Well said, except I'd have to argue about what they were fighting for. They fought for their lives. I doubt any noble concerns like liberty or the 2A entered their minds or were part of what got them to that point. Those are meanings some of us have found in it all after the fact...
Today 03:51 AM
Life and Liberty are one in the same for me.
Any one who has to endure despotism and oppression are heros in my book. That includes too many groups to lit here but, I will list a few:
The Christians that were being fed to the lions in Rome.
The Apostles of Christ
The Jews in Poland, Germany in 1938-1944
The gypsies in Hungary
The Catholics in No. Ireland
The Native Americans ie Indians
The Black slaves in this country
The Blacks in South Africa
The people of india when under British rule
etc etc etc. I guess what I am trying to show. Is that almost ALL people on this earth have had to endure some sort of oppression or attack by other groups. Please try to ensure that you are on the side of rightousness and not on the side of the oppressor. It can be a grey line at times for some. It is never too late to change sides.....because in the end you are not changing sides. The side you were on changed from being rightous to indignant. And I will not support a despotism, oligarchy, or any other form of oppression.
Let hate not fill our heart, but the joy of knowing that we are fighting for rightousness and justice. Justice is only dead if good men and women let it die.
I could go on and on. But for the sake of brevity sufice it to say that the Branch Davidians were looked upon by our govt' as second class citizens and tryied to treat them with improper due process. As far as I am concerned the Branch Davidians were not only defending their lives. They were defending the 2nd and 4th amd.s of the constitution.
The govt will learn not to push it's people too hard. An armed populace is CRITICAL to the survival of Liberty!
Okay seriously now......I will step down from my soap box.
p.s. mini me....lol!