You've just learned a hit man is coming to get you. Now what?

Personal experience. Quit your job. Move across the country. Rent a room - pay cash. Buy a beater used car - pay cash. Grow your hair. Do odd jobs for cash. Get a fake ID. If anyone starts wanting to befriend you or if you ever feel uneasy - move again. Hope that the contract gets cancelled and you can go back home.


I should edit this to clarify - this approach might work against your common thugs and low budget contract killers, but if you are in deep **** with people with resources and money, you are probably gonna end up dead no matter what you do.
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I grab my Po Po, load my Hizzle, and let the corn taco chips fall where they may. :D

Just joking. You won't "learn" a hit person (PC ;) ) is coming. But if I knew. Hell, they would be under paid.
I have though of this before and....

I would hate to be in that situation. what johny said seemed to make the most sense. destroy everything that links you to anything. :cool: :cool: ;) :rolleyes:
The first thing I would do is kill my ex wife for trying to kill me;) Next I would make all entrances to the house impossible except the open front door with nothing but a screen door and a claymore guarding it:) You could always move to another country.
Before killing the wife, torture her until she made contact with the killer and get the info on how he's going to do it. If it's with a gun, make sure she finds out what caliber and the type of ammo. Look up the ballistics properties of the ammo, then make a personal suit, car cover and covers for doors and windows out of ballistic gellatin at least 3 inches deeper than the penetrating capability of the ammo he'll be using, then you can walk around and do whatever you please :D
Well this isnt exactly a serious thread but it does offer an opportunity for throwing out hypotheticals. Okay, suppose a hitman is coming for you. Or even several of them. It's quite doubtful they're real professionals. Suppose you choose not to leave. You have money, stock up on supplies and barricade yourself in, if you choose to fight them. Why? A sniper cant hit you if your not out in the open, supposing they would even be a sniper, which I doubt. When you barricade yourself in the building you force the enemy to come to you and you ruin his opportunity to surprise you. By barricading yourself inside a building, you set up several opportunities to ambush your attacker.

No, I would not risk my life to do this, unless I absolutely had to. This is all theory. If you could move, you should move. Theory, however, is quite fun, even if it all collapses in the heat of the moment. So, here goes:

I most prefer the methods mentioned here, though quite a few can be tossed out in this specific setting... as this isnt platoon based urban combat in wartime.
Scroll down to the defense and skip anything that has to do with squads. Yes, it is a WW2 assault/defense handbook.

Hopefully your assailant wont catch you sleeping, even so, the breaking and entering should wake you up. I know most of those who picked out a huge arsenal were most likely joking, but to any who werent, be realistic. Pick one primary semi-automatic weapon (or shotgun) that you are comfortable and experienced with, and one semi-automatic handgun that you are also comfortable and experienced with. Semi-automatic handguns are generally preferable to revolvers in this situation but its ultimately personal preference. Any talk of automatics or large arsenals is unrealistic... you can only (effectively) use one weapon at a time, and with an automatic you are more likely to expend your entire clip on nothing other than air in your excitement. This is why the US Army changed the M16 to a 3-round burst, and itchy trigger finger will eat through your ammunition very quickly and you wont accomplish anything at all. A semiautomatic is still rather fast (police officers often fire a lot more rounds than they should sheerly out of the excitement. Many will swear they only fired a single shot when the clip shows that they fired 4 or 5.), but, it isnt nearly so bad as an automatic, and will do the job just as well if you find yourself unexpectedly face to face with your opponent. Keep a good stock of ammo but not so much to weigh you down. Acquire whatever body armor you can if you have time, but comfort and ease of movement is always important and you can forego anything that isnt truly useful. Anything other than a bulletproof vest isnt going to help you an awful lot. Body armor is generally illegal though, so you probably wont find anything.

There are a lot of questions that have no right answer. Lights on or off? I would pick off. But suppose you can't see well at night (my fathers pupils dont dilate very well) - leave the lights on. There are a few neat tricks you can pull with lighting. A few ideas follow:
1. Leave the downstairs lights on, but turn all the lights off upstairs, and pick the room that the least light spills into from downstairs to defend. This way, your eyes will be adjusted to the darkness, but it will take time for your attacker's eyes to adjust. The disadvantage here is if your upstairs, escape is no longer an option, if it were an option in the first place.
2. Set up a flashlight in a room with only a single entrance (securely block up any windows), pointing towards the doorway, aiming for eye level. Position yourself elsewhere in the room, in the place least illuminated by the flashlight. Close the door, place a towel under the door so the light does not spill into the hall, if you have time (check this for leaks in other places beforehand.) so that the enemy isnt expecting to be blinded. The attacker will most likely assume that you are holding that flashlight, at least at first. The flashlight will also blind the attacker. Then the attacker has two options: walk into the light and fully expose himself to a hidden enemy, or, if hes intelligent, disable the flashlight. If you feel that having a flashlight on in the room will impair your night vision, keep one eye closed while you wait for the attacker. That way if the attacker disables the flashlight, you at least have some degree of night vision, while they have none. The best position for the flashlight is somewhere where the enemy must enter the room to deal with the flashlight (neither you or the flashlight should be in a position where the enemy can see you from the doorway). This way, he is more likely to mistake the flashlight for you, and enable you to deal with him before he can think to take your flashlight out of the equation.
The best flashlight to use for this is one which creates as little splash in the room as possible, but is still blinding (narrow beam). You want as few reflective surfaces in the room as possible, they bounce light. This includes white walls, if you had time and intended to seriously use this tactic (you always want more than one tactic, but obviously something comes first or becomes the most favorable option in the situation), you would want to make all the walls as dark as possible, (painting black?). You want to place the flashlight a good distance forward away from you, and yourself in the rear of the room.

Its all just theory anyway. Have fun thinking about it.

Oh, and PS... when defending dark places, never carry a flashlight. You might as well walk up to your opponent and ask him to shoot you. They can be useful on the offense when clearing rooms, to some degree, though that screams for you to be shot as well. Never carry a flashlight when defending, ever, ever, ever.
For those of you who dont like reading I copied all the points for defending a building from the aforementioned WW2 manual. Some of these can be omitted for our hypothetical conversation - such as keeping your enemy from attacking from above, since it is unlikely that a hitman wants to drive you out of the house into the neighborhood... unless he has help. Even then, it just wouldnt happen, its completely impractical for the setting.

a. Every defensive measure should be taken to prevent the enemy from getting above the defender and fighting his way down.
b. Principal, alternate, and supplementary loopholes for riflemen and for all weapons should be prepared, reinforced, and camouflaged. Loopholes may be made high so that the firer can fire from a platform, or low so that he can fire from the prone position. Low loopholes are blocked with sandbags when not in use. It is good practice to fire successive shots from different loopholes, if practicable. Dummy loopholes and dummy heads may be used to draw the enemy's fire. (See fig. 34.)
c. Use great care in the selection of firing positions. Always try to fire from unexpected places. Weapons which are to be fired from windows or large openings should be located well back in the rooms. The area in front of the weapon should be wet to avoid dust and consequent disclosure of position by muzzle blasts. Do not allow the muzzle of a weapon to project from cover. Snipers should make frequent changes of position.
d. Remove or sandbag windowpanes to prevent injury from flying glass. Screen or close openings, including the chimney, to exclude grenades. Place curtains over the upper portion of openings to darken the room and prevent observation by the enemy.
e. Guard against surprise, demolition, and fires. Trip or barbed wires with tin cans on them may give timely warning of enemy approach. The floor over basement dugouts or occupied rooms should be reinforced and fire-proofed with wet earth or masonry. Keep some fire fighting equipment in readiness for instant use. Remove inflammable materials.
f. Prepare one or more well camouflaged and sandbagged observation posts in the attic or upper story. These locations may also be used for sniping or to prevent enemy infiltration over the roof
g. LOOK OUT FOR BOOBY TRAPS, especially if the enemy has previously occupied the building.
h. Always keep one exit available. Breach the walls of interior rooms in concealed places, such as behind heavy furniture, under stairs, or other places not easily discovered by the enemy.
i. Barricade the openings. Doors required for your own use should be bulletproofed by placing sandbags behind them, and the opening restricted to the minimum necessary for passage. The opening should be so located that the enemy cannot see into the room. In some cases it may be necessary to rehang the door to effect this safety precaution.
j. Bulletproof parts of all upper floors, particularly the landings. This can be done with sandbags and will afford protection from enemy fire directed up through the floor
k. Try to keep an empty room between you and the enemy if he is attempting to breach the wall of the building you are in; otherwise you may be killed by the blast. Immediately after the explosion, take position to fire through the hole keeping alert for any hand grenades thrown through the hole.
l. Drop grenades out of windows on an enemy in the street below. A slit in the screen will permit this.
m. Remove down-spouts, or anything by which an enemy may climb the side of the building.
n. Fire through the walls or door if the enemy gains access to an adjoining room; fire through the ceiling, if he is upstairs; fire through the floor, if he is downstairs. (See fig. 28.) The caliber .30 bullet will penetrate most interior walls and floors.
o. Prepare observation holes in the floors and walls and cover them with a sandbag.
p. If you are forced out, retreat toward the upper story, unless you have a safe exit prepared in the cellar. It is easier to throw grenades downstairs from upper landings than to throw them upward. Prepare a means of escape from upstairs rooms.
q. Prepare a barricade in the corner nearest the door, if you are cut off and unable to escape from a room (see fig. 29), and fight.

Take special note of the image
And take special note of the axiom: If you cannot entirely conceal it, make dummies like it."

And remember its theory and dont try this at home kids ;) .
Actually these scenarios are stupid unless you are actually involved in them. Then it is not stupid whatsoever.

Contrary to what people on this board are saying, if you anger or cross the wrong people, and you know their capabilities, it is entirely possible that you know in advance that you are being targeted. You might not know the specifics, but word on the street travels pretty quickly. In my case, the threat was made and I knew it was only a matter of time before I met an untimely end.

