You've just learned a hit man is coming to get you. Now what?

I'll play too......

Lay an ambush......the advantage always favors the ambusher, if the ambushee doesnt suspect. Heres were those great hunting skills come in
use. Set up some bait, act as if you were home, park the car in the driveway,
leave the door unlocked. Set up in a good spot of concealment, with your favorite hunting rifle. When your hit person pops in pop him. :D
hmmmmm...hitman after me? :p

well...i would probably get shoulder holster for my XD40, couple mags of some nice expanding HPs, then a hip holster of a springfield 1911 also with some nice deep penetrating and expanding bullets :cool:

then when home, ill buy a SPAS12 shotgun with OOO buck shot, right near my bed. then an CAR-15, AK-47 just for ****s and giggles, and a FAL with a night vision/thermal scope, just in case he tries to take me out in the night time.

but thats about all

Well, we're all having some fun with this one, but there's a couple of things you haven't considered. A professional killer? You'll never know who he or she is, or what they look like. You'll never know where or when, but it WILL be of a time and place of his choosing... and his advantage. And, you'll never know the method. Everyone's assuming your demise would be by means of a firearm. Even if so, a scoped .308 can take you out at over 300 meters. Could you spot him? Or how 'bout a couple of Kinepacks with a blasting cap wired to your ignition system in your car? How 'bout something more exotic like the venom of Dendrobates dabbed on the sharpened point of an umbrella? (dead within seconds, KGB actually used this). The bottom line is make sure your soul belongs to God 'cause your a** belongs to that hit man. ;)
Write a trust for yourself, leave her out and to really piss her off, make the succeeding beneficiary to everything the National Park Service. Only YOU can prevent forest fires. :p
If a professional killer has you in mind for his next house payment

Say your prayers, get things in order, and make your peace with god, your dead. Some one like that coming after you having a gun on your person will do you no good.
There not going to come up to you and give you a written notice that there going to kill you.
There going to follow you some where you least expect it and put one in the back of your head and quickly fade away.
Go to the poliece and HIDE
Wasn't a hitman, was a person

Bought a small automatic, wrapped in in a shop towel and put in rear pocket. Had friend call him (Ex-LEO) and inform him phone call was taped from him to me, his job was in danger, his ass was in danger, and I was waiting for him to tell me whether he just wanted to ya ya or wrestle like first graders or meet on the riverbank and pop caps at each other. He lost interest and moved on.
I will play along too....

I would strap on two mag revolvers and two semi autos and lt the poliece know and I would stay in public areas as much as i could or live in a house with concrete walls. :D :D :eek:
I would get into my camo and get into the woods and the hunter will become the hunted. Side arm would be a Springfield 1911 and I would be sporting a USMC M40A3 I may also carry a MP5 Just incase I would get in a situation where I am in tight quarters.
Anyone who is human can bleed. Even if the 'hitman' is a real life version of Van Dammit, your bullets will still kill him just as surely as his bullets could endanger you.

If the potential killer is paid to do the job, they are in it to get money, you are in it to save your life. Determination in a fight means much more than equipment and sometimes skill. Just ask a Minuteman.

Well it's a fun thought, so why not induldge it?? JMHO, but...

1. very few TRUE pros out there

2. unlikely your wife will no how to contact TRUE pro

3. unlikely your wife can pay a TRUE pro

4. with the element of suprise gone, even against a formidable foe you have GREATLY increased your odds...especially if he is still operating under the mistaken assumption that you are in the dark about the situation

And for the wise guy cracking on the cops...we've been kicking the crap out of organized crime for the past 1/4 of a century... where have you been??? That's why THEY are hiring low-life outsiders (expendable) even to do THEIR own dirty work. They shy away from the stuff they did with impunity not so long ago for fear of arrest and prosecution at the hands of the same LEOs yer' cracking on... not from fear of you and your perfect score at the range. :)
There are folks in certain Industries, and Professions that are indeed Targets of Thugs.

These Persons have access to valuables, portable wealth, information, whatever. Perhaps not assainations, but kidnapping of themselves, or family to force them to obtain the valuables. Back in my day, I would be kept advised by Federal , State and Local LEO as to reports of such Professional Thugs.

Posts 29, 32, 52 for instance DO provide great advice and suggestions.

Was it not long ago a group of organized gang members entered a Jewlery Store with guns? [ CA IIRC] The store owners had been trained , including the use of firearms. This was a Columbian Gang, they would come in by force, take the goods, put in a FedEx box and drop in a drop off box. So even if found out, the goods were en- route elsewhere. The store owners defended themselves.

IIRC a Branch Bank Mgr in the Midwest was kidnapped on a Weekend and forced to open her bank.

Do you have access to anything of value someone might want? Does your wife wear a nice diamond ring? Did the Steam Cleaners doing the carpet notice a firearm collection, fine silver or china? Maybe that 15 year old daughter caught the plumber's fancy?

One never knows the where or when of next encounter - CRSam

I know of a situation where a lady at the Car Wash had an experience. Attractive, nice jewlery, Business Suit and fine car. One of the workers at the Car Wash took note. Went inside and made copies of her key ring in the vehicle, got her address off the registration in the glove box.

What if's are great and can be fun. What if's can be useful tools in the Real World as well.
I'd go to the newspaper and publish my revised will without my ex listed as a beneficiary to the Hummels.

Oh. Wait-- then I'd have to publicly that I had a prized collection of Hummel figurines.

Nope. Better just to risk it. :D
I would carry an NEF Handi Rifle in .300 Win Mag in a briefcase, and duct-tape a trauma plate to my back.
I would carry my pistol around in postion SUL that way the hit man would know I'm an "operator" not to be messed with. :D

Tacticool, baby! :cool:
media, lots of media exposure, explaining that I know what's going on, I know there's a hitman after me, and I'm removing ex from the will. No mention of fortunes or hummels or anything, just "out of the will".

And, make riders to all insurance policies that if there's evidence of foul play, even slight, the beneficiary is automatically a list of charities, to be divided equally.
You hire a dozen men with tommy guns to walk around you all day ;) Also you put your own contract out on the hitman. :cool: You're protected and sooner or later the hitman will get hit. (remember the movie The Sting? :D )
Man, you've all missed the obvious solution.

Rig it up (carefully!! review a dozen CSI episodes during the planning phase) so that your wife dies in what is obviously an attempt (by a hitman, or by the wife herself) on your life. Go to the police, explain that you're still in fear for your life (as the hitman might still be after you), cash everything out and disappear to an OUTCONUS area, preferably one without extradition treaties with the US.