Bob Barr Enters Presidential Race as Libertarian

Will you consider voting for Bob Barr for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 45.4%
  • No

    Votes: 77 54.6%

  • Total voters

Yeah, that is over the top. I would say instead... you don't understand the constitution. For many people ... most... on both sides of the political spectrum.... that is the sad truth.

By the way, Ron Paul has not gone away. What he began has not stopped.
you don't understand the constitution.

Evidently nobody does except you and your ideological allies.

Golly jeepers, some times I feel like I am on the Daily Kos. They think the same way.

WildwhatevernowgetyourlastwordinAlaska ™
You are challenging me, a stranger on a web forum whom you don't even know.... to a bet?

Yes I am. I did with another member here, he lost, and was a man of his word and paid up.

So? Are you game?
Evidently nobody does except you and your ideological allies.

Those are your words not mine. Certainly, my statement was factual. Are you saying that I am wrong... that you believe most people on both sides of the political spectrum actually understand the constitution?
Stage 2
firemax said:
You are challenging me, a stranger on a web forum whom you don't even know.... to a bet?
Yes I am. I did with another member here, he lost, and was a man of his word and paid up.

So? Are you game?

Don't you think you sound a bit childish? What do you think this is... a pissing contest? Do you think you can pee farther than me or something... would that make you feel like a man?

If you have nothing of substance to say, then learn how to sit quietly and read while the big boys talk amongst themselves. :)
Don't you think you sound a bit childish? What do you think this is... a pissing contest? Do you think you can pee farther than me or something... would that make you feel like a man?

If you have nothing of substance to say, then learn how to sit quietly and read while the big boys talk amongst themselves.

And you think HE sounds childish...:rolleyes:
You know...its a wonderful day...Gas is at $3.99 a gallon but I filled up last week at $3.89. SWMBO got her tongue pierced. The rice crisis is over. Man U won the Premiership AND the Champions League. Stoke got promoted to the Premier League and Borussia M'Gladbach to the Bundesliga. I'm finally going to get to see Forts Vaux and Doauamont at Verdun. I'm having fresh Copper River salmon for dinner while I watch Hannity and Colmes. I'm getting a SIG 210.

I just love you all! :)

WildilovelifeAlaska ™
Even the ones held as constitutional by the Supreme Court?

OOps forget, each person is his own interpreter of the Constitution.

Cool lets save some $$, fired the Court and hire you, save big!!!
Lotsa noise, not much bandwidth. But I'll bite.

Why not? Any one of us is capable of reading the arguments posed during ratification, interpreting the intent of a Constitutional amendment, and deciding if a law falls within it's constraints. I could certainly do the job.

The trick is intellectual honesty; keeping what you want or what you think is "best" from interfering with what the actually law "is".

You could save a lot of money with me reviewing the law instead of the Supreme Court, and I'd wager the rulings would be much more consistent and legally defensible than (for example) Kelo or Roe.

Incidentally, the Constitution is not subject to individual interpretation. The people who amend it know what it means.
Wow, that sounds like a heck of a day there, Wild! In which order do you enjoy them, the Sig, the tongue piercing, and the salmon, and which was the best?
The salmon was great, and I got to watch the Man U/Chelsea highlights like 50 times and SWMBO went to bed at 8 pm:(

WildquietnightAlaska ™
Don't you think you sound a bit childish? What do you think this is... a pissing contest? Do you think you can pee farther than me or something... would that make you feel like a man?

If you have nothing of substance to say, then learn how to sit quietly and read while the big boys talk amongst themselves.

Just give me a yes or no.
Stage 2
Just give me a yes or no.

Surely a manly betting man like yourself can divine my answer from my previous response. When I was a child, I played like a child... when I became a man, I put away childish things. How about you Stage 2?
Dude your constant ad hominems are getting out of control:cool:

WildiamfeelingbloatedfromeatingtwopolishdogshowcouldidothattomybowelsAlaska ™ need to be a bit more discerning

WildreadcarefullynowyahearAlaska ™

Now If you said I was being smarmy or supercilious I would have said thanky ou...but hey, it's the internet, not life.
Judge speaking to two defendants in court: Gentlemen the jury has been unable to reach a verdict in your murder case. I realize that under your interpretation of the law and constitution you do not feel that you are guilty of anything but you seem to be the only ones who feel that way and the jury has taken that into account and decided to let to be included in what your verdict will be. In case of a tie I get to vote.

