Bob Barr Enters Presidential Race as Libertarian

Will you consider voting for Bob Barr for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 45.4%
  • No

    Votes: 77 54.6%

  • Total voters
we need to find our own Obama. Someone who is relatively young, palatable, inspiring, and shares our conservative ideas.
Who's "we" and how do we go about doing that? Because I'm thinking that whoever fits that description and fits the classic conservative profile came on board because of the Paul campaign and you're telling me that such a person wouldn't be "pandered to" (your words) if McCain won.

I think its certianly a possibility that Paul has hurt the conservative movement.
Obviously I don't. I think the neo-conservatives hurt the conservative movement. I think corruption hurt the conservative movement. I think hubris hurt the conservative movement.
I think Paul helped the conservative movement. If he hadn't run and nobody knew who he was, nobody would have championed conservatism this cycle. None of these people would have been motivated to do something about it. We wouldn't have that core that you're proposing to sift for your "obama".

The choir may love him, but they aren't the votes we are trying to go after.
Evidently. And if the Republican party isn't interested in the 'conservative' vote, then they don't deserve it.

Hawk Haggan,
This "pot stirrer" has been spouting the same drivel on this forum since '04. How long have you been here? Nevermind. Rhetorical question.
Ron Paul is for guns but there is more to life than guns for most people. After actually finding out who Ron Paul is and what he supprts he dropped a long way down on my list of prefered cantidates. He may be the best choice as a gun cantidate but that is it.
WildmudslingerAlaska said:
LOL...a guy that hangs around neo nazis and writes racist pamphlets (o wait it wasn't him...)

How about pointing out the racist statements which are indisputably Ron Paul's? Or maybe some evidence of using government to promote racism in his decades in Congress?

Got some evidence, newbie? ;)
I am not an American citizen. I cant vote in your elections, but one thing I know for sure. That this fella will really hurt Republicans if he decides to run since this is a tight race as is. If he thinks he is more conservative, he should have run in the republican primaries.

On the other hand did anyone realize yet that how close are Obama and Osama. It just the difference of B/S!
I am not an American citizen. I cant vote in your elections, but one thing I know for sure. That this fella will really hurt Republicans if he decides to run since this is a tight race as is.

Firepower!, the republicans have done more damage to themselves than Bob Barr could ever do. The republicans have alienated the most important demographic to them for the past 50 years.... conservatives. It will cost them in this election.
"Firepower!, the republicans have done more damage to themselves than Bob Barr could ever do. The republicans have alienated the most important demographic to them for the past 50 years.... conservatives. It will cost them in this election."

Hawg Haggen
There's several of you pot stirrers that joined right around the same time.

LOL.. I'm not kidding-- I literally laughed out loud... a good rumbling growl when I read your post Hawg Haggen. I then turned to the guy next to me and had him come over to read your post. He got a kick out of it too. :)

Ah, well. All I can say is I thought you were against conspiracy theories. Are you now saying that you believe in one? Tin foil hat time.

Hawg Haggen
All of you spouting the same ol drivel..
You mean drivel like this....

"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads.”
~Ron Paul

"Mr. Speaker, I once again find myself compelled to vote against the annual budget resolution for a very simple reason: it makes government bigger. […] We need to understand that the more government spends, the more freedom is lost. Instead of simply debating spending levels, we ought to be debating whether the departments, agencies, and programs funded by the budget should exist at all. My Republican colleagues especially ought to know this. Unfortunately, however, the GOP has decided to abandon principle and pander to the entitlements crowd. But this approach will backfire, because Democrats will always offer to spend even more than Republicans. "
-- Ron Paul -March 25, 2004

"The original American patriots were those individuals brave enough to resist with force the oppressive power of King George. I accept the definition of patriotism as that effort to resist oppressive state power. The true patriot is motivated by a sense of responsibility and out of self-interest for himself, his family, and the future of his country to resist government abuse of power. He rejects the notion that patriotism means obedience to the state."
-- Ron Paul
FireMax, unfortunately, for too many, that is drivel. There are far too many who want big government for their own purpose. As in, your big government programs are bad, but my big government programs are good.
Stage 2
No, they don't. They need the tens of millions of votes from "moderates" that make the difference in every election.

Stage 2... who are these moderates? What do they stand for? How does a candidate go after their votes?
miboso, I feel it is an education thing. Back in the day, people understood their government and how it works and they were able to better identify bad policy.

Today, it seems people are zombies, readily digesting what the politicians tell them as if they are some God like entity. Just look at Obama supporters. They yell and scream for him, but ask them what Obama stands for, and all they can give for an answer is something about "change".

Of course, this behavior exists in the republican party today. You tell a McCain supporter that McCain has supported and passed liberal legislation over and over again, and they will tell you that he has "seen the light" and has promised not to do such things again. A promise from a politician is good enough for some people.

Not an education thing but rather a one issue thing that people are now focused on only one item. There are thousands of people that are supporting Ron Paul because the perceive him and the gun President and have no idea about his other ideas or iof they do are convinced that his ideas are good because they like his gun ideas. Millions are supporting Obama simply because they perceive him as black and that overrides any negatives. Almost every cantidate is pigeon holed by everyone as having only one characteristic. McCain is Republican and no matter what many will not vote for him because of that even though many Republicans do not consider him one but can't really tell you why.

For most of my life the economy was the common main issue in elections but you hear about it now and people will say that on surveys but it isn't in this Presidential election. There are many diverse issues but the majority of people only care about one.
PT111, I don't know what you have been reading about Paul, but if you were going to tie him to a single issue, it would have to be the Constitution as a whole. Look at some of the old threads, some have accused Paul of being anti-gun. They are wrong, but it's out there.
Most who don't like Paul point to a single issue, or possibly 2 that they don't like, and they let that single issue turn them away from him, or so they say.

You have definitely not been reading the right stuff.
Ron Paul, Bob Barr, I think it would be fun to throw Pat Paulsen in the discussion since he was about as serious a candidate as these two anywhere other than a gun forum.
ZeroJunk... don't be so quick to throw stones. You support liberal John McCain who believes in and supports taxation in the name of defeating global warming.

At least Ron Paul is not a liberal and Ron Paul is not stupid enough to come out and support a fraudulent theory about global warming.

Nor am I stupid enough to believe that John McCain is anything more than a bleeding heart liberal. He probably has a donkey tattooed on his butt.
ZeroJunk, you may not take Paul's candidacy seriously, but I take his issue of supporting the Constitution very seriously. Would that all of us made it the top priority.

What's that old line about the politician being told he had all thinking people on his side: His response was "but I want a majority".
Note: I'm not saying you don't think, just that the majority of all people (not just this forum) don't make the Constitution the top priority in politics.:eek:
How do people make the leap from Bob Barr or Ron Paul can't win to you must love John McCain?

The discussion has rarely been about McCain's perfection or lack of, but the usefullness of unwavering support for Ron Paul or now Bob Barr's egomania when it is obvious to even the dumbest that they can't win now or ever.
Ah, well. All I can say is I thought you were against conspiracy theories. Are you now saying that you believe in one?

No I was just giving what I think WA's reasoning was for his post.

You mean drivel like this....

No, RP makes some good points here and there but overall he's not good candidate material. I was referring to the fact that some people think he's the next Messiah the way they run on and on and on and on about him. Now they're doing it about Barr who's no better.:rolleyes: