why do you Kill ?

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manlicher, seems you got a problem , could it be your guilt coming through ?

i dont kill , you obviously do, if you do it for fun then i dissagree with you.

i would only agree with killing an animal if it were the only source of food available.

i am entitled to my opinion. so why do you bother to troll here on my thread if you dont like it ?
ozzieman, just cos you got a gun you dont have to kill (not for fun anyway)
i dont and im not alone in my way of thinking.
Why do I kill? A little background. My family owns an orchard and we keep livestock. Cows, horses, chickens, and goats. I don't have a need to kill for meat, have all I want for next to nothing. I hunt coyotes on occasion, and shoot them whenever the opportunity presents itself. We've had a few problems with them harrasing the cows and taking chickens. Every spring I kill as many crows as I can manage, its amazing the damage they can do to cherry and apple crops. When I'm not shooting crows in the spring, I'm killing ground squirrels in the vineyards. One vineyard in particular is so infested that every plant has huge holes dug underneath them. This is definately bad for the crops, a lot of farmers will supply ammunition for you to use.

You can say that I only hunt for depredation purposes. I do enjoy the hunting that I do. Coyotes and crows are a big challenge, they are much smarter than most would believe. The ground squirrels are a large nuisance that if not shot, will be poisoned.

These are my reasons for killing.
Jan opines : dont kill , you obviously do, if you do it for fun then i dissagree with you.

i would only agree with killing an animal if it were the only source of food available.

i am entitled to my opinion. so why do you bother to troll here on my thread if you dont like it ?

There are times when I just know its better not to reply to moronic threads, and there are times when I do anyway. This is one of the latter.
Troll your thread? When you post it, you gotta be a big girl, 'cause posting something this inimical to the basic theme of a hunting forum is just asking to get spanked. The thread was ill conceived, and obviously designed from the outset to spark not debate, but rancor. I still think you would feel more at home somewhere else.
I was stunned to look out and see hundreds of deer stand
You would have been more stunned to drive I-10 after midnight and see hundreds of deer on the side of the road casually eating grass 2 feet from your car. Especially if one decided to cross when you passed. :eek:

Seriously, they put those feeders all over the south and as far as I can tell all they do is make the deer fatter. We have 'way too many deer now, to the point where they really need to declare a nationwide doe-only season.

Like I've said before its us against them. ;)
Hunting must be experienced to be understood properly. My wife, on her first deer hunt at 47 years of age, told me she expected that sitting in the bush with a gun, would be the same as sitting there with a camera.
She was amazed, and enthralled by the difference, and was hooked the first time she tried it. You become part of the food chain in a real sense, attached, and a part of nature in a way that's hard to describe. I eat venison, moose, bear, grouse, and everything else I hunt. But the actual kill, is only a very small part of the whole experience.
Let It Go

Jan obviously has her opinion...

The more we entertain her, the more she'll preach... excuse me... educate us.

Let the thread end...

Then let us go to PETA boards and spread our opinion.

Please do tell us Jan where we can find some more of your kind on the Internet.

WAR Fair Chase! WAR Being on TOP of the Food Chain! WAR Having Teeth Evolved to Chew Meat! WAR Not Being a Hypocrite! WAR The 2nd Amendment! And God Bless America!
GB, nothing against the citizens over there, as they really arent at fault for their asanine weapon laws, but because of those laws, I could never reside there.

"You become part of the food chain in a real sense, attached, and a part of nature in a way that's hard to describe. "

Well said, John Y. Cannuck!

Good luck, and good hunting!
Originally posted by Jan
" i am entitled to my opinion. so why do you bother to troll here on my thread if you dont like it ?"

This was a "troll" thread from the beginning and no goal but to start an argument. I knew that when I read the title. Why I even bothered to open it, nonetheless reply to it is beyond me. I must really be bored.

" all i can say is that when i put this thread up i didnt realize how busy it would be."
Yes you did
jseime. i am a human .. ive been born with a much more superior brain than an animal, i can do many things they cant, one of them is to grow food. yes i own a gun, but i have no need to kill for food, i just have to go to the shop, i buy mostly veg and pasta, rarely buy meat. why should i kill if i dont have to?
Unfortunately there will always be people like yourself, people who dont give it a second thought.

my problem is that i care, cant help that, thats who i am !
preciseone. my kind of people ?.. all over the world i expect. why peta, im from the UK. im just a caring person thats all nothing more nothing less.
OK Jan, you've spoken your opinion in response to our answers.

