Huckabee For Me!

I don't know. Huckabee might make a great President if he gets the chance. I don't think he'll get the chance though and it has absolutely nothing to do with his political beliefs or record.

A number of elections back a woman was asked why she voted for the candidate who had won. Her answer? She 'liked the way he combed his hair.'

So far, even some Republicans have referred to him as "Huckleberry" and I think we can assume the Dems are salivating at the opportunity to use that name against him too.

I make no bones about it, I'd prefer Ron Paul as the next President. . . but I don't think he'll get the job. After him.... Duncan Hunter, Fred Thompson and then maybe Huckabee. If it's any but one of those four I'll just leave the space blank. I've voted in too damned many elections to want to cast my vote for the lesser of two evils again.

His apologies aside...isn't "Huckaluyah" sort of "my way or the highway" on the subject of religion?

He gave a fabulous campaign speach in New Hampshire the other day... to a nearly empty house and said literally everything a Conservative would want to hear...

I was almost taken in by it, but I soon began to realize that he was saying what I wanted to hear... rather than what he truly believed...

Conservative or not, he's a little too "slick willy" to suit me... :eek:
Huckabee For Me

At this point it is Huckabee for me. But I could have problems if he pushes the religion aspect too hard. So far, it appears he is keeping this reasonably low key. If he is keeping it low key because he is smart enough to know it could hurt him, then that is OK with me.

One other point. I have checked his stand on issues that he has had for a long time. Even if you don't agree with all his views, you have to give him credit for not flip-flopping like some. No I don't agree 100% with these views, but at least he is consistent.
The poll results from the Rasmussen Report for New Hamshire's upcoming Primary election, published Friday January 4th, 2008.
McCain 31%
Romney 26%
Ron Paul 14%
Huckabee 11%
Giuliani 8%
Thompson 5%
What happened to the claims that Paul was going to pull off a surprise victory in the libertarian state of NH?

Words mean thing Blues man. Either Huckabee was suggesting divine support for Bush or he was being blasphemous. there's no middle ground.

Either information is accurate or it is not Blues man. If you don't like the source fine, that is your prejudice.

I don't believe in evolution so yes, I'm okay with him. Do you have a problem with that?

That you don't believe in evolution is fine by me. That a man who doesn't believe in evolution might be elected to the office is very scary indeed.
Science may not fit some peoples misinterpretation of the bible but that's not reason enough to let those people muck up things for the rest of us.

He released a rapist, not a murderer, and regrets doing so. You're all ready to chuck that first stone, aren't you.

Are you suggesting that Wayne Dumond was not a murderer or are you trying to score rhetorical points?
Huckabee tossed that first stone the moment he suggested that the only reason Dumond was in jail was because he had assaulted a relitive of Bill Clinton.
He's regrets don't bring the dead back to life and it doesn't mean he won't do the same type of thing again, as he did with Don Jeffers.
Attorney General Mike Beebe, in nullifying the pardon, agreed that the governor had erred when he didn't give reasons why he had pardoned Jeffers and didn't even contact the prosecutor or the victim's family about how he felt about the pardon.
I hope the Arkansas Leader is politically correct enough for you Blues Man.

It was a 15 year old girl and he didn't force her to do anything. Her guardian wanted the abortion to be paid for by Medicaid. He simply upheld the state constitution's ban on using tax dollars to pay for abortion.

You're right there, if someone withholds medical treatment it doesn't mean that someone is forced to not get medical treatment.
So it was a States Rights thing. Nothing to do with ideology.,2933,312107,00.html
Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee rejects letting states decide whether to allow abortions, claiming the right to life is a moral issue not subject to multiple interpretations.

Was it a violation of Arkasas law to fund abortions?
This God stuff isn't just talk with Huck. One of his first acts as governor was to block Medicaid from funding an abortion for a mentally retarded teen�*ager who had been raped by her stepfather — an act in direct violation of federal law, which requires states to pay for abortions in cases of rape. "The state didn't fund a single such abortion while Huckabee was governor," says Dr. William Harrison of the Fayetteville Women's Clinic.

Seems like Huckabee picks and chooses which laws to uphold.

Face it Blues man, Huckabee withheld funding the abortion of a 15 year old mentally retarded rape and incest victim. He did this in violation of federal law. I'd like to ask him why, wouldn't you?
Oh you were right it was 15, that makes it all right cause the b!tch was a wh*re

I will keep doing these half truths Blues man. I'm glad they amuse you.

I think it is clear where buzzcock lies - I wouldn't waste the type. For some, there is no hope. I was at least thinking he was progun and was going to select the best republican in his mind, but to admit to voting Democrat because you are mad at Bush is just not right.

Kayakersteve Your being fatuous.
I am for gun rights. But I vote for what's best for the nation as a whole. I am not mad at George Bush, well anymore mad than I'd be with anyone who cased the deaths of several thousand Americans.
The Constitution is bigger than just one amendment. People such as yourself have decried assaults on the 2nd amendment while happily letting George Bush and the Republican party use the rest of that document as toilet paper.

I just want my country back.
The numbers have shifted since I posted Friday's results.

The current poll shows Mike Huckabee with 11% of the vote, Rudy Giuliani close behind at 10%, and Ron Paul at 8%. Fred Thompson earns 3%, some other candidate attracts 2%, and 4% are not sure.

The race remains too close to call partly because of questions about how many Independents will participate, but also because a significant percentage of voters could change their mind. Seventy-six percent (76%) of Romney supporters are “certain” they will vote for him along with 70% of McCain’s supporters. However, just 8% of Romney voters and 7% of McCain fans say there is a “good chance” they will change their mind.
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I find it interesting that the anti-Huckabee crowd will draw on non-2A issues to shoot him down, but overlook similar flaws in their own candidates. What we agree on here is gun rights. Huckabee has about the best track record of any of the candidates on this issue. Other things are pretty pointless to debate - I'm pro-life, or support the war, or this or that, but I'm not posting that every 3 minutes in your candidate's thread if he's not in line. Politics :rolleyes:... Can't wait to end up with Giuliani v. Obama as a result of infighting. Great years we have ahead.
As a long time resident of Arkansas and a conservative, I can't think of one thing the Huckster did for our state in two terms in office. They guy is a big zero. He raised taxes some say by over 60%. He released killers from prison and one of them killed again. He should go into the full time rock band business or back to preaching. Haven't you guys ever heard, never trust a preacher.
And one more item. Arkansas has had a tax on food for years. There have been a number of drives to have it put on the ballot because the Huckster would not do away with it. They managed to keep it off the ballot a number of years, courts said the wording was confusing. Our newly elected Democratic Gov. cut the tax in half as his first act. Does that tell you anything about Huckabee? Our state government under Huckabee even had attornies doing everything they could to get the petitions for putting it on the ballot tossed out. I even got subpoenaed into court in Little Rock 2 1/2 hours drive because my name was on it. Because the store owner was not standing over me when I signed the petition, it was not allowed as were thousands of others. This was another victory for Huckabee and his leadership in Arkansas.
Won't vote for Huckabee period. No use to start a flame war by giving reasons. He doesn't represent my views except for guns and the others give me pause that he would be a rational president.