Bob Barr Enters Presidential Race as Libertarian

Will you consider voting for Bob Barr for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 45.4%
  • No

    Votes: 77 54.6%

  • Total voters
So, zerojunk, you are saying that we should just give up, accept living in a "government cradle to the grave coddling".

No. What I am saying is that it doesn't matter whether you accept it or not.

McCain may only lose by 5 points which is probably as close as any Republican could come this cycle. It's entirely possible that the Democrats could get a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.

It's the result of having a stammering idiot in the white house, bridge to know where Senators stacking up another trillion dollars in debt. And now they're like, duh we're being voted out. One hundred of the morons just voted a farm subsidy to some of the wealthiest people in the country.

Exactly how are the democrats going to do worse. I've never voted for a democrat but my party has forsaken me.

But, at least I can accept the reality of it. I'm not going to latch on to this Ron Paul, Bob Barr lunacy. If you put all the George Wallace, Ron Paul, Ross Perot, Ralph Nader voters in a box and shake them out you won't find one ounce of practicality in the bunch.

Latch on to some young Republican if that is your bent and work for them in 2012 or 2016. The waters over the dam on this one.
I think you are missing something here. It's not about just this one election. It's the whole trend of the Republican party over the last few years, thinking that to win elections that they had to be liberal-lite. They have abandoned the good part of their platform, you know, that limited government thing. Although, to tell the truth, I'm not too sure that they were really all that much into that, but at least they paid lip-service to it. Now, they don't even pretend.

Trouble is that there just aren't enough people that are willing to live in total liberty. To live in liberty, I have to be willing to accept you doing as you like with your life (without giving direct harm to others), and, I also have to be willing to allow you to suffer from the choices you make. If I (or government) try to control either, there is no liberty. Just an ever-expanding, intrusive government.

So maybe now you can understand why I keep struggling, and why I cannot accept McCain.
Like him or not, Bob Barr will be a major player in this years election.

Not major, possibly a minor player as a spoiler for McCain to help insure Obama's election but nothing more.

You can stand on your principles and complain and whatever you want to but in 2008 either McCain or Obama will be elected. Bob Barr may have had a chance to be a major player or even win if he had started long a go, If Fred Thompson had entered the race in a timely manner and shown enthuasim for actuall wanting to win he would have been a likely winner. Obama has been running for the seat since the 2004 Democratic convention when he first came on the national scene. McCain has been running for 20 years. Bob Barr will get votes from those that refuse to vote for either Obama or McCain and in an extremely close race that may be enough to cause problems in some states just as Nader supposedly cost Gore FL.

It's your choice to vote for the lesser of the two evils or help your enemies.
It's your choice to vote for the lesser of the two evils or help your enemies.
Voting for either of the two evils would indeed be helping my enemies.

I do not need a perfect candidate. I would be willing to settle (temporarily, anyway) for someone who would not further push us away from liberty. None of the current big 3 qualify.

What you do not seem to grasp (although it has been explained many times, by me and others) is that I don't see any great difference in any of the big three, and some possible advantages to having the Dems for the next term, in spite of the possibly greater damage they might do in the short term.
It's your choice to vote for the lesser of the two evils or help your enemies.

It seems the worst enemy these days is ignorance of the voting public.

Like him or not, Bob Barr will be a major player in this years election.
Maybe as a spoiler to help put Obama in, nothing more.

So much more.... turn off your television once in awhile.
Hawg Haggen
He's not except in the minds of people that can't see past the nose on their face.

Yep, sounds like hubris to me. The audacity of a person who is willing to vote for a liberal republican... telling Ron Paul supporters that they are the ones who can't see past the nose on their face.

Sounds like a Ron Paul quote is in order...

From the book "The Revolution - A Manifesto"
By Dr. Ron Paul

A substantial portion of the conservative movement has become a parody of its former self. Once home to distinguished intellectuals and men of letters, it now tolerates and even encourages anti-intellectualism and jingoism that would have embarrassed earlier generations of conservative thinkers.
LOL...a guy that hangs around neo nazis and writes racist pamphlets (o wait it wasn't him...:rolleyes:) as well as contributing to 9-11 truth sites and being generally regarded as a kook lecturing folks about being "anti intellectual"....

You know Firemax, before you and your crew deigned to join us a few short months ago, we beat this entire Ron paul thing to death ad arent gonna change any minds (I know, I know, we are all too stupid, hate the constitution, are neo cons, liberals, etc...)

Its a conspiracy I tell you.:D

WildomygodtheskyisfallingAlaska TM
I am always amused by people who have accomplished little in life who are willing and eager to attack the character of men who have achieved a thousand times more than themselves.

WildAlaska, you embarrass yourself by repeating such bold faced lies. Educate yourself about a man before you decide to attack his character. It is not hard to spot a racist... he is usually the man screaming the word "racist" the loudest.

You know Firemax, before you and your crew deigned to join us a few short months ago..

Me and my crew? That's funny. And you call me a conspiracy theorist??? What a joke. :)
WildAlaska, you embarrass yourself by repeating such bold faced lies. Educate yourself about a man before you decide to attack his character. It is not hard to spot a racist... he is usually the man screaming the word "racist" the loudest.

p.s. I thought you weren't supposed to use racist slang on this board?
I agree that you can't win an election on ideals alone, but the flip-side is that you can't win on charisma alone either and even if you could there's no point in winning without them.
You need both.

Not true at all. Winning on charisma alone is entirely possible. Thats all Obama's campaign has been. The same with Hillary's husband. Like it or not charisma alone takes you further than ideas alone.

So now how do you propose to get the party back on track if McCain does win? You just said yourself that it'd give the Republican party more motivation to abandon conservatism.

Well handing the election to people who want to destroy the nation isn't a place to start. As far as making conservatism viable again, we need to find our own Obama. Someone who is relatively young, palatable, inspiring, and shares our conservative ideas.

That "codgy old relic" happens to be the only Jefferson/ Goldwater conservative running for president. You name someone who's "savvy and appealable" who's running and fits the mold and we'll back them.

There isn't. At least not this time around. However I still don't think thats justification for rolling Paul out on the dais. You see, the people that support Paul aren't the ones that need to be convinced. The folks that you need to get are the ones that think the cranky old guy who "loves" the constitution is the one who thinks we brought 9/11 on ourselves.

I think its certianly a possibility that Paul has hurt the conservative movement. The choir may love him, but they aren't the votes we are trying to go after.
I am always amused by people who have accomplished little in life who are willing and eager to attack the character of men who have achieved a thousand times more than themselves.

How on earth do you know what WA has accomplished in life?
Stage 2
I think its certianly a possibility that Paul has hurt the conservative movement. The choir may love him, but they aren't the votes we are trying to go after.

Brilliant. The Republican party prospects are so great this year, they don't need a million or more votes from true conservatives who support Dr. Paul. :rolleyes:
Brilliant. The Republican party prospects are so great this year, they don't need a million or more votes from true conservatives who support Dr. Paul.

No, they don't. They need the tens of millions of votes from "moderates" that make the difference in every election.