Free NRA membership

EvilE said:
Where is it free to sign up? Am I missing something?
Last time I checked this offer was good Feb, 2013.
I have since bit the bullet and became a life member. Definitely not free. :eek:
They need money to fight against the gun grabbers. Bloomberg and associated cronies have spent an awful lot of money trying to take your right to bear arms away. :eek:
I highly recommend that anybody that can pitch in, please do so.
I've been a lifer since the mid 70's, send them an additional $500 every January. Joined up my 2 grand daughters as lifers. I want them to be able to shooing as I have for over 40 years. Don't know if we can hold off the enemy forever, but I'm going to my grave fighting all the way.
Sometnfancy said:
I'm sure you could join for free but by joining and paying you help them afford the cause
Not really.

Federal law doesn't allow them to use membership funds for lobbying. There's a separate organization, the NRA-ILA, that does the politicking. If you're serious about fighting off the Bloombergs of the world, send a few bucks to the NRA-ILA.
Come on guys...The NRA membership dues that are collected go to preserving our rights and freedoms granted us by the second amendment. Please pony up the 35.00 a year. Your money will not be wasted.
I finally joined, then even before I got my first American Rifleman, I got a fake billing from them trying to deceive me into extend my membership. Bad form really. Looks like they are going to be worse than AARP in trying to flimflam the membership. A bad beginning makes for a bad ending, so I might just be a single year member.
campingnights said:
I finally joined, then even before I got my first American Rifleman, I got a fake billing from them trying to deceive me into extend my membership. Bad form really. Looks like they are going to be worse than AARP in trying to flimflam the membership. A bad beginning makes for a bad ending, so I might just be a single year member.
That's too bad, really. It's a great organization that fights for our rights, and do a good job of it.
It's a shame their reputation is sullied by over zealous sales people in a boiler room. :(
I do all of my NRA business through their website now days. If the sales people call me, and they do continually, I carefully explain that to the phone sales person.
I suspect the problem is that they (phone sales people) are probably paid via commission. That shouldn't be allowed.
Ya, my anger at the flimflam attempt will likely be dissipated during the coming year. They are the only effective game in town for gun rights. Don't want to cut off my nose just to spite my face. ;)
That and if you sign up for email updates they will send special alerts to keep everybody informed of new threats to our rights, as well as victories.
I encourage everyone to join. ;)
peggysue said:
I gave up on the NRA years ago.
Sorry to hear you gave up on them. :o Lots of guns can't hurt though. :cool:
IMO, the N.R.A. is one of the largest lobby groups in D.C. (District of Criminals) that help to look out for our rights.
Emerson Biggies said:
where are you guys clicking to find this "free deal"...... I can't find it anywhere!
This thread is about six years old now, so you will have to keep your eyes peeled for any up and coming deals.
I suggest buying an annual membership for now and they will inform you of special offers in the future. ;)
The deal is, they need money to fight the gun grabbers in D.C., so I wont lie, they will ask for donations. It's up to you if you do, or don't want to send them any.