why do you Kill ?

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Why kill? To live - the human body needs food to survive. Meat and plants are the only things that are food to the human body. They both are alive, and therefore they must die for the human body to sustain life.

Anyone with a problem with that should try an alternative means of subsistance... :rolleyes:

there are so many ways that different states try to control the hunted species. here are a few i know of. some have lotterys, yearly limits, paying for extra doe permits, and private land lease. and some states have started the number of points of a rack. they say it is working in pa. there are more, but it can be researched from state to state.
If I'm to eat meat, I prefer to humanely take the animal myself versus eating a cow that was beat over the head with a hammer. It's the responsible thing to do in my book.
Im with Lycanthrope I would rather kill the animal myself. I love the outdoors and respect nature and killing the animal to eat it is more moral to me. And face it.. MAN EATS MEAT our bodies are not designed to digest 99.9% of the vegetation on this earth. But you could live off of only meat if you had too.
Overpopulation is a self-correcting problem, but how much suffering should we allow while things correct themselves? I prefer a solution to the problem that allows for those things which are going to die to do it quickly and in a manner that is as painless as possible.

I kill because I, in one way or another, do so to conform my surroundings to my liking (pest removal), to fill my belly (hunting), or to save my life. I am the top of the food chain. If the animals were smart enough they would turn the tables but, until then, I will continue to do what man does to be comfortable, safe, and well fed.
Why I kill

It occurs incidental to the hunt- I once helped a farmer slaughter stock during a drought and I felt really uncomfortable doing it and had dreams for weeks afterwards.

When it occurs incidentally to the hunt it is part of life- and tasteful.

Incidentally I take meat from what I shoot to eat and try not to waste and treat game taken with dignity.

A greeny would not understand what I am saying but I am sure you guys do.
It's important to realize that death by starvation is a SLOW and PAINFUL process, so much so that when people allow domestic animals to starve they are charged with cruelty to animals.
Well said Annie......

I think the Buckeye has said what we all can agree the best two sentences on this topic...... Well said - it is just that simple too..... :D

*Annie congrats on another great NCAA football year... if your a Buckeye fan?
First, with respect to eating them. No it's not necessary to live, but there are reasons:

1. I agree that harvesting an animal from the wild is in a sense morally superior (IMO) to eating meat from animals raised in farms, in little cages, in terrible conditions, genetically engineered to the point where they can't walk from having such meaty bodies, etc. At least the critters I harvest had their lives up to that point to live free, and naturally. And they have a pretty decent chance of living their entire lives without being shot. No so for captive-raised meat consumed by the public. You could make a pretty decent argument that eating commercial meat is immoral, whereas hunting is not.

2. In addition, the meat I eat from wild animals is not contaminated with tons o' antibiotics and such that are injected into commerically raised animals. Plus, they're much leaner. As a result, it's arguable healthier. Perhaps not as healthy as a vegetarian diet, but healthier than commercial meat, IMO.

3. There's a certain definite satisfaction from eating game that you've harvested with your own hand. Very mentally satisfying. This must be a primal urge, dating back to cavemen days. Stronger in men than women, but present in some women too.

4. If you're really good, and hunt enough, you can actually save money over store-bought meat prices in the long run, once you've reached the break-even point and covered the initial outlay cost of your gear (guns, hunting equip, etc.). Granted, the venison I've eaten is well over $100/pound, when you factor this stuff in, but over my lifetime, that unit cost will come down, down, down, and eventually be a plus instead of a minus financially (or so I would like to think - provided I don't pay for a bunch of fancy guided hunts in AK, Can, Africa, etc. - then my meat would be very expensive indeed)

Next, to control pests/varmints:

-Many species are devastating irritants to our livestock, crops, infrastructure, pets, etc., and need to be culled to varying degrees, and some to the largest extent possible without making them become endangered, in many people's opinions anyway, including coyotes, crows, beavers, feral pigs, nutria, mice & rats, prairie dogs, moles, and other rodentia. Perhaps arguably skunks, though I don't view skunks as a problem. I suppose they can carry rabies, but so can dogs for that matter. Deer are also a nuisance in a sense, as mentioned, due to the ticks they carry and spread, and the cause of motor vehicle accidents.
Rojoe67, you dont have to buy leather, there are other materials available.
as for the paper bit ,very funny !
joab, firstly the reason for 2 threads, was because i wasnt sure exactly where i would get the best response, i am new here.

2nd, i dont pay anyone to kill for me.
only meat i eat, is chicken , and turkey at xmas. these birds have been reared free range so i pay extra money for them, so in effect the extra money i pay ensures they have lived a free from suffering life.
Lemme quote Alton Brown, host of "Good Eats" on the food network... Context: He's answering the question of "Do you buy free range chickens?"

"There's nothing wrong with a free range chicken. I just can't find anybody I respect who can actually tell me there's anything really better about a free range chicken. You know, the fact that a chicken's got a little bitty square space that they can walk around, or that they throw the door open on the chicken house so that they can go out. Well guess what, chickens don't like going out, they like staying in; so I don't know. Higher quality feed is certainly an issue. I mean, the better food the chicken is gonna get, or any other animal for that matter, the better it's gonna taste. So I certainly won't say no to free range chicken, but I'm also not gonna pay that much extra for it. Untill somebody convinces me otherwise."

Emphasis is mine.

Btw, I'd like to know how you know the farm is treating the chickens nicely. Do you ever visit the farm? Do you ever visit the slaughterhouse to make sure they're gentle about cutting the heads off?
i dont pay anyone to kill for me.
So you buy your free ranged chickens live?
Or do you buy them already slaughtered?
Do you think the man that did the killing did it for the thrill or for pay?

If you truly believe that eating meat or using dead animal products is wrong then practice veganism.

If you don't believe that doing so is wrong then don't try to take some moral highroad about how some choose to obtain that dead flesh.

If you pay for dead meat then you have also paid into the system that creates dead meat.

This may surprise and even horrify you to learn, but the only way to create dead meat is to kill something with meat on it.

If you buy that dead meat from the person who created that dead meat or from the person who bought it from the person who created that dead meat then you have paid somebody to do something you don't have the stomach to do for your self i.e. KILL:eek:
Thereby maintaining your ability to look down your nose at those who create your dead meat and also those that create their own dead meat

And fair enough to the answer to question 1

Jan buys a special breed of free-range chickens bred to grow to a certain size then commit chicken-suicide, thereby relieving him/her of any guilt from the idea that he/she might have actually paid a part of his/her purchase price for someone to kill for him/her..... :D
I'm fairly certain that Jan has never eaten an elk tenderloin.... he/she would most likely switch teams......
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