What is stupid is to think that average Joe Citizen who has kept his nose clean is going to be all of a sudden target by some super duper hitman from the former Soviet Union. Your ex wife does not have the resources or contacts to hire one of these people. SHe will more than likely hire some barfly from the neighborhood for a couple thousand bucks and maybe some bedroom favors. These guys can still kill you, but they are not professionals.

Hitman coming to get moi?

I think that I would call 1-800-MATTRES and get a new king sized Sealy top of the line bed. Once that was delivered, I'd put some washed really good cotton sheets on it and buy some new pillows. Then I'd take off my shoes, socks, etc. and climb in and pull the covers up. Then, I'd find the remote, surf satellite for a while and fall asleep. Usually I try to get about 7.5 to 8 hours a night. Also, almost forgot, I would have brushed my teeth prior to getting in the bed. In the morning, I'd wake up around 5:30 to 5:45 am EST and take the dogs out, go get coffee, feed the dogs, take them out again, then take a shower and get dressed. After that, I'd head off to work. Then after about 8 hours of that, I'd leave work and go pick up the kids, walk the dogs, catch some CNN, doze off for 20 minutes, feed the dogs, walk the dogs, then take the kids to football practice. Then after 2 hours of practice I'd come home, make dinner, eat dinner, relax, watch some tube, read some emails, and start the whole cycle over again. Bored yet? I am with these wacky scenarios where you're running for your life in the woods a serial killer has a garrotte and is chasing you, blah, blah, blah. This is a gunsite, not your local AMC. If you want to fantasize about things that will never happen, I'll write down a couple of good DVD's you can rent. Start with Taking Lives then move up to Hannibal, my all time hitman favorite would have to be The Godfather. Oh course nobody's wife is putting out the hits in that film.
The hit man a'coming

This fat boy is as poor (financially) as a hibernating bull snake, haven't spit in any Mafioso's eye, imbezzled or stolen anybody's property, done any nasties with somebody elses wife, and stayed home minding my own business so, Oh, I forgot the jack booted thugs from the ATF and FBI whom are busy with mosque yodelers, I just can't be bothered by pro hit men.

Now I do have a very hefty life insurance policy with my spouse as beneficiary but when she cooks which isn't frequent I watch her take a bite or so before I dine.
MrCalm has proclaimed this thread to be silly. So I recommend we stop talking about hitman scenarios. Now we should get back to stuff that is really going to happen to all of us in every day life. Things like what caliber is best for stopping assailants, and which martial art to use to fend off multiple attackers. Let's not forget what supplies we will need if the **** hits the fan. LOL

Truth is - if we are going to draw the line when it comes to fantasy scenarios and "what if's" that will probably never happen, we should probably just close down this board.

Note: I have never had to draw my gun or shoot anyone, I have never had to bug out, I have never had to fight off muggers or deal with stalkers. I have however been forced to leave my friends and family when an area drug dealer was convicted on my testimony, and he and his colleagues vowed to have me killed. Thankfully after a power struggle and leadership change within his organization and his death in prison, I was able to return home.

So, for the one in 10 million chance that you too will be like johnnymenudo, lets have more and lamer "What if" threads. What is your Aunt had balls? She'd be your Uncle! :D
Let's close down the tactics forum altogether then, because 99% of the stuff I read is here is delusional rantings of things that go bump in the night and crazy "what do I do if" scenarios. I have been a member here for 4 years and have only posted a handful of times. Why? Because I never felt that I had anything from experience or expertise to add. When I finally do, people mock the original poster's question. I admit the original post had a "hollywood" feel to it, it isn't any less valid than bug out, **** hit the fan, what do I do if there is a dirty bomb in San Francisco , etc. scenarios. I guess if you don't have anything to add, then best to keep quiet.

I have a list in my head. On it are all the people I've come in contact with who make this world a little worse. Drug dealers, wife beaters, thieves, people who did me personal wrongs. I'd load up the car with a few of my favorite rifles, my matched vaquero's and go hunting. If I'm leaving this world, and odds are I won't be able to stop that, I'm making it better before I go.
I love a good hunt

Since this is fantasy, I'll play.

I know who is coming for me and chances are (since she is missing several fingernails due to a plier manicure) I know where "Guido" is coming from. Time to go hunting. Guido is probably not well versed in being the prey so it should be interesting.
Steyr AUG w/ RUAG S.O. under coat, Glock 19 w/ EMB as backup

I'd go for a Steyr AUG-Z and carry it unter a coat. It's only 31" overall length but has a 20" barrel. I'd carry some 30 or 42 rounds magazines with Ruag Special Operations Ammo.

As a backup I'd carry a Glock 19 with Fiocchi EMB Ammo.

Link to Steyr AUG-Z

PS: These things do happen: Less than a year ago there was somebody out there determined to kill a business-partner of mine. My business-partner did not prepare and ended up in a hospital after the attacker stabbed him in the head several times until the knife broke. He kept on threatening the victim on the phone. So we had to guard the victin in the hospital. The attacker was on the run and kept threating for quite some time until SWAT finally caught him. These things do happen.