Free NRA membership

Thanks for the link...signed up for the free membership. I'll treat it like a 'try it before you buy it' deal.
The NRA also has a program called NRA U which targets college students and encourages them to become 2nd Amendment activists and supporters. They get all kinds of goodies(T-shirts, coasters, free memberships and pizza). I attended and supported one of these programs on Monday night at GA Tech and we had about 60 attendees.

So any kind of free membership is a good thing to encourage the next generation to become active in preserving and protecting the 2nd Amendment.
just an associate

This free membership is not a full regular membership. It does allow you to say you are an NRA (associate) member and gives them another body to count to help save our 2nd Amendment rights. Basically you receive an e-membership. Gets your foot in the door.
The regular $35.00 membership gets you so much more and, if you look around you can find that for $25.00.
If you go to click on NRA link you can sign up for $25.00.
Free is good and who doesn't send tons of e-mail when you join but, the benefits you get for your money are worth it.
I understand tight budget but, no one says you can't have one regular full membership and the rest of the family as Freedom associate members.

Art S.
I'm in. Was a member for a long time years ago. Bought full memberships for family and friends. Then the finances went blooey.
This was just too good to pass up. I want to thank you for posting it as I had no clue that I could sign up for free. This was an awesome deal. I am glad that you posted this.

Thank you for the awesome service you just provided for everyone.
Hope the link is still good. I signed up my wife and all my family members living here, plus got my family (brothers, all 5 of them) to sign up also. I don't mind the extra mail they send, I have a coal/wood furnace so it only helps heat my house when they send it. Ya think I could get them to send me a couple of truck loads of mail each day? :D Sure would make it easier on me than cutting fire wood and buying coal.
looking at my nov 16, 2010 posts...just got renewal reminders in the mail(right on cue: one for each child and one for the wife). she has shown me light on not needing to renew these(they were free for a yr). I'd have to pay for memberships for toddlers and a wife who could care less:D. fortunately my lifetime membership is good for life.

anybody see the add in the latest rifleman mag NRA mails members(I got mine last week or maybe beginning this past week)? for 7 bucks you can get a CCW big magazine booklet. it is out of wisconsin and that is where I mailed the check, so I am not sure if it has something to do with their new law for CCW nov 1st, 2011? anyways, I figured it can't hurt to have lots of laws knowledge and do's and don'ts for CCWers. any extra knowledge can only help my cause...not to mention they(NRA) send 319dollars worth of gifts with the mag. honestly, not to concerned and didn't even call to see what it all is - they got the 7bucks for that one and I know they'll send some worthwhile stuff(I HOPE)!!

i just signed up for the free NRA thing and it was significantly underwealming "THANKS now sign up for a full year for $25? "

so what do i get for being an "associate member" ?? spam? they don't even send you a "decal" until you pay them $25. i'm trying to figure out what it was that i signed up for aside from constant emailings and spam sent to my house.