The board is for exchange of information and not about what it "right" or "wrong". Many of us have a subjective view of that anyhow.....

If you don't let this go soon, you will only be responsible for causing more bad feelings. Ultimately, I suspect you will have zero say here at all, much less credibility.
rarely buy meat
But you do buy meat, which I'm assuming has been killed
im just a caring person thats all nothing more nothing less.
Yes you care enough that if you don't have to see the animal die then you can fool yourself into thinking that it is OK, even though it goes against the holier than thou position you have taken against killing for food
Unfortunately there will always be people like yourself, people who dont give it a second thought.
Must have missed that part of his post

You are saying that killing for food is wrong if there are other options. But you freely admit that you partake of the dead flesh of an animal that was killed for your benefit.
Exactly what kind of person do you think that makes you?
Well put, Joab.

Jan said:
i dont kill , you obviously do, if you do it for fun then i dissagree with you.
But of course you do. If you're purchasing "free range" poultry, you're paying someone to kill an animal. How is that different from killing?

i would only agree with killing an animal if it were the only source of food available.
Again, if you can subsist for half the year on non-meat products, why not the rest of the year? I submit that you eat meat not out of necessity but rather because you choose to. Don't water that down. You predate by choice.

You possess an FAC for that firearm? What kind do you have?

Friends, just because someone does not subscribe to the prevailing view of this board doesn't mean that they're trolling when they post. So long as Jan is courteous and follows the rules of the forum (none of which demand that posts be pro-gun, BTW. We're not the Democratic Underground, here!), she's welcome to stir thought-provoking posts. Frankly, I get bored with looking around the room and finding that everyone agrees with me. :rolleyes:
Let's face it: We all kill, even vegans do.

Most of us kill because the eat meat. I do too. To me it's the same whether you kill yourself or have somebody kill for you because you buy killed stuff. That's fine.

What isn't fine is killing without a good reason. If what is being killed is not being eaten, I – generally speaking - have a problem with that.

For all vegans and vegetarian etc: Just imagine a plough and/or a harrow. These tools kill millions of worms, mice, moles, cock chafer grubs, snails, snakes, voles etc. every year. And that’s just to make sure you get your salad and potatoes.

Don’t get me wrong, but the dependence on organic food inevitably causes the ending of life of other organisms in order to keep your own organism alive. Therefore in my opinion anybody who lives and thinks he/she doesn't kill is wrong. As are those who kill for any other reason but for to live.
Anyone been to a slaughterhouse recently? Seen the way factory farmed animals are killed? Listened to the pigs squeal? They smell death coming. Seen the turkeys hung upside down on the conveyor, trying to escape? Most animals are stunned before slaughtering, usually by either CO2 or electricity, but its not always effective. And then theres the smell....
Now tell me that hunting is inhumane in comparison to the meat you see in the supermarket :rolleyes:
I dont hunt, like i said before, but I think that animal lovers should be directing their efforts elsewhere.
This is 'way afield, but I'll point out that our ancestors were all hunters at one time and livestock farmers at another. Our descendants will be hunters and livestock farmers again. Some folks have the luxury of not hunting now, but that is just an artifact of our civilization and said artifact won't last more than a few hundred years if we're lucky or tomorrow if we're not lucky.

All it would take is a single rock from space and we lucky city dwellers will again be hunters and farmers or we will be compost.

I'd like to say I kill to irritate left wing socialists like Jan who live in a country where one is not even allowed to defend one's home lest they injure the criminal, and who troll websites in a country where people are still relatively free, for no other reason than to stir up trouble.

Actually, though, I have hunted all my life, been a conservationist, respect our public land, and only killed so that I may have enjoyed the sport of hunting which normally consisted of me and my dog high on a mountain somewhere with him working into the wind with his head high, trying to get the sent of birds. Where I can see 50 miles in any direction and not see a sign of another human being, and never consider killing anything but the chukar partridge I love to hunt, during the open season, and only till my quota is filled. And where I experience a freedom the likes of which hasn't existed in the UK since Stonehenge.
I shouldn't be too hard on Jan--as a citizen in a Socialized country where citizens can't defend themselves from violent criminal attack, she hasn't got a clue. :rolleyes:
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