christian Philisophical Principles. Haven't we forgotten on what this country was founded? Like it or not, a majority of our Founding Fathers were, GASP God fearing men. Huckabee was very specific on his interviews that he follows these principles which were indeed the Framers' intent. He also stated that he will balance the difference between his beliefs and what is actually good for the country.
The more I hear Huckabee talk, the more I like him.

He was asked about his stand on the Second Amendment on several talk/news shows. Each time he started out by saying the Second has absolutly nothing to do with hunting--it's about freedom, the right to self-defense and (gasp) to overthrow tyrannical govt. if neceessary. He acutally said that on nationwide TV! He's also the only governor (to the best of my knowledge) who has a CCW permit and so does his wife.

There's other positions to consider of course, but the man says what he believes regardless of who he's talking to at the time. Other candidates usually pander to a specific audience. At this point, he'ds got my vote.

Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul..... You'll regret not knowing what could be the greatest thing to happen to this country... Check out as much as you can about Ron Paul.
I can settle if Huckabee wins, but Ron is founding father kind of material, brilliant, honest, aware of reality, knows history and an expert on the constitution. Noone currently running is more pro 2nd amendment!!! He's all about liberty, freedom and small government that doesn't police the world and over tax us for wasteful programs that don't work!!
He has a real chance still, he can win!! Just be open minded and decide for yourself!! Here a couple videos that might help, but there's so much! He's been saying the same things for 30 years, very strong beliefs, not a lie or flip flopped stance. Married 50 years, 5 years in Air Force, physician for 40 years. 10 terms in Congress. Never voted to raise taxes ever!! He's very into the founding fathers and reagan.
I think anyone who takes the time to see what he's about and who he is, will vote for him!!! Watch at least the first 25 minutes of this second vid, you'll get a good idea of what he's about.
Richardson has a permit - got it with a Glock 19, IIRC.

I opine that the best test of gun rights is if the dude or dudette has a handgun and shoots it. I fear the candidate with the O/U shotgun ONLY!

The evolution debate is important as it indicates whether the candidate can rationally evaluate evidence that countervenes his early socialization. One can be religious and not deny the evidence of modern science. I fear that Bush felt he was divinely inspired and thus could not truly understand that his policies were failing. Biden and others support the AWB despite rigourous scientific evidence that it was useless. I was brought up in an antigun environment but my rational mind altered my views as I saw the evidence.

This argument will not appeal to those who are biblical literalists - but they are flat wrong and debating those beliefs here will get us nowhere.

I will not vote for a candidate that has such a strong streak of irrationality as I feel that his or her judgments will not be based on evidence and evaluations of outcomes. The 'inspired' or 'ideological' have a hard time being 'wrong'.

Such factors preclude me ever voting for Huckabee or a Biden - if you cannot think rationally - we don't need you in today's time.
From the Government's bible:

Art. IV
no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.
Hillary Clinton is sitting back with that sly, smart ass grin of her's, just waiting for Huckabee to the be the nominee. Hillary is the wolf, Huckabee is the lamb, he's toast. Hillary will pick this guy apart and enjoy doing it. We need a president, not a preacher!:p
Glenn E. Meyer said:
The evolution debate is important as it indicates whether the candidate can rationally evaluate evidence that countervenes his early socialization. One can be religious and not deny the evidence of modern science.
Apparently, one's acceptance of popular scientific theories is your measuring stick for rationality. Silly people like Pythagoras, Strabo, Ptolemy, Aristotle and Eratosthenes believed the Earth was spherical despite contrary modern scientific theories. One must remember that these theories are just that - theories.

Glenn E. Meyer said:
...they are flat wrong and debating those beliefs here will get us nowhere.
I agree with half your statement and disagree with the other half. ;)

Glenn E. Meyer said:
I will not vote for a candidate that has such a strong streak of irrationality as I feel that his or her judgments will not be based on evidence and evaluations of outcomes. The 'inspired' or 'ideological' have a hard time being 'wrong'.
Those who believe in fantasies such as the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution are completely irrational. It requires more faith to believe that something came from nothing than it does to believe that our universe was created.

I think the point is that neither one of us wants a leader who, like Flip Wilson's Geraldine, says things like, "The devil made me do it," or "God told me to do it." I don't see Huckabee as being that kind of person. What leads you to the opposite conclusion?
First, you are confusing evolution with abiogenesis.

Silly people like Pythagoras, Strabo, Ptolemy, Aristotle and Eratosthenes believed the Earth was spherical despite contrary modern scientific theories. One must remember that these theories are just that - theories.

Well, you need to research exactly what a "theory" is. These men you mentioned also used facts to support their beliefs. Additionally, the strength of science is demonstrated in that the flat earth believers / scientists view of the world is no longer pushed in light of current evidence.

Huckabee has said that the bible is the absolute truth whereas any rational biblical scholar admits to its inconsistencies.

I think the point is that neither one of us wants a leader who, like Flip Wilson's Geraldine, says things like, "The devil made me do it," or "God told me to do it." I don't see Huckabee as being that kind of person. What leads you to the opposite conclusion?

Huckabee calling his Iowa victory "God's Will"
MIKE HUCKABEE: There’s only one explanation for it, and it’s not a human one. It’s the same power that helped the little boy with two fish and five loaves feed a crowd of 5,000 people. And that’s the only way our campaign could be doing what it’s doing. I’m not being facetious, nor am I trying to be trite. There literally are thousands of people across this country who are praying that a little will become much. And it has. And it defies all explanation. It has confounded the pundits, and I’m enjoying every minute of their trying to figure it out. And until they look at it from an experience just beyond human they’ll never figure it out. And that’s probably just as well.

That’s honestly why it’s happening.

edit: wanted to get the full quote as best as possible... source:
Those who believe in fantasies such as the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution are completely irrational. It requires more faith to believe that something came from nothing than it does to believe that our universe was created.

I agree completely. As I recall from my college days, one of the key steps in proving something is true is if you get the same result over and over through testing.

Thus, you can prove plants need sunlight. You can prove bacteria cause infection. These are things that can be reproduced in the lab. But you cannot prove evolution or big bang theory in the same way. These things cannot be proven though repeatable tests. The only evidence you have of these things is through what amounts to circumstantial evidence.

In the end, it takes just as much faith to believe in evolution or big bang theory, as it does to believe in the creation story of the Bible.