Bob Barr Enters Presidential Race as Libertarian

Will you consider voting for Bob Barr for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 45.4%
  • No

    Votes: 77 54.6%

  • Total voters
I agree Hawg, it's not good to have a candidate that would enforce the Constitution. What were his good points again?
I agree Hawg, it's not good to have a candidate that would enforce the Constitution. What were his good points again?

I'm sure you can already quote them just fine. Enforcing the constitution is all well and good but some of the things he claims to do can't be done. No president has the power to do things he claims he will do. Like abolishing the IRS and income tax. Yeah, those would be nice but c'mon get real. You can rant and rave all day about it being unconstitutional but it ain't gonna change a damn thing.
The concept just makes no sense to most, otherwise Ron Paul would have more than 20 delegates.

You are going to have two choices, McCain or Obama. You can make a protest vote if it comforts you and it will be just as irrelevant to everybody but you as every other protest vote that was ever made.
Please don't pick my comments apart:
that for us it's not about winning (President McCain would not be a win), it's about supporting our principles (read: Constitution)
is the entire concept, not just supporting the Constitution.
PT111, I don't know what you have been reading about Paul, but if you were going to tie him to a single issue, it would have to be the Constitution as a whole. Look at some of the old threads, some have accused Paul of being anti-gun. They are wrong, but it's out there.
Most who don't like Paul point to a single issue, or possibly 2 that they don't like, and they let that single issue turn them away from him, or so they say.

You have definitely not been reading the right stuff.


I went to his web site and read almost all of his platform on just about everything that he covered. The more I read the more I was convinced that he was not a cantidate I could support. Is his web site a reliable source for information on his platform? That is the only place I have been to for any opinion of him other than on gun boards praising his policy on guns. If his website is not a reliable source for information about him can you point me to one? There were a lot of things he is proposing that I don't read in the constitution.
There were a lot of things he is proposing that I don't read in the constitution.

Are you sure you were not on McCain's web site? Because Ron Paul is a "strict" constitutionalist. No one can deny that without a request to back it up with facts. So..... link please.
PT111, just a bit from the site. While I may not agree with all of his conclusions (after all, he's not my Messiah:)) the fact that he references the Constitution for his decisions, unlike the big 3, is enough for me. If we had more candidates pushing the Constitution, then we could quibble over this item or that item that we like about our chosen candidate. Unfortunately, we only have one candidate actively pursuing the Constitution.
National Defense
A defense policy designed to keep Americans safe should start with the idea that we must secure our borders from those who would cross them to do us harm.

The United States invaded Iraq under false pretenses without a constitutionally-required declaration of war.

As president, I will work to restore a free-market in energy. In particular, I will work with Congress to repeal federal regulations and taxes that impede the development of new energy sources.

Debt and Taxes
Working Americans like lower taxes. So do I. Lower taxes benefit all of us, creating jobs and allowing us to make more decisions for ourselves about our lives.

American Independence and Sovereignty
So called free trade deals and world governmental organizations like the International Criminal Court (ICC), NAFTA, GATT, WTO, and CAFTA are a threat to our independence as a nation.

The Second Amendment
I share our Founders’ belief that in a free society each citizen must have the right to keep and bear arms.
What effect is anything else going to have?
Okay, one more time, with feeling: A Rep win could convince them that their current path is the correct one. A Rep loss could convince them that they need to pay more attention to those of us who are upset with them enough to allow them to lose. And, it's not just McCain, they have been heading downhill for years.

Some of us that used to continue to vote for them as the best of a bad situtaion, have realized the error of our ways.

I think we (if I may speak for the others) are looking long term, willing to accumulate some battle scars in some lost battles, working to win the war.
mibosos said:
Okay, one more time, with feeling: A Rep win could convince them that their current path is the correct one. A Rep loss could convince them that they need to pay more attention to those of us who are upset with them enough to allow them to lose. And, it's not just McCain, they have been heading downhill for years....
Okay, one more time, with feeling: There is no good reason to believe that this will happen. An Obama win could just as easily reinforce and help coalesce liberal support and add yet greater momentum to this country's march toward socialism, dilution of American sovereignty, and the further erosion of individual liberty.
I will fight. I have always fought. I am fighting now. It's just that you and I have very different ideas about how to successfully fight in the political arena. I also think that I have some idea how to be successful -- having retired after successful career, including helping turn an insolent local company into a successful, public traded Fortune 200 company -- spending almost the last 15 years as a vice president of that company. And part of what I did was help with legislative advocacy for the company.
how to successfully fight in the political arena
I'm not seeing a whole lot of success here. And from my point of view, encouraging liberalism among the Republicans is not the path to success. Good luck on your path.