Zogby: Bob Barr is Polling at 6%

So hayek is unpatriotic because he disagrees with you and me?

[For the record, while I think Ron Paul was the best candidate, he is no longer running and we must prevent Obama from winning]
Crap sandwich, or rotten fish?

This election is a total disaster, I don't even care who wins anymore. I'll vote for my conservative reps in local state and congress. But I'm not accepting the presidential menu. The only thing that will save Mcamnesty is a hard core conservative VP.
With McCain as President, conservatives will have a place at the table, at least because of his Republican affiliation. With Obama as President, conservatives won't even get in the door.

The lesser of two evils is still the less evil.
Ironic that a McCain supporter would give me flak for voting for the ONLY conservative in the race. It proves my contention that those who vote for McCain are not conservative. They have bought into the big lie that they MUST vote for a liberal in order to defeat another liberal.

I'm not giving you "flak", I'm being realistic in a pretty unsavory predicament. If there were 4 or 5 candidates all in the race, and each had a relatively equal chance of winning, I'd vote for the most conservative. However, in the current situation I'm not going to shoot myself in the foot on "principle". You may believe that is the smart thing to do. I don't.

Sen. McCain may not be the ideal "conservative", however in this contest he is the most conservative of the two. Fairly simple, actually.
water man
hayek...Sounds like you care more for yourself than for your country!

Let me see, because I despise the dangers of liberalism in all of their forms (including McCain) and I prefer to vote for conservatives who support the 2nd amendment rights we have, and whom do not believe in global warming and its taxation that will come with it..... you conclude that I don't love my country?

What flavor of kool-aid is your favorite?
Sen. McCain may not be the ideal "conservative", however in this contest he is the most conservative of the two.

Sasquatch, you are comparing McCain to a Marxist (Obama). Of course McCain looks "more conservative" than Obama. Another way to say it is, and a more accurate description is, McCain is less liberal than Obama, because McCain is not a conservative.

McCain is a (liberal) political opportunist and the republican party is the horse he chose to ride in on. McCain is not a conservative and no conservative should vote for him. If conservatives would vote for a man of their values, then they would vote for Bob Barr and not McCain. Do not ask me to understand how any self-proclaimed conservative can vote for McCain when they have a strong conservative (Barr) running against both liberals, McCain and Obama.
It's simple arithmetic. Voting for Barr or Paul (or anyone other than McCain) will help Obama win. While McCain isn't perfect, we'd be better off with him as President than Obama.

Among other things he will be more likely to appoint more conservative or moderate federal judges who will be more likely to help expand application of the Heller decision. And if the Supreme Court becomes more liberal because of appointments by Obama, we could even see Heller reversed.

The only way for Obama not to be President is for McCain to win.
Sasquatch, you are comparing McCain to a Marxist (Obama). Of course McCain looks "more conservative" than Obama. Another way to say it is, and a more accurate description is, McCain is less liberal than Obama, because McCain is not a conservative.

Yep. Yep. Yep. And yep. You do understand.

Do not ask me to understand how any self-proclaimed conservative can vote for McCain when they have a strong conservative (Barr) running against both liberals, McCain and Obama.

You already pointed out the reason why........I don't want to see someone whom you describe as "a Marxist (Obama)" leading this country. That's is as simple an explanation as I can give you for my decision to vote for Sen. McCain. If you don't understand that, then this horse is dead.
Fiddletown, with respect, and with respect to the others on this forum who are conservative, but will vote for McCain, I understand your position of voting for the lesser of two evils. However, I have learned that such a position will only result in an evil getting elected.

So, what will you do in 2012 if the GOP nominates someone like Hillary to run against Obama? Would you vote for her too if she were the lesser of two evils?

My contention is, if you keep voting for these idiots in the GOP who are turning the republican party into a liberal haven, then how do you expect this country to ever have a conservative leader ever again? Did you ever think you would vote for a liberal for president? If not, why start now by voting for McCain? Vote for Bob Barr. Bob Barr is the ONLY conservative in this race. If you believe that you hold conservative values, don't vote for a liberal.... vote for Bob Barr. Obama is bad. But so is McCain. Don't think that taking half an ass whipping is any better than taking a whole ass whipping.

