thatguyjosh said:
If you bring a knife or gun to school you should be suspended, easy as that.
First I was gonna say that I can see that line of argument for
guns but not for knives, but then I remembered that for DECADES in the 20th century, kids were allowed to bring firearms to school because they had shooting teams, or just that they wanted to shoot squirrels on the walk home from school later that day. And no one was shooting up schoolmates.
What has changed?
I dare say it's the behavior of the HUMANS, not the presence of the guns.
So I disagree flatly with you, Josh. Your approach to this is profoundly thoughtless, i.e. you are allowing one inflexible rule to substitute for actual thought and judgment. That's a disaster.
A knife is a useful tool. A Swiss Army Knife is a perfect example. Apart from having a blade, it has things like scissors, a tweezer, a toothpick, a small saw, sometimes a pliers... Do we really want to raise a generation of kids who go about day-to-day life lacking basic human tools? How many times I have come to work and been asked for simple things that
no human being has an excuse to not have for themselves -- like a knife, or a flashlight, or a lighter, or a pliers.
People at work, who have no excuse for failing to equip themselves with a simple small pocket knife, come to me, "Can I borrow your knife?" I don't see that there is much difference between their abrogation of their responsibility to get themselves a knife to keep, and if they were to ask me, "Could you escort me to my car in the dark parking lot? I don't have a gun, but I know that you do."
People need to exercise a certain amount of self-reliance. Part of that is being equipped with tools, and even a sixth-grader can have a need for a knife now and then. This criminalization of having ANYTHING that could EVER be considered a "weapon," even a common folding pocket knife, is LUDICROUS. And people supporting this notion are harmful to the health of society.
If everyone in my office adhered to the idiotic "no one should have a knife -- why
would you have a knife" philosophy, including me, then whenever someone had the occasional need for one, we'd all just be looking around at each stupidly.