You can vote for being Drawn and Quartered of which six of the jury has voted for.

You can vote for Life with a possibility of parole which five have voted for.

Or you can stand on your principles and vote not guilty which one person has voted for.

Defendants How do you vote?:eek:

I will let the readers make the comparisions to the presidential election.
I left the Republican party and became a Libertarian midway thru Reagans 2nd term when I saw then headed away from small govt and towrds a police state under GHW Bush.

I believe very stongly in Freedom and Indiviudal Rights and have seen many abuses of Freedom from both the Demican and the Republicrats. And Bob Barr was frequently there leading the assualt, He was one of the outspoken Drug Warriors and even worked to subvert he Vote of The People ( review th Wikipedia entry for Bob Barr).

Bob Barr is not a libertarian by any stretch of the imagination!

If Bob Barr is a Libertarian then I am not as I believe that Free Peole have the right to do what they want with whomever they want without he govt being involved in anyway - as long as all parties are consenting aduls and they are not depriving another of their rights -including; same sex marriage, prostitution, gambling, drugs and alcohol, rap music, flag burning, gun-ownership, religion, ect. - Bob Barr prefers to pick and chose which civil rights people ought to have and which they shouldn't (if you're a Christian you're right to practice your religion is protected, if you're a Wiccan your rights don't count. If your're a pharmacutical company producing Marinol, Great! If you happen to be the People voting for Medical Marijuana then the vote is supressed.)

I see Bob Barr joing the Libertarian party as an attempt to create a 'bridgehead' for other neo-cons to move to the Libertarian Party and co-opting it - as no one seems very excited about Mccain.

The I see the guy on Glenn Beck and Glenn is acting like he has just discovered the Libertarian Party and how they stand for small govt, individual rights, govt fiscal respondsibility ect and how there is no one left in the GOP that represents the Old School GOP ideas, and then introduces Barr as the Libertarian nominee - ('bout frosted my cookies! the LP hasn't had their convention yet, the LP has been around for kinda awhile now, and Ron Paul is a libertarian and running on the GOP ticket and STILL in the race!) - pretty disingenous of ol' Glenn Beck there..:barf:

...And as for Ron Paul, he is still in the race, and the only one that has intelligently discussed the issues ( rather that He said/She said). If Paul had recieved an equal amount of media attention he would have easily beat McCain.

Ron Paul is a libertarian running on the GOP ticket,
Bob Barr is a Neo-con running on the Libertarin Ticket
-and it sure ain't 6 of one and half a dozen of the other!

Bob Barr is no libertarian, and probably knows very little about the Tenth Amendmnet - Why, I'd even hazard to guess that he favors the Draft! - and if you look closely you can see the little horns on his head. and of course I don't hav' ta warn y'all bought partin' w/ Barr if'n he has firearms to hand.:eek:
Bob Barr is not a libertarian by any stretch of the imagination!

Ironic that you say that yet he is in Denver preparing to receive the nomination of the LP.

I see Bob Barr joing the Libertarian party as an attempt to create a 'bridgehead' for other neo-cons to move to the Libertarian Party and co-opting it - as no one seems very excited about Mccain.

As an open minded person, I will consider your opinion though I myself do not agree with you. As a person who understands exactly what a neo-con is, and who despises what they have done to the once great GOP, I will tell you that I honestly don't believe that Barr is a neo-con. I believe Barr's problem with the old-time Libertarians is that he was in the CIA and they don't trust him. But, think about it this way. How long does the LP plan to survive by getting only 1% of the vote every 4 years?

Face it... the message needs a messenger. Barr is a good messenger. He may not be ideal for you and your vision of the LP... I respect your opinion on that. The LP has more in common with Conservatives like barr than they do with the far left libs that currently prefer to call the LP their home. I know the LP is supposed to be one big tent, but you can't have leftists co-exist alongside conservatives in any party. If you do, you might as well call it the "Chaos" party. One or the other is going to need to go. I suggest the socialists in the LP should be encouraged to find a new home and allow a conservative/libertarian partnership grow within the LP. That's MHO about the matter.

And as for Ron Paul, he is still in the race, and the only one that has intelligently discussed the issues.

Agreed. And I might add the word "honestly".

and of course I don't hav' ta warn y'all bought partin' w/ Barr if'n he has firearms to hand.

Yeah, cause misfires never happen to trained professionals. :rolleyes: