Zogby: Bob Barr is Polling at 6%

Sufficient to demonstrate that the Republican Party can't win without us.

Only in a close election. There's not as many libertarians as you think there are. Most that vote libertarian are one time republican dissidents.
Is there some or any effort to reign in the RNC to stop producing so many darn rinos?


So it is spite and not a moral high ground. (wink) Gotcha

And who is this 'us'? There are FAR more Conservatives then Libertarians and conservatism and the Republican Party are virtually synonymous,

Conservatives like McLame and Bush. HaHaHah
Is there some or any effort to reign in the RNC to stop producing so many darn rinos?

yes. It's called "man up and take on the responsibility personally." Get involved in the party, support solid conservatives, and consider running for office yourself. Nothing prohibits anyone from doing that except possibly individual laziness.
Conservatives like McLame and Bush. HaHaHah
Aside from the juvenile word antics your also again asserting that the President is the only member of a Party.

I was referring to folks like Alito, Roberts, Scalia, Palin, Gingrich, et al.

How many Conservatives you think Obama will have at the table? OH I FORGOT, you don't need to be concerned with consequences even though you admit it's not about Barr winning it is about Republicans losing.
I already proved in my Federal Reserve thread that with and because of our debt based currency neither Republicans or Dems can or will significantly reduce government growth or spending. We as a country are divided and ignorant of how the system really works and who controls it.

Obama or McCain will do virtually the same thing (i.e., whatever the ruling elite wants) government will grow the war will continue, our borders will remain open, debt will rise and the dollar will decline.

Its too late to stop it now the mass media is controlled by six corporations half the people believe the lies of the left, half believe the lies of the right.

You can laugh at me now all you want, but mark my words the North American Union is not far away 2010 at the latest, then will see how important SCOTUS is when their overruled by the NAU court.

In short I believe whichever candidate wins we are still screwed.
Nah Nate, you already let the cat out of the bag, too late to try and pull off fained high mindedness, it's a spite thing for the 'us' people. It's all sophistry anyway.
nate45 said:
...If Barr gets double digits and McLame loses, then people will notice...
Nonsense! On the first Wednesday in November, Obama will be President elect and Barr will have been forgotten. That's been what has happened in the past, and it will be what would happen now. You have no good reason to believe otherwise.

nate45 said:
You can laugh at me now all you want,...
Actually, you're not very funny. You're wrong, and your ideas are preposterous, but you're not very funny.
You can laugh at me now all you want, but mark my words the North American Union is not far away 2010 at the latest, then will see how important SCOTUS is when their overruled by the NAU court.
and that is where those of us thoughtfull Libertarians shake our heads and state "they're not with us."

Paranoid NWO and black helicopter conspiracies are not a good way to make a point.
Paranoid NWO and black helicopter conspiracies are not a good way to make a point.

I'm not paranoid about it and I don't even care, there is no changing it now. We will have a NAU, our currency will be the Amero and eventually we'll have one world government. It is all academic at this point. Ii is virtually inevitable.

Right now one of, if not the most intelligent man on Earth is Dr. Michio Kaku over the last twenty or so years since I first hear of him, his predictions on the future of mankind have been remarkebly accurate. Consider his thoughts on the future of civilization.

The Future of Civilization
Me run for office? I'll have to be in a different state to have much chance, plus I won't be here long enough to be in office. Meeting the right folks to get support is another task. Perhaps, though, in the future.
I would not vote for Bob Barr just because of the goofy glasses he wears.

My bumper sticker will read:

Don't blame me, I didn't vote for anyone!
This election is a loss for the Republicans because they won't be able to completely carry the south this time around because of the race issue. Bob Barr won't have any significant impact on this.

If only 10% of white people in the south vote for Obama, he will sweep through the south in an unstoppable tidal wave that will easily propel him to the White House.
Gordon has a very valid point there. That's how Carter got in and as Obama has the same platform and policy as Carter AND he is black he will carry to black vote and therefore the areas that are majority black. That is a real obstacle to not having a second Carter administration. Wasn't that first term glorious..........welcome back stagflation.................
I'll bet anyone $100 that if Ron Paul decides to run for President on his own ticket, all the Bob Barr followers will leave poor old Mr. Barr in the dust.

It's easy to make statements like this that have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that McCain cannot even break 40% in a Zogby poll. The fact is that the republican party has thrown its weight behind a liberal... and the conservative base is not happy. Too bad, so sad for the GOP that their attempt to court liberalism within the once great Republican Party has been and will be a complete and utter failure in 2008. If they continue down this disastrous route, and all indications are that they will, then the GOP will be doomed to be the 2nd banana for many elections to come.
I'm not voting for Barr. He's not a Libertarian, anymore than Ron Paul is a Republican.

I understand the far right conservatives and libertarians who want to vote Barr to punish the Republicans? But who really gets punished when Obama gets elected? The Republicans get to make a big comeback next term or the term after when everyone gets tired of far left politics. The people get stripped of their rights. Who's the real loser there? :barf:

I think that's the first time I've ever used the :barf:, and this situation warrants it. We're cutting off our nose to spite our face.

Good thing we voted Perot and got Clinton in there for the first Assault Weapons Ban. That sure taught 'em a lesson. :rolleyes:
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hayek...Put YOUR kool-aid aside and try to pay attention. This is not the 2012 election we're talking about. We are talking NOW. Only one of two people will win this election. If we don't want Obama to win, the choice of who to vote for is evident. Or should be!

Feel free to vote for your liberal of choice. I will say it again... I will not vote for a liberal and that includes any liberal with REPUBLICAN in his title. John McCain flirted with leaving the GOP and becoming a Democrat after he lost to Bush in the 2000 election. He initiated talks with the democrat leadership at that time to see what they could offer. In the end, Jim Jeffords, Republican in Maine jumped ship instead and the talk of McCain leaving the GOP kind of sizzled. This is public knowledge.

McCain is a liberal. Obama is a liberal. Vote for either liberal if you wish. I, however, will be voting for a conservative, not either one of those clowns.
So hayek, I guess you're looking forward to Obama being president. So standing by your conservative principles, you will help put the most liberal candidate into the Presidency and assure that any conservative influence is frozen out of the White House. And you seem to think that makes sense? Phui!
So hayek, I guess you're looking forward to Obama being president. So standing by your conservative principles, you will help put the most liberal candidate into the Presidency and assure that any conservative influence is frozen out of the White House. And you seem to think that makes sense? Phui!

So fiddletown, you are suggesting that instead of standing by my conservative principals, that I vote for someone who I believe to be a liberal because I should be more scared of the other liberal in the race?

FT, it looks like you will vote for which ever liberal you wish to vote for and I will vote for the conservative.
Are you talking about that Republican Bob Barr? Why did he become a Libertarian anyway?
And what makes Barr such an Uber Conservative?