Vote your values, not because you despise Obama.
Sorry about the oh-so-familiar quote, I just can't help thinking it each time this topic arises.
"On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people."
"Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy."
"I did," said Ford. "It is."
"So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't the people get rid of the lizards?"
"It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want."
"You mean they actually vote for the lizards?"
"Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course."
"But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?"
"Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?" (c) Douglas Adams

hayek: just curious, is your nick in any way influenced by Friedrich August von Hayek?
hayek...Put YOUR kool-aid aside and try to pay attention. This is not the 2012 election we're talking about. We are talking NOW. Only one of two people will win this election. If we don't want Obama to win, the choice of who to vote for is evident. Or should be!
Ironic that a McCain supporter would give me flak for voting for the ONLY conservative in the race.

Bob Barr is a conservative? I thought he was running on the Libertarian ticket. Aren't Libertarian candidates supposed to be, well, libertarian? Why aren't you voting for the guy running on the American Conservative Party ticket? I bet you he's a conservative!

Also, you are using the word, "ironic" incorrectly. Isn't it ironic?

It proves my contention that those who vote for McCain are not conservative.

It proves my contention that once again, Bob Barr is the consolation prize for Ron Paul followers. Are you consoled?

I'll bet anyone $100 that if Ron Paul decides to run for President on his own ticket, all the Bob Barr followers will leave poor old Mr. Barr in the dust.
We had better get real. That six percent is probably just enough to guarantee that Obama will win the election. Is that what you want? McCain may not be somebody I like, but he is so much better than Obama that it is like night and day. Barr will only be able to spoil any chance of anybody but Obama winning.
Water-man (or any other pro-better-lizard folk). This question is not directed at those who actually like McCain.
It's pretty obvious that voting for the better lizard took us at where we are. Do you believe that continuing doing what got us here might help us to get out? Or have you accepted that we will gradually slide to the left and just want to postpone the inevitable? Or is there a third option that I'm not seeing?
For the sake of the question, let's not make it Barr-related. I hardly know the guy or his platform.
P.S. It's probably a wrong question to ask in a Barr thread. Withdrawn.
So, what will you do in 2012 if the GOP nominates someone like Hillary to run against Obama? Would you vote for her too if she were the lesser of two evils?

Actually I would.....To keep Obama out. Because even Hillary wouldn't do to this country what Obama will. Actually I did vote for her in the dems primary.:D
hayek said:
...My contention is, if you keep voting for these idiots in the GOP who are turning the republican party into a liberal haven, then how do you expect this country to ever have a conservative leader ever again?...
[1] And we've all heard this song before -- the notion that somehow by sticking to our guns (no pun intended) we somehow make things better next time. The problem is that there is absolutely no empirical for that proposition -- no reason to believe it will happen. Did anything like that happen when TR and the Bull Moose Party split the Republicans in 1912 and gave us the Democrat, Woodrow Wilson? Did anything like that happen in 1992 when Perot gave us Clinton? Based on past results, trying to change things by voting third party is just wishful thinking.

[2] If we want true conservative leadership, we need to find a suitable candidate with strong conservative-libertarian views and with the style and charisma to inspire (and not scare) the Great Middle. It takes a majority to win, and that means that anyone running for office will need a big hunk of votes from the middle. Such a candidate must be able to inspire confidence that he can actually win at the general election. The time and place to do that is during the nominating phase. And such a candidate could get the nomination.
I took these snapshots while bumming around the Mall on the 4th.



His followers have spoken. Obama is the Second Coming. A vote for Bob Barr will put the Second Coming in office.


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samoand...So who are you voting for? Or are you voting?
I haven't decided yet. Can't help but note though: this should be irrelevant in the context of the question asked.
I prefer to vote for conservatives who support the 2nd amendment rights we have, and whom do not believe in global warming and its taxation that will come with it....

OK, how are you going to feel if Obama gets elected with his global warming, tax raising, no oil drilling, anti gun lunacy because you stood on your principals and helped him? Hmmmm?