Bob Barr Enters Presidential Race as Libertarian

Will you consider voting for Bob Barr for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 45.4%
  • No

    Votes: 77 54.6%

  • Total voters
I just don't see how anybody could advocate legalizing drugs unless they were users. Seems to be that way in the cases that get media attention anyway.

Support for legalization isn't exclusive to drug users.

And Bob Barr is right if legalization is his actual position.

There are many people who look at the problem of illegal drugs and then conclude that the steps taken to combat the problem are more damaging to society than the drug use itself.

The War on Drugs has brought us: prisons filled with non-violent offenders to the exclusion of more serious criminals who serve shorter terms as a result, massive Federal law enforcement bureaucracies with no respect for the Constitution, drug addicts who rob and murder to obtain money for expensive drugs, and etc.

And all for what benefit? To keep some drug users from harming themselves.

Drug abuse should be treated as a medical condition, not a law enforcement issue.
I guess I reluctantly understand that there are people who can be convinced to vote for somebody with no chance of even being on the radar screen, much less winning. But, I'm curious about Bob Barr's angle this late in the game. Is it just ego? Does he really think he will make a difference on anything? Does he want to damage John McCain? Is there money in it for him?
Zero Junk,

When asked why he has decided to run, Congressman Barr answered-

One, because I want to restore the Constitution to our federal government. It seems to have been completely forgotten and disregarded by Congress and by this administration. I believe in the Constitution. I believe in separation of powers. I believe in the rule of law. I believe in limited government. And these are principles and policies that apparently neither the national Republican nor the national Democrat Party believes in.

The Libertarian Party alone among America’s political parties truly stands for smaller government and maximized individual liberty. I believe if we don’t take a stand now and try to reverse course, we may never have the opportunity again.
-Bob Barr, Interview in Pittsburgh Tribune Review

Note that I am not a Barr supporter. Just answering the question.
Enough with the adhoms, please?

McCain's treatment of the conservative voting block is similar to that shown by McCain supporters in this, and other political threads.

Yeah man, an incessant string of adhoms is the most effective technique to convert non-McCain supporters over to your candidate!

What most would identify as hatred and bitterness {irrelevant kook; zippy the pinhead; ad infinitum}, actually passes for discussion/debate in some circles...and your inability to recognize it as such, brands YOU as a racist! :eek:

Well then you are mistaken.

Maybe so, it won't be the first time and I hope it's not the last.:D I personally don't want a bunch of dopeheads ridin around F'ed up and endangering me and mine. The freakin alkies are bad enough. Pot killed my best friend and his sister when he was 16 years old. He apparently forgot to turn the steering wheel in a curve and they ended up in a bar pit upside down with his sister beheaded.
I guess I reluctantly understand that there are people who can be convinced to vote for somebody with no chance of even being on the radar screen, much less winning.

As I must try to understand why someone who considers themself pro-2nd amendment would vote for a liberal candidate (McCain) who is, on the issues, inferior to another (Barr) because they feel the best candidate will not win. :confused:
The so called best candidate won't/can't win. The only thing we can do is try to keep Obama out. He can do more long term damage than McCain ever thought about doing. In four years maybe the Repubs will get their chit together and we can get a real president. If Obama gets in it will take several repub presidents to undo all the damage..........If indeed all of it can be undone. A lot depends on who McCain pics for vice. The vp may take office before four years is up.
Pot killed my best friend and his sister when he was 16 years old
So, pot forced your friend to smoke it and forced him to drive under the influence, eh? No, your friend made choices. Choices have consequences. Even if pot were legal, I doubt that it would be legal for 16 year olds to use it. And it definitely would not be legal to drive under the influence.

But government must protect us from ourselves. No wonder you can support McCain.
So, pot forced your friend to smoke it and forced him to drive under the influence, eh? No, your friend made choices. Choices have consequences. Even if pot were legal, I doubt that it would be legal for 16 year olds to use it. And it definitely would not be legal to drive under the influence.

You're missing the point. You're right, he chose to drive and his sis chose to ride with him. The thing is he did choose to do it and so will a lot of other people that are of age if it's legalized. There's enough drunks and druggies killing people on the hiways now without making it even easier to get.

But government must protect us from ourselves. No wonder you can support McCain

Some people need protection from themselves. Other people need protection from them. The country would be in a sorry state without laws forbidding certain practices. Yeah, I know it's in a pretty sorry state now but that's no reason to make it worse.

I support McCain because he's running against Obama, no other reason.
miboso & FireMax,

I have to ask given your comments to WA and you dispute the racist claims against RP and Obama? All I have heard WA say is that he will not support someone who has been associated with the people RP has been and you call him a racist for that and full of hate? Do you or do you not think RP's connection with Stormfront and Mr Black is a bad thing? Same goes for Rev Wright.
No, thats not correct at all.

Some may, but they are mistaken.

Most, like myself would not consider him a racist per se, but by aligning himself with those types it gives the 'appearance' of it, and that alone is enough for me.
Reading this thread I'm really starting to worry that Bob Barr will split the infinitesimal 1/10 of 1 percent that Ron Paul was going to get!!! :eek:
Some people need protection from themselves. Other people need protection from them. The country would be in a sorry state without laws forbidding certain practices.
Spoken like a true liberal.
No offense, but it is. You see, the whole point of the Federal government isn't to micromanage our lives or redistribute our wealth, but to protect our freedom.
Most Americans have forgotten that and I suspect you have as well.
You remember the 10th Amendment? Something about the Federal government not being allowed to do jobs not specifically assigned it in the Constitution? You suppose maybe there's a reason they put that in there?

Well there is. Government is about authority. If you let them, they will take complete control of your life, money, and means to resist.

My friend, the real threat isn't some sixteen year old highed up on ditch-weed behind the wheel of a Hyundai Elantra. The real threat is your own government. At some point you have to draw a line and tell them what Reagan said (paraphrasing): If I'm not qualified to run my own life, what makes *you* qualified to run it for me?
Or just the ones you don't agree with?

No referring to go slash, but we find that most of the folks only want the loss tossed that gore their ox.

Like the most recent convert to libertatianism Bob Barr

Wildmorningfolksihaveataurus1911forsaleAlaska ™