why do you Kill ?

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See, there you go again with your stereotypes. People still hunt in the UK, and no, its not always with red coats, bugles and hounds. I am, and always will be, a citizen of that country. Lets stick to facts here. Americans abroad have a reputation for being xenophobic and ignorant. As usual, its a stereotype and not true of most people. lets all be open minded enough to learn something about eachother - we can still all make up our own minds ;)
Jan? Well why? Jan well I will tell you why! First off I did not read any of the other post but yours. When I go to the wood I feel I'm one with nature. I also know that all the bleeding harts don't understand any thing about nature. they only see what they want to see and not the whole pitchure. I hunted almost every weekend last year during deer season and did not even shoot my gun. Am I unhappy I did not shoot a deer? No! Being in the woods is the best medicine money can buy. When the bleeding harts pitch there bitch on TV I know when they are full of BS. Like 99% of the time. Shooting a deer is just icing on the cake. I have watched thing in nature that bleeding harts would not understand. But that is the way it is and you can tell me no different.

Why do I kill? To be part of the whole pitchure. You may not understand the whole pitchure? But I do and it's a beautful thing and makes me feel whole. I'm sure you don't want to hear this! but it makes me think there is a God.

Come to the woods with me and I will show you the whole pitchure!
Chorlton,i have seen programmes on tv, about the slaughter of animals, its not nice at all. i refuse to buy any pig product, they are killed in such a bad way.
many years ago i used to eat lamb and beef, but im to unhappy about the way in which they get treated. i buy one free range turkey a year and dont buy chickens any more now that the local shop doesnt stock the rspca monitored range anymore.
In respnse to that post, you will find that 99.9% of all registered hunters are responsible, ethical sportsmen. You might find 1% who show complete disregard for safety or for conservation principles and blast away at anything that moves. Furthermore, legitimate hunters WILL NOT tolerate such behavior and we see that reckless individuals are prosecuted.

Do you all know where most of the money set aside by states for conservation programs and wildlife management comes from? That's right, the sale of hunting and fishing licenses. Hunters, and pro hunting organizations such as Ducks Unlimited contribute more to the environment and conservation than every PETA puke combined.

You won't find a more conservation minded person than a hunter or a fisherman.
Long path, im down to one free range turkey a year, it cost more to ensure it gets treated better in life, i know that one turkey gets killed, and i dont take that lightly, its not been killed for sport and it has had a reasonable life.
btw this turkey is for xmas dinner and tell you the truth i dont eat it myself, my family do.

i have a 22 marlin rifle and im hoping to get a 357 long barrelled revolver.
mistake #3

I must admit I have wrote back 3 times on this topic....... and it was a mistake all 3 times........ I have wasted at least 30 minutes of life...and all I can do is ask myself why.....? :D

I keep trying to reason with unreasonable people.......???
Can't we all just get along???

Oooops! Sorry. Wrong thread.

I think its been clearly demonstrated that neither side is budging.

Jan, I think you've tried very hard to make your point but your compromised position on meat usage, no matter how its dressed up as being as "humane" as posssible, makes your argument hypocritical.
Even though you say you don't partake, that does not absolve you of guilt in having participated in a process which resulted in the slaughter of a living being. A little guilty is still guilty.

You started this thread by asking, "Why do you kill?", but the thread has now been corrupted to the point that its more an indictment of your inconsistency than of hunting. Time to ask another question.

BTW. I don't hunt, but I've seen too many starving deer wandering around in the woods of my state parks to realize that overpopulation is a major problem, and that in lieu of natural predators. the most effective way to manage the population is by hunting. Personally, the only place I want to be at 4-5am is in the middle of a dream involving...
In response to Jan.

If your intent was to insult or offend the majority of users on this board, you have suceeded.
If that was not your intent, that is what it has metamorphisized into, your fault or not.
The real question here is "why challenge anyone's lifestyle?"

