Free NRA membership

Thanks for posting this, but I don't need a trial membership. I'm a dues paying member already. :D
Good deal for those wanting to check the NRA out for the first time though. ;)
I don’t agree with the NRA’s mailing tactics (they have sent me some stuff where if I didn’t send it back I got a bill) I know they are the only ones fighting for our rights I wish there were other groups out there to represent us also.
I send them extra money every time I buy a new gun. Everyone who has firearms should support groups that are looking out for our interests.
free nra

to those of you who complain that they send to much mail asking for support,
you are the reason why because it's the people that have been joining and paying to protect they're gun rights are also carrying you but you all own firearms and do not carry your own weight but whine because you get mail asking for donations to keep us all owning firearms

Where was this when I got my I paid for the Lifetime tho :rolleyes: And you're right it never too young to sign them up.
Support the NRA

This is basically a no magazine membership to get those who do not wish to spend more to be a part of the Second Amendment group.

Amen to that.

18 of 25
If you do not want the extra mailings, write to them, or call them, and tell them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not ( with the NRA, it did for me).
Father Donovan sends me about a zillion pieces of mail every year asking for more money to " the orphan children not have to go to bed hungry..." I have written twice and asked to be removed from the mailing list, but they can not do it. I just toss the stuff. Not that I have anything against hungry orphans, but money is tight and if I they do not get drawn, they do not get the donation.

(My wife takes all these requests from charitable organizations and puts them in a shoe box, after pulling them out of my trash can. At the end of the month she pulls two or three of them out and will send money. How else to be equitable? :D)

The NRA is the biggest Second Amendment Rights lobbying group available. Numbers speak big in Washington DC. If they can use my name to increase that number, I will gladly spend the yearly renewal fee. I do not care about the hat, the knife or any of the other things they send out. I read the magazine and it gets recycled to either the VA Hospital or the local bank lobby area.

I do not remember the source or the exact numbers, but there are statistics out there that say for every 1000 mailings, the organization receives $xxx.xx. Because they do the mass, bulk, mailings, they pay less for postage than we do. The printing is so large for these mailings they get reduced rates, and get to write them off as a business expense.

I wonder about guys who complain about their erosion of rights, but won't spend $35.00 a year to help preserve them. I know some people who can not actually afford the money, so I have given them a gift subscription. But I know a lot of others who can afford it, but choose not too. I guess it all comes down to priority.

OK, I have rambled and ranted enough.
Great just in time for me to renew mine.Filled out form,paid 2 years $25.00,already heard back from nra.Signed up grandson and granddaughter.thanks for information
i signed up not too long ago and all iv gotten was junk mail from it..

This statement could not be more wrong. What you got from the membership is support from America's largest and oldest interest/lobbyist group. There is no other group that is larger or more powerful in working to keep our right to keep and bear arms. If it were not for the NRA, I fully believe that none of us would be able to go out a buy a gun today.

As for the junk mail and phone calls...yes, I get irritated with that also, but that is a horrible reason to stop supporting them. They support ALL gun owners by the work they do. Call them and ask them to take you off their mailing lists and call lists, and they will gladly say "yes". If you have to call them a few times about it, so be it. It takes only a few minutes of your time. Don't boycot them over it.

They need money to operate, and we should not insult them for that.
How much money does the Brady campaign have? Do you want the NRA to have more money, power, and size than the Brady people, or not???

I'll let my standard signature finish off my rant for me :)
NRA huh

i'm having a delima i was a member 5yrs ago and they spelled my last name wrong. a family member sighned myself up . i gave permission of course but when i started getting mail with my last name spelled wrong and i notified them and they didn't chang it and notified them again and they didn't change it boy i was ****** they want my money and cant spell my last name right. know i might be wrong but my last name is more important to me than me giving them money to pay off polititions. but at the same time i am all for the right to bear arms more so then most i think. i just wish there was another orginization out there to jion with just as much pull. oh and a fellow hunting partner is big time recruiter for the nra and when i told him that story he took the nra pocket knife right out of my hand before i even had time to say if iwas going to sighn up or not. i didn't sighn up threw him that day just to **** him off more. but it is a good orginization i just dont know for give and forget or just leave them alone
It is a associate membership, meaning your really not a member but your interested. That is why you have not recieved a card or a e-mail showing that your a member. The only thing that does is makes the NRA spend millions trying to get membership, money that can be used elsewhere. You can become a life member by using the easy pay life plan. I happen to be a life member, but I really don't need all the junk mail I recieve from the NRA. I have told them time and time again to stop the mailings, but all that did was slow that down a little. Anyway, I really don't need the NRA to protect my gun laws, as you know, the Government will do what they want, bar none. I just pity the poor guy thats comes to take my guns away!
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