And this leads back to what someone else said earlier, "It's not the weapons, it's the children we are raising today."
josh ~
The children we're raising today are the same as human beings have always been. There hasn't been some drastic evolutionary change to make human nature any different than it was 50 years ago. Human nature hasn't changed.
has changed is the way children are raised in this country. They used to be raised to be responsible for their actual behavior, and pretty much left alone otherwise.
When I was little, for instance, my brother and I would literally play outside all day long, all summer long, with only minimal notice from our mother or any other adult. We had sling shots, bb guns, pocket knives, and lots of other cool stuff. My brother had a 20-gauge shotgun that he started hunting with,
by himself, when he was 8 years old. We both knew mom & dad would kill us if we did anything stupid or dangerous or bad with our toys, and then our toys would get taken away.
Things are different now. My friends think I'm nuts because I let my children play unsupervised
in our own backyard. Their kids aren't ever allowed to have any privacy, any time to "just be kids," without some adult standing over them and forcing them to do stuff the adults think would be fun. They snatch such toys away from their children, not because the kids have misbehaved in some way, but simply because cool toys are "bad." It doesn't matter what the little darlings actually
do: on the one hand, the kids get punished for even looking at cool toys, or for trying to learn how to do stuff adults do, but the little darlings are never, ever punished for actual misbehavior because that might hurt the kids' self-esteem.
The result is that their kids don't know how to safely use any of the tool-toys my brother and I grew up with, and have no sense of responsibility about those things either. The kids are very likely to misuse those things if they do get their hands on them because the kids get in trouble
no matter what they actually do. The kids only time those kids get punished is not for misbehaving, but simply for having something cool and interesting to play with that the adult doesn't like.
So then these same people presume to dictate the rules at the local public school. Instead of holding kids accountable
for what the kids actually do, they punish, berate, and chide the children for simply having stuff.
Recipe for disaster.
(Heh, and none of this has to do with a butter "knife" which is
not a cool toy,
can't be used to actually harm any living person, and
wasn't brought to school on purpose. But the contention that "kids are different now" needed some analysis!)
Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers. -- Socrates