Zogby: Bob Barr is Polling at 6%

If self-proclaimed conservatives would vote their values rather than voting for one of the two liberals in this race, then we could have a conservative in the whitehouse.

The fact of the matter is we are where we are. No amount of whining and "what-ifs" are gonna change that. Anyone who thinks that there will be anything other than a liberal in the White House come November is delusional.

That said, people can actually become realists and affect the election in a positive way by keeping a Marxist out of the White House. Or they can continue to lament the fact that their guy lost, so they are gonna pout and not vote at all.

Life just ain't easy sometimes........
Once again Rush has proved himself a fool. Barry Goldwater was a conservative, and lost in a landslide.

To be fair, the election of 1964 was after Kennedy had been assassinated and there were strong feelings to support his successor, VP/President Johnson.

Barry Goldwater influenced Ronald Reagan who is arguably one of the best presidents of the 20th century. Reagan won in a landslide with his unabashed, unapologetic conservative views.

This is no time to abandoned conservative principles. This is a time that we should be staunchly supporting those with conservative principles.
The fact of the matter is we are where we are. No amount of whining and "what-ifs" are gonna change that

Certainly, giving in to a liberal agenda and a liberal candidate will change things in the Republican party. It will be the death of conservatism and the nation will go the way of california where traditional conservatives do not have a place at the table, even with a Republican (liberal) governor.

As for the whining, the only whining I hear is coming from McCain supporters who are attempting to lay blame on conservatives for not supporting him.
the only whining I hear is coming from McCain supporters who are attempting to lay blame on conservatives for not supporting him.

I'm not a true McCain supporter. I am voting for him because I honestly believe that an Obama presidency will have catastrophic consequences for this country. You can vote for Gus Hall for all I care........
McCain just isn't energizing enough people. Obama has energized more people to vote for McCain than McCain has. But that won't cut it for many reasons. Too much black and hispanic support for Obama. Too much young voter support for Obama. I've heard several younger acquaintences already state that McCain just seems way too old. McCain won't energize enough gun rights supporters to vote for him. They won't vote for Obama either, but Obama doesn't need them, whereas McCain does.

I don't have good feeling about November. All I can say is that the only blue sky I'm seeing here is the possibility that Obama will be as bad, if not worse, than Jimmah Cahtah, and that will reawaken the voters and the republican party to get more conservative again. Sometimes, when your house is decrepit, it's best to tear it down and start over. I don't like the idea of Obama as President for 4 years, let alone 8. I felt the same about Carter. But, I think conservative america came out for the better after Carter.

I just can't believe that there aren't some younger, more attractive, conservatives in the GOP who could have been run to compete with Obama. McCain is like Bob Dole. The old war horse who must be given his due and turn to be the nominee. That didn't work for Bob Dole either, though I think he would have been an OK president. Not great, but OK.
I'm not a true McCain supporter. I am voting for him because I honestly believe that an Obama presidency will have catastrophic consequences for this country.

I understand that. My grandfather, whom I respect very much, is supporting McCain for the same reason. My grandfather and I are so much alike politically, that it sometimes gets boring to talk politics because we are almost identical in our beliefs. But, when it comes to voting for McCain, we differ. He will vote for McCain even though he despises him in order to help defeat Obama. I, on the other hand, I will not vote for McCain because I see him as a liberal, undeserving of the vote of a conservative.

I guess the difference is, my grand father looks short term at the election as his motivation. I look further down the road. If conservatives give in and begin voting for liberal republicans, then you can be guaranteed that we will be fed a list of liberal leaning candidates in the GOP for the forseeable future.

And that, my friend, is more dangerous than any single man, including Obama.
But, when it comes to voting for McCain, we differ. He will vote for McCain even though he despises him in order to help defeat Obama.

Your grandfather sounds like a very wise man. Thank him for me.
Barry Goldwater influenced Ronald Reagan who is arguably one of the best presidents of the 20th century. Reagan won in a landslide with his unabashed, unapologetic conservative views.

Reagan lost the '76 Republican primary to Gerald Ford. Conservatives don't always win, no matter how Limbaugh choses to revise history.

Your grandfather sounds like a very wise man. Thank him for me.

I agree. Listen to your grandfather.
Your grandfather sounds like a very wise man. Thank him for me.

He is a wise man, and I will pass along your thanks. However, he is not always correct on matters of politics and he will tell you so. Certainly, I am not always right either and I don't mind saying so.

In this instance, I don't think that a person who will vote for McCain is necessarily wrong for their support of him in an effort to deny Obama the presidency. I have stated that I understand that approach, though I do not agree with it.

I also do not believe it is wrong for conservatives to stand by their principles and not vote for McCain who many conservatives view as a liberal. In fact, I personally believe this is the better course of action as I don't believe a liberal candidate deserves to get a vote from a conservative and that the ramifications of a liberal republican gaining power in the GOP will be long lasting an devastating to the traditional conservative agenda in the long term.
I agree with you on that, Hayek. Many here will shout down Republicans who vote third party over McCain. I am not one of them. I understand your rationale, and while I feel it will give Obama an advantage, I can completely understandy why an all-or-nothing conservative would not want to vote for McCain. Many people here will try to blame you, the voter, for not supporting the Republican party's candidate, but it is not really your fault. The true fault lies within the party.

I voted for Ron Paul in the primary. I was making a statement that I want to see the Republican party return to its conservative, libertarian roots. I think the primary is the time to make political statements.

But now we are approaching a general election. The reality is that McCain or Obama will win. The idea that Bob Barr or a third party candidate can win requires magical thinking. So I will undoubtedly hold my nose, and vote McCain. I won't chastise you for not doing so, and I won't blame you if Obama wins. As I said, the true fault lies within the Republican party.

