You've just learned a hit man is coming to get you. Now what?

I remembered a Married with Children episode where Sam Kensington is Al Bundy's gaurdian angel. He tells Al that he caught his wife with another man so he sold everything,canceled his life insurance,and killed himself. "Guess I'd showed her huh Bundy!!!!".

I can't believe that you wasted so much time responding to such a ridiculous post. As most people have said, you only find out about any decent hitman after he has shot you and leaves you dying like an animal. Your moving from hotel to hotel and switching cars idea is absurd. Don't you think your ex-wife might have a few pictures of you?

If this is just for kicks and purely hypothetical, I would have to say call the cops and take a nice long vacation... after you rig the house to take out the hit man.
If this is just for kicks and purely hypothetical, I would have to say call the cops and take a nice long vacation... after you rig the house to take out the hit man.
Don't be ridiculous. Setting booby traps is illegal.........have a friend break into the house and do it while your on vacation......denialbility :D
Bill gets it, the cops don't have the time or talent to stop a hardcore professional. Odds are they would surround his empty car and open fire one it 200 times hitting his seat 6 times and shooting each other in the process.

What I would do, is go to the local italian restaurant. Look for the guys wearing 3 piece suits in the back and put a contract on the contractor. Then I would go to panama, pick up some 5.7's, m4's and alot of plastic explosives. then I would move to the south and lay low. Ill keep the locals off my tail by using big words and handing out meth, after a while no one will notice and Ill live out my days as a school teacher.
The cops don't have the time or talent but you guys do? The time you surely have as attested by the posts herein. A good psychotherapist may be more helpful then all the self defense toys you contemplate. :rolleyes: Maybe you can hire the "self proclaimed" hero from another great thread on here to protect you. :D
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I forgot to add a smiley thing in my cop ribbing

I'm only half serious, i do go to the range when the dept is there to boost my self esteem. Some are amazing shooters that astound me and some......well....i think they poked holes in their targets to qualify. No joke. I get so-so groups at the 20 yrd line but 98 percent on the silohuette, I saw a cop miss 5 out of 10 from 20 yrds, with one hitting my target. about 5 feet apart. Even on my worst caffiene addled days( I tried loading up on caffiene to simulate being scared and stressed in a less than perfect scenario) ive never shot into another lane

Yes, i do know shooting people is only 2% of their job but when they have a loaded gun you'd want them to beat me, a lowly civilian with no training who the state has deemed cannot carry.
Obviously some people think this is a far fetched idea -- and to some degree it is. But newspapers carry at least one or two accounts every year of the cops bagging someone for wanting to have a spouse whacked by some 3rd party. We know from experience this means at least 3-10 times that many actually occur - still it's a pretty small number, methinks.

It's much more common for the ex-spouse to try to do the job themselves. And it's not outside the realm of possibility that your new girlfriend's former significant other has decided to take out both of you.

I spent the time writing the previous post because I've "BTDT" without getting the T-shirt, for a friend.

Not too many years ago, I found myself in a similar situation. A lady friend's ex decided that the two of us must be an "item" and decided he was going to take us both out. His downfall was letting her know about his decision ahead of time, via phone, and she managed to record it. Cops were sympathetic and unhelpful when it came to defense other than to keep the doors locked and "Call 911 if he shows up". Thanks a bunch.

Managed to get her a R.O. which the judge, in chambers, told her lawyer that it would act as her CCW. Helped her buy a very nice used Model 65 and got her to the range four times for practice. He showed up when she wasn't home and left her a nice "reminder" -- a knife through her photo on her pillow. The next day her ex tried to get her daughter out of school and failed. Third day her car sprouted 2 flat tires at work through the sidewalls. Daughter was sent to her Uncle's house, the PD notified in each case and they claimed they couldn't find him. She rented a car and stayed in a hotel near work for 4 days. I picked up her mail from a helpful neighbor, made sure I wasn't followed and gave it to the hotel in a manila envelope for her. At the end of 4 days I had managed to spot him leaving his work each day and gave that info to the PD. On day 5 they stopped him and since he's 6'3" 210 lbs they used four cars. He fought and lost. During the time between his arrest and trial, he tried again, this time with a molotov cocktail on the front porch. Neighbor identified the guy & car to the cops and he'll be out of jail next year.

As a couple of side notes...
Never tell your boss or your landlord of these things in advance. She told her boss and after the tire puncturing, which she reported to her boss, they told her that any further incidents of "violence" and they would have to let her go "to protect their other employees". Nice, huh?

She did tell her landlord too, so he would be aware since he was refurbishing his other rental across the street. After the porch fire (a new front door, moulding and some paint fixed it) he raised her rent almost 60%, effective in 3 months. His excuse what that his insurance rates went "way up" because of it. She managed to negotiate a delay until summer so she could change school districts for her daughter then moved closer to her new job.

You'll notice that I've left out what I did as defensive measures. No need to go into that other than to say that staying alert is key, along with using your head to think through the situation.
I have been having fun with this thread too and making jokes, but Bill CA has a good point. I can think of the high-profile cases of this happening in my area over the past 15 years. Three cops (on three different incidences) were hired out to kill a spouse or to kill a rival srtip club owner. There was even a case where a Md politician hired someone to kill her opponnent. And the most haineous was where a father hired a man to kill his disabled by disease son so he could collect on the insurance and end the expensive medical bills (the killer ended up killing the kid, the nurse, and his ex-wife to get rid of witnesses). I am sure there are plenty of non-high-profile cases that the news never even mentioned.

BillCA, you also make a good point that the police might not help because it may be hard to prove that they are conspiring to kill and they may not take any action because of that.
i'm with the "i'd be toast" group.
i'd carry regardless of local laws, and carry a backup too. but that's it. i could go to the family cabin and sit out with my 30-06, scope up to 9x, with my NV bino's, but i know i'd never see it coming. i'm nothing special but i'm sure i could do it to myself or most people. unless i could afford the presidential countersniper detail i'd have to resign myself to the label of "screwed."
I'd wake up, turn off the alarm, and get on with real life. If real life ever did involve such a convoluted scenario, I would likely just leave and use a different name for a while in another state or country.
I'd cash out everything I have, pick up a Barret .50 and a decent sailboat and head for the carribean. It seems like a good time to retire anyway.
I may get smacked around for bumping this thread, but:


DNA samples from the widow of a western Pennsylvania doctor are being requested as part of a murder investigation by Ohio Highway Patrol, according to court papers.

Dr. Gulam Moonda, 65, of Hermitage, Mercer County, was killed May 13 on the Ohio Turnpike. Donna Moonda said an unknown man robbed and shot her husband while she had their car pulled over to change drivers, according to a police report.


The woman's samples will be compared with suspected blood stains on clothing and towels that were removed this week from the Center Township apartment of her alleged boyfriend, Damian Bradford, according to the affidavit.
I'd set a trap - a small table and a generous portion of fabulous antipasto and chianti surrounded by motion detectors at each door. Then count on getting the drop on Guido while he dines. :D Oh yes, and I'd shoot him with a Beretta loaded with Fiocchi ammunition, so at least he'd feel at home while he was shot (best to be a good host). :cool:
DVD box set of the sopranos, tied to a stick, propping up a box. Should take care of the hitman.

As for the ex. Ad in the local classifieds: SWF seeks computer gifted M for snuggling and star trek chat + her phone number.

I am not a nice man. ;)