Bob Barr Enters Presidential Race as Libertarian

Will you consider voting for Bob Barr for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 45.4%
  • No

    Votes: 77 54.6%

  • Total voters
Hawk Haggen
The point I was trying to make is nobody advocates legalizing drugs unless they're a user.

I don't think that is true HH. I know people who don't use drugs who believe legalization is the right thing to do. I am one of them... well, at least, I am one who is willing to listen to a serious debate about the issue. I honestly haven't made up my mind completely. However, if you listen to the pro-legalization crowd, they have a good argument.
Who is Bob Barr? hpg

He is a former US Congressman from the state of Georgia. When he was in Congress, he was a republican. He switched to the Libertarian Party about 3 years ago. Barr is pro-2nd amendment, for smaller government, lower taxes (He despises the IRS).

Read/Watch more about him at these links...

Official Web Site

Bob Barr: Dismantle the Nanny State & Return Power To The People

Bob Barr on Hannity & Colmes (April 2008)

Bob Barr on Fox News (May 12, 2008)

Barr On Why He Is No Longer A Republican
The point I was trying to make is nobody advocates legalizing drugs unless they're a user. Do you really want a junkie for president?
Whaa? :confused:

I advocate legalizing drugs and I'm most assuredly not a user. Nor am I a 'wanna-be user who's scared to get caught'. Talk about sweeping generalizations!

I would think that someone on a forum dedicated to an amendment in the BoR would be able to grasp the concept that there are some things the government should not do.

/ guess not
Who is Bob Barr?

Another womb controlling, bedroom peeping, extreme right wing discreet rascist whose allies include the John Birch Society and the CCC. As unqualified as Barack Obabma to be president.

O but he is pro gun. What a black eye to gun owners.

WildthisiswhythelibertarainmessagegetsdestroyednumbnutslikehimAlaska TM

A vote for him would be like voting for a Democrat and I don't want no baby-killing, anti-gun, touchy-feely, run away from a fight President in the White House.
If it weren't for me checking the updated posts page here at TFL each day, I would have forgotten about Barr already. The rest of America already has.
Hate? Actually it's more like fear and sorrow that in 2008, folks would support someone like him.

And his equal on the other side, Barack

Hate has nothing to do with it.

WildyouneedtopaybetterattentionAlaska TM
Another womb controlling, bedroom peeping, extreme right wing discreet rascist

WildAlaska, it seems anyone who doesn't agree with you is a racist. Of course, it is well known that the person who screeches the word "Racist" is usually the one who is the racist. Usually, those who scream the word "racist" see in others the qualities which they themselves possess.

Hate has nothing to do with it.

Doesn't it?
Hate has nothing to do with it. I just don't see how anybody could advocate legalizing drugs unless they were users. Seems to be that way in the cases that get media attention anyway.
Drugs are used by allot of people, making it a crime fills prisons and courts with people who don't need to be their.

Same goes for how people who shoplift stuff shouldn't be treated like they just went on a killing spree.

I am all for locking up psychopaths but minor crimes should not be handled like they are now.
WildAlaska, it seems anyone who doesn't agree with you is a racist.

No it seems that anyone who is a racist is a racist..... Do you dispute Farrakhan is a racist? or Wright? Or Larry Darby?

How about the Nation of Islam? Racist? How about the CCC? Racist?

WildopenyoureyesAlaska TM
They're frustrated and bitter.

LOL, I have a candidate I can vote for with a clear conscience, despite the fact I don't agree with him on every issue. I have a candidate that I believe has a better than average chance of beating a man who I view as a threat to freedom. The guy I can support hasn't been exposed as an irrelevant kook...nor repudiated by the majority of republicans.

My candidate isn't running a shoestring campaign with all the chances of getting elected as Zippy the Pinhead has

I'm having a great election about you :)

WildseemslikeyouarethebitteroneAlaska TM