Be aware though that many people here will blame you and others like you when Obama wins.
Reagan lost the '76 Republican primary to Gerald Ford. Conservatives don't always win, no matter how Limbaugh choses to revise history.

And Gerald Ford was soundly defeated by Jimmy Carter a few months later, arguably the worst President of the 20th Century. Of course, 4 years later, the CONSERVATIVE Ronald Reagan defeated Carter in a landslide, something Ford could not manage. The truth is on my side, not yours, in the example you provide.

As for Gerald Ford, he was a bit on the liberal side, as I remember. Remember this statement...

"There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe."

Ford was one of those liberal Republicans I rail against. Ford appointed John Paul Stevens to the Supreme Court. You may recognize the name... he is considered one of the 4 liberal justices on the Supreme Court.

Liberal Republicans.... bah... they just don't make good leaders.
Nope, there aren't enough. We need the middle, and there was no conservative candidate who could capture it. I wonder if any conservative candidate could at this point.

That is true. Conservatives all know G.W. Bush is no conservative. Conservatives alone will not win though and the majority of the nation sees him as the Conservative leader of the RNC, for right or wrong.

Bush doesn't have enough popular support to lead people out of a burning building right now and anyone tied too closely to him, which any conservative would be, is doomed. McCain, while I dislike him, distanced himself from Bush in multiple very public ways over the last couple years making him a "palatable republican" for many Americans. I do not think any hardline conservative could win this election, by John McCain may.

For those who question what to do simply ask what a DNC controlled House, Senate and Presidency will be able to accomplish in the coming years?
And Gerald Ford was soundly defeated by Jimmy Carter a few months later, arguably the worst President of the 20th Century.

The decaying corpse of James Buchanan could have defeated Ford with what had gone on in the White House previously.
Be aware though that many people here will blame you and others like you when Obama wins.

I am aware. What other people think in that regard does not bother me. I have never been one to be bullied into believing or acting in any certain way... except when my wife is concerned. :)

Besides, I once was among the "blame game" crowd of Republicans in 1992. Back then, I didn't understand why people wanted to vote for Ross Perot. 16 years later, I think I understand. They were tired of having their votes taken for granted. They were tired of being given only 2 choices and being expected to "buck up" and vote for one of them. Yes, I completely understand this now.
I'm still waiting to hear what makes Bob Barr this uber conservative and principled choice. WHAT about BARR makes him your standard bearer for conservatism?
I am aware. What other people think in that regard does not bother me. I have never been one to be bullied into believing or acting in any certain way...

I am not going to "blame" anyone if Sen. McCain loses except for McCain himself. If he cannot convince the voters that he is the best man for the presidency, then he is at blame........nobody else.

However, I do honestly feel that there are those who have not done their due diligence with regard to Sen. Obama to find out what he truly believes is best for this country. The man is scary, and hopefully will never see the White House.
Man Hayek I thought that given your rapid fire 'righteous indignation' posts that a response would be given by now as to what makes Barr the uber conservative and gives uncompromising conservative voters that principled alternative you keep repeating.

This is now the third time I've asked and the first two you went quickly from rapid fire responses to silence. I realize your off line at the time of this post but please, given this is your Bob Barr thread, what makes Bob Barr this uber conservative and principled choice?

Surly that righteous indignation wasn't just spite in disguise......Nate had a virtually identical approach earlier in the thread. These 'us' people are very much in line. A distinct pattern is growing more and more obvious.

So, Bob Barr is uber conservative and the principled choice because..............
I voted for Jimmy Carter because similar to hayek I was disillusioned and purely disliked Geral Ford. I thought that maybe Carter could bring some respectibility bact to the White House. Most of all it was my dislike for Ford and I learned my lesson. No matter how much you dislike someone ot how bad you think they are be careful of the results, you may find someone worse.

No matter how much I dislike McCain I am not taking a chance on Obama. It only seems that past few days that I have started hearing the comparisons to Carter but the more I hear the more I realize we are right back in that same situation. Jimmy Carter is a very fine man and I respect him a lot but he was a terrible President, in fact much worse that I could have imagined.
So, Bob Barr is uber conservative and the principled choice because..............

He's not. He is an average conservative. He certainly is not a Libertarian, and I find it funny that someone who led the self-righteous persecution of Bill Clinton's sex life would now be running as a Libertarian. He is a used up exile of the Republican party. His main attraction is that he is not Obama or McCain, and is a way to stick it to the Republican Party for nominating McCain (of course, this cuts your own nose off to spite your face, but thats not the point).
So, Bob Barr is uber conservative and the principled choice because..............

Barr proposes to cut big spending, increase and restore individual liberty, secure our borders and properly use our military.

Whereas Juan 'Amnesty' McLame and Barrack 'Milhouse' Obama propose to continue with our current reckless fiscal policy, continue the growing disrespect for the Constitution, particularly the Fourth Amendment, continue to leave our borders unsecured and in fact encourage illegal immigration, continue invading or initiating force against other nations based upon perceived threats and speculative intelligence. Yes, I firmly believe Obama will continue this reckless policy, only today I heard him kowtowing to Israel on what a danger Iran was to 'our' security.

Barr's ideas may not fit your idea of what a conservative is Brux, but there a whole lot better than the other two guys.

Spite is not the reason I'm voting for Barr, his ideas coupled with disgust at the way Bush and the RHINOs in the congress, like McLame, sold the conservative and Libertarian base out are the reasons.

By the way 'us' should read 'me', because I only speak for myself.