You have challenged hunters/fishermen. Perhaps not as a malicious attack, but a challenge nonthless. They in return have challenged you. Some have responded with logic, and some have not. Either way, they have voiced their opinion, as you have yours, so you have no right to feel any more attacked or insulted than any others on this board.
What you have done is challenge another persons lifestyle. That is why the US and UK are two seperate entities now, and it would seem that not much has changed in 230 years.
America, the individual states, and this board were all concieved with the ideal of "life, liberty, and pursuit of hapiness" in mind. You, I, and all the users of this board should respect that.
We all have different lifestyles, and we all (maybe not you) are guaranteed the freedom to enjoy whatever lifestyle we choose. in that regard, I ask you to respect that freedom, and allow us to live that lifestyle unchallenged. Most of the people here would have done the same had you not prompted us for a response.
My personal belief is that you knew very well how much and what type of response you would get before you asked the question. I also personally beleive that the rants, arguments, and hot tempers that were created here were the the only intention of your post.
However, for the sake of the board and for the other sportsmen here who do not share my opinion, I will assume that you asked innocently and no ill will was meant. That being said, please respect our right to individual preference.
why do i kill

I have alot of reasons to kill, the biggest reason is in the freezer. I also hunt and kill for sport, if that sounds bad then so be it but until you have been in a duck blind or standing in the flooded timber as ducks cup up and come into your decoys or you have a deer walking 20 yards away as you sit waiting with your bow (or other method) it just can not be explained to you. I also kill for population control when there is a need for it. All the animals have lived a life that had much more freedom then your x-mas turkey but more then likely it was not better. These animals have been chased by other preditors from day one, they have to work to eat during cold winter months when the snow covers there food supply. I guess you could say I am just helping them get away from thier troubles. ;)
I agree with you that the conditions that the animals live in for the mass produced meat arent the best but trust me the people running those opperations try to keep the animals as satisfied as possible because when the animals are treated poorly, they lose money. I have been to the processing plants, chicken houses and feed lots for these animals and its not pretty but it gets the job done. With all your talk of how poor the animals have been treated i hope that you have been to these places too and not just driven past them but gone in and seen how it realy is. Hopefully you are not just a living advertisment passing on a message that you have been told second hand and have no true experience with. The animals are raised as humanely as possible considering it has to be a food supply for several million people.
It wont be long before we'll be swarmed with folks looking out for the rights of VEGETABLES.
What? You've never the scream of a carrot being pulled from the ground? Wait and see.
There's lot's of venison in my freezer, BUT, most of it was not hunted!
Most of it was killed by some dude, or dudette driving a car. That's right, road kill.
Going to stop driving Jan?
Death is a part of life.
Jan - please do not take this as an insult....

It's not meant that way.
I think you really believe what you say you do, but the disconnect is that you are so certain about not killing, and yet you rationalize that "I am down to one free-range turkey a year."
As if that mitigates you denying what you say you believe so fervently?
If you can have one, why not two that came from an especially humane free-range ranch? Or three..... or forty?
And those "free-range" animals don't dislike having their heads chopped off, very much like their captive cousins? Evisceration is different for them?
Do you not see the irony?
Being a vegetarian on ethical grounds is ok, really it is.... if you actually practice those ethics. But lecturing on killing - especially on an American site - is most certainly a masochistic bent for someone who admits that he or she eats meat.....
Long Path, i notice you said "so long as Jan is courteous and follows the rules of the forum"....does this apply to all the members here ? does this mean that people here should be courteous to me ?
Johnycannuck, my hubby drives, and yeah his hit a fox, that was a bad day.
over here some people hunt foxes, they set dogs on them, the dog rips the poor fox apart, also to train these dogs to reconise a fox, they will set young inexperienced dogs on to baby fox cubs in the nest, its a real mess as the young dogs dont know what to do, btw this is called cubbing. anyway in my opinion enough of our foxes are killed on the road,they dont need to be hunted to death.
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