Free NRA membership

It May be a Coincidence but...

I signed up for this last week. Today I received an envelope with the obligatory NRA sticker and no card. Rather, a membership activation/join now with your dues enclosed form.

It may be a coincidence, but I will be interested in seeing what others that signed up for this receive.
Wow I wish I knew about this 2 days ago when I paid 35 bucks for a one-year membership. Damn!
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I'm not knocking the free bit, but I would rather pay because the dues are what makes it possible for the NRA to lobby in Washington and file lawsuits against idiots like the Mayor of New York.

I do wish that, after paying my dues, the NRA would stop constantly sending me letters saying that my memebership is expiring, etc.

I get so much crap, I don't remember form year to year when it really does expire, and I igonre all the letters because they don't stop. I would be more responsive if I got one or two letters a year, beause then I would know that it is time to renew, and I would send in my money. It's like, "Stop bothering me, and put more effort into bother polititians".
I signed up myself, my wife and my daughter last week and have not receive any kind of confirmation. has any one heard back from them at all?
You guys are way to impatient. And to some of the other people, $35 gets you a year, not a month.

Within a couple weeks, you will get an envelope filled with stuff, including stickers and an ID card. You will also begin receiving 12 issues of whatever magazine you chose. You will also begin receiving lots of NRA mailings over the next year.
Folks, don't expect much from this. It is a free trial membership. No magazine, no insurance, no cheap knife. Mailings asking you to pay for a full membership will surely follow.

At least their numbers are being increased.
Parrothead, The offer I replied to insinuated a full membership and I picked the magazine of my choice as well.... We will see when my PACKET arrives...
Parrothead, The offer I replied to insinuated a full membership and I picked the magazine of my choice as well.... We will see when my PACKET arrives...

HogDogs....Perhaps they bit off more than they can chew on this one. Or someone goofed up in originally publishing the webpage. Of course, the original full membership could have been for alimited time or number of people. In any event, the page now reads trial membership with no mention of a magazine, or insurance.

We shall wait and see what to make of this. :)
got my conformation email today ;)

got my conformation email today and member ID # ;) looks like they were behind a little bit.
Within a couple weeks, you will get an envelope filled with stuff, including stickers and an ID card. You will also begin receiving 12 issues of whatever magazine you chose. You will also begin receiving lots of NRA mailings over the next year.

and within the next few months you will start receiving incessant fear mongering phone calls asking for money.

This is a "sign up for our donation calls for free" promotion.
It's obvious that someone made an error, they received more free membership requests than they anticipated, or the full year free membership was for a limited time.

The magazine has not been a part of the free trial offer for several days now. An option to sign up for a full membership at a discounted rate is available now.

When I signed up two weeks ago, I was not given a magazine option.

I have since received a request for payment to activate my membership and my choice of a magazine. I shredded it. I have not received any correspondence from the NRA for months, until I signed up for this.

Should be a sticky! With Pelosi today coming out and going back on her word about a new AWB, we need to be ready for a fight! Join the NRA, GOA, and write, call, email, etc...