Bob Barr Enters Presidential Race as Libertarian

Will you consider voting for Bob Barr for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 45.4%
  • No

    Votes: 77 54.6%

  • Total voters
Do you or do you not think RP's connection with Stormfront and Mr Black
What connection? What alighment?

Obama's connection to Rev Wright is obvious.
Any Paul connection to Stormfront is tenuous (even tin-foily) at best.
Any Paul connection to Stormfront is tenuous (even tin-foily) at best.

Yeah the knowing retention of a contribution and a picture showing them happy together was a plot by Israeli intelligence to destroy (as it used to be quoted on Stormfront) the "last hope of the white race"

Hey, this calls for a Stormfront visit tonight to see if anyhting is up between Bob Barr and our happy little bunch of pinhead haters LOL:D

Thats the difference between Republicans and Democrats...we Republicans reject and fight the lunatic fringe. The Democrats accept it.

WildandthatiswhatthiselectionisaboutAlaska ™
Thats the difference between Republicans and Democrats...we Republicans reject and fight the lunatic fringe. The Democrats accept it.

When did that happen? Both have their nut cakes.
Boring Accountant
Most, like myself would not consider him a racist per se, but by aligning himself with those types it gives the 'appearance' of it, and that alone is enough for me.

Guilty by association then? There are undoubtedly racists in America. As an American, does that mean you are guilty of their character flaws? Remember... guilt by association.
What connection? What alighment?

Don't waste your breath miboso. The haters can't backup their claims with facts... they just want to damage people by making factless claims in order to damage whoever it is they hate on a particular day.
What connection? What alighment?

Do you not know about the writings in the published articles, the pictures of them together, thats the connections, added to that, the donations from loons like Don Black.

The haters can't backup their claims with facts... they just want to damage people by making factless claims in order to damage whoever it is they hate on a particular day.

No need for those comments, let's try to have a debate or a discussion about it.

See here is the difference for me. There are certainly people in this country that are racist, race-biting, biggots without a doubt, some more subtle than others (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton) some not so subtle (Don Black and the likes). You would think that someone who was trying to run for office, whether it be congressional, local, or national, or even Presidential, that they would try and hide or rather disassociate from some of their fringe supporters because 1) its disgusting what some of these people believe (these being the racists) 2) racism is undoubtedly wrong in the minds and perceptions of the American people so to even be mentioned in the same sentence as one should make the candidate cringe and 3) even though these loons are without a doubt going to associate with a candidate for their own reasons and exercise their right to vote (which is fine by me) it should stand to reason that the candidate would not want to be known as the 'candidate for the racists' or any other similar type attack.

As an American, does that mean you are guilty of their character flaws? Remember... guilt by association.

Surely you can't be serious? I am not running for an election where I have to convince the majority of Americans to vote for me to get me elected, Americans who include older black folk who have experienced true racism, hispanic citizens who have undoubtedly experienced some form of racism, etc to all the other nationalities represented in this country. They need to know that the person they will be voting for has no ties to some white supremacy website or anti-anything not white groups. To answer your question, no I am not guilty of their flaws, because I DO NOT associate with them, I don't take contributions, photo ops, and contribute articles to their writings.

Obama's connection with his 'mentor' Rev Wright is so much worse than RP's, but they are in the same boat.
GoSlash said:
Bob Barr, Interview in Pittsburgh Tribune Review

Note that I am not a Barr supporter. Just answering the question.

Clinton and Obama say they support the 2nd amendment. Do you believe everything you read?
As I must try to understand why someone who considers themself pro-2nd amendment would vote for a liberal candidate (McCain) who is, on the issues, inferior to another (Barr) because they feel the best candidate will not win.

What is beyond me is what part of McCain or Obama is going to be president you don't understand.
Clinton and Obama say they support the 2nd amendment. Do you believe everything you read?
Of course I don't. Just passing on his stated reason. If that's not good enough for you, I don't know who else you might ask.

GoSlash27, so you think that all laws should be tossed? Or just the ones you don't agree with?
Neither. Just the ones they ain't allowed to make according to the Constitution. That includes every one of these social regulation laws, which are reserved for the states to make.
Neither. Just the ones they ain't allowed to make according to the Constitution. That includes every one of these social regulation laws, which are reserved for the states to make.
Oh, you wild-eyed radical, you.
That includes every one of these social regulation laws, which are reserved for the states to make.

Even the ones held as constitutional by the Supreme Court?

OOps forget, each person is his own interpreter of the Constitution.

Cool lets save some $$, fired the Court and hire you, save big!!!

WildroundandroundandroundAlaska ™
Ironically, for most of the decisions where I disagree with the SC, the majority did not find their decision in the Constitution. Why do you think some of the Supremes are identified as strict constructionists, and the others are not?

Further irony, I tend to agree with the decisions of the strict constructionists, even when they are not in the majority.

The Supreme Court's decisions may decide legality, it doesn't actually define constitutionality (Raich, Roe v. Wade, Kelo v. City of New London). Unless, of course they ONLY used the Constitution to arrive at their decision.

Didn't you, yourself, once say that the Roe v. Wade decision was bad law, although I guess that since you liked the result, you'll accept the bad law.:rolleyes:
Didn't you, yourself, once say that the Roe v. Wade decision was bad law, although I guess that since you liked the result, you'll accept the bad law.

Not to drift, but it is bad law as written. But your second point doesn't follow from the first, nor does it change the fact that it's probably the correct result wrongly reasoned.

"Bad law" is a term of art.

The Supreme Court's decisions may decide legality, it doesn't actually define constitutionality

Really? That so? LO(L

This is good, 352 posts and nobody has called anybody a moron.

Hey you know what, are.......a.......:D

WildoopsIcantsayitAlaska TM
I've got $100 that says either of these two are going to be POTUS. Care to take that bet?

A number of us tried that during the great Ron Paul TFL spamathon but no one took us up. Of course, many of the folks who were screeching the loudest for His Paulness aren't here any more...

Or are they:cool:

WildnawitcantbeAlaska ™

Remember....... YOU DON'T LOVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!!!! :D:D:p