Bob Barr Enters Presidential Race as Libertarian

Will you consider voting for Bob Barr for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 45.4%
  • No

    Votes: 77 54.6%

  • Total voters
To you, perhaps. And I think that you are wrong. For me, it's as the doctors say, "First, do no harm." And, as I and others have written, with McCain, conservatives can at least get in the door.

Sure, you want change. But what makes you think that what you're doing is really going to get you the change you want (as opposed to some change that you probably aren't going to like)?

We saved a failing business, and grew it into a major force in its industry, by making changes. However, we controlled the changes we made; and we critically examined and tested our strategies for making those changes.

Stirring the pot and hoping for the best is not the way to get what you're after.
we are headed for trouble

With Obama, Hillary, or McCain, we will all be in trouble, therefore, I would hope that all conservatives take the risk and jump ship to vote for Barr! It would be a big risk. It looks like Obabma has his nomination all wrapped up. If many moderate-to-libs choose McCain over Obama, some see that as a split dem party, which would be benificial to Barr if enough conservatives vote for him. Basically for Barr to win, a large majority of the conservatives would have to vote for him. Than McCain would only have the votes of those dems that went against Obama. It would than be Barr and Obama in a close race. The above assertion is maybe too optimistic for Barr. If Barr doesn't get a very large portion of the conservative vote, he will only be pulling votes away from McCain and putting Obama in the White House. If McCain were to win, on many issues it would bring a sigh of relief from me, such as the fact that he is for a good national defense and for fighting muslim extremists-ie. those who only call themselves Muslims but act against the Muslim faith and the rest of humanity. However, the soverignty of the US is a very big issue right now, the most important to me and many more US citiznes! If McCain is strong on self defense, yet wants open borders and a constitution-over-ruling partnership with Canada and Mexico, well what's the point to a strong national defence! So for me its Barr or nothing! True I still haven't decided between Barr and McCain, but only because Obama needs to be avoided. The way I see it, we have a slightly bttr cance of changing McCain's mind on borders, language, and culture, than we do Obama. I doubt even that since McCain's name was on the last amnesty bill! So I guess without Barr, we are screwed even though it may be futile for Barr.
Oh yeh, agJOBS stealth amnesty bill is going to the senate this Wednesday May 21!! call as many senators as you can!!! Unless I am speaking here to a bunch of moderates. If this gets me kicked off this forum so be it.
Support energy independance! Support nuclear power! End handouts and easy jobs for illegals! Control the borders! Support a revival of the constitution and remember that the only constitution for the you is the US constitution! It's only for a constitution like ours that so many have, and so many will be willing to lay down their lives. We owe to our brave fallen, we can't allow any other constitution to supersede the one we got. We need to restore the constituion in the hearts, minds, and actions of our present bunch of politicians, and we need to make sure only one flag flies above our nation!
I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore:mad:
jackthoreau said:
...Basically for Barr to win, a large majority of the conservatives would have to vote for him....
No. For Barr to win, a large majority of conservatives AND the great middle, together, would have to vote for him. That's why it can't happen. That's why a thrid party candidate has never in recent history won. That's why TR in 1912, Perot in 1992 and Nader in 2000 could only spoil, not win. No one can win without a big hunk of the great middle.
The United States invaded Iraq under false pretenses without a constitutionally-required declaration of war.

Baloney. More false assertions. The constitution gives congress the power to declare war. It says NOTHING about how this power is to be exercized. Congress authorized the use of force in Iraq. The constitution is completely satisfied.
And legalize drugs? Yeah, that'd be a good idea
I am so glad that you agree. The reasons that it would be a good idea have been discussed on other threads.
Use the search function, open your mind and leave your emotions behind.:D
Hawg Haggen
And legalize drugs? Yeah, that'd be a good idea

Yeah, because we know that the hundreds of billions of tax dollars the US has spent on the so called "war on drugs" have made it impossible to get illegal drugs in America. :rolleyes:
Okay, so it's been a while since we've had a post directly related to Barr or the Libertarian nomination.
Have any of you heard of Dr. Mary Ruwart?

She sounds well qualified. If she had some name recognition, she would do well. As it is, I support Barr for the LP nomination. If the LP would like to break 1% nationally, nominating Barr will be a good start.
If the LP would like to break 1% nationally, nominating Barr will be a good start.

Sorry, couldn't resist, I fixed it for you.

If the LP would like to break 1% nationally, entering the primaries, putting forth actual Libertarian candidates (Barr is not even close to one IMHO, BEFORE 6 months until election time would be a good place to start.
I am not a Libertarian, so I have a question for you L's out there.

Do you think its possible for a L to win anytime soon? Besides a conservative base, what is the L party doing to garner more middle of the road voters? Because statistically speaking, its IMPOSSIBLE to do anything productive at the national level without them.

Now, on a smaller local scale, I can see some of their progress, but I am just wondering whats in their playbook for national elections? Any help?
Obama has been running for almost 4 years. McCain for 20 years. The LP will never win a Presidential election until they decide to put a cantidate out there from the start and not try using cantidates that have already been defeated in the Republican primaries. If Ron Paul can't even win Republican primaries what in the world makes people think that he will do any better in the general election. Seems like we go through this every four years so it looks like someone would learn by now.
putting forth actual Libertarian candidates...

Isn't the LP a party of inclusion?

Besides. Barr will lock it up this weekend regardless of what the liberals in the LP think. No need to waste breath on that issue.
Yeah, because we know that the hundreds of billions of tax dollars the US has spent on the so called "war on drugs" have made it impossible to get illegal drugs in America.

The point I was trying to make is nobody advocates legalizing drugs unless they're a user. Do you really want a junkie for president?
Okay, so it's been a while since we've had a post directly related to Barr or the Libertarian nomination. Have any of you heard of Dr. Mary Ruwart?

I heard and talked with Dr. Ruwart at the Midwest Libertarian Conference, last month. You're right. She's brilliant, but she doesn't have the name recognition that Bob Barr has, or the charisma. Hopefully, if the nod goes to Barr, they'll put Dr. Ruwart on the ticket for Vice President. That would be a great ticket.
