Who are you?

I am 57, and work for a construction company, lives on a farm and I raise cattle. I usually always wear steel toed boots, wrangler jeans and wrangler denim western shirts with snaps, and a ball cap or hard hat at work and a cowboy hat when I am not at work, and a Carhart vest in the wintertime. And I hate suits and don't own a pair of dress shoes, but I do own several pairs of cowboy boots.

I carry all kinds of different guns CCW but not at work, because Its against the rules, but most everyone has one or more in their pickup.

I wear a lot of different hats at work. I bid a lot of projects, and manage a lot of projects unless I am lucky enough to be able to delegate it to someone else, and we have a lot of emergencies. When something breaks, or there's a problem, especially if there's a problem that no one knows how to fix, or they need the impossible done in a ridiculous time frame, I am the guy they call. Sometimes, I think they call me not because I am the best, and I am certainly not the cheapest, a lot of times, but I can usually start right now, and If I don't know what to do, I will find someone who does.

I have always loved all kinds of guns, but I am mostly a blued steel and walnut kind of guy, even though I own a few Glocks, I am not all that into plastic and kydex, but Kydex holsters are growing on me.
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I'm the 50+ farm-boy-turned-college professor who spends a lot of time answering questions about guns from people I work with, and who can walk from my back door to a 25 yard handgun range as long as the weather is nice.
I am 59, 6'2" with a medium build and fading red hair. I am an investment advisor, living and working in the suburbs. I also serve as a lay elder in an inner city church.

My main hobbies are hunting, golf, and shooting my various pistols and rifles.

My family has had two different home invasion incidents in the past few years. In one case, scum bags were trying to get in the back of the house late at night. I pulled my gun and shouted them down, scaring them away. The police arrived in about ten minutes.

In the other case, my adult daughter, her son, and my teenage son were home while my wife and I were away. They heard footsteps upstairs (slow and careful, like someone was sneaking) and fled the house in a panic. It took the police 30 minutes to get to the house.

Since those incidents, I have been carrying at all times, home and away. I always carry a small pistol or revolver in my pocket, and a larger weapon IWB. All the time, no exceptions. I have some 25+ handguns, shotguns and rifles. I rotate the handguns for carry, just so none of them feel lonely. As I write this, I have a Colt Cobra 38 in my pocket, and IWB I carry an 8-round Smith & Wesson 4" 357 magnum (Model 627).
A dull and boring engineer in his late 30's (Hexadecimal, do the math :) ), lived in a couple countries overseas, 4 kids all through college, married 30+ years to a literal saint, last job on bucket list is to teach high school physics.
I'm 25, 5'7" 160lbs, normally in blue jeans and boots regardless of the temperature outiside. Never leave the house without a "cover" (aka a hat) or my Colt 1911. Occasionally I will carry my Glock 23 instead. I'm a county corrections officer working my way up to patrol and a Corporal in the Marine Corps reserve.

I have a strange mix of hobbies and not nearly enough time for all of them. Some of you probably don't know this but I like to shoot :D. I also reload, hunt, fish, play guitar, and snowboard. That last one gave me a separated shoulder two weeks ago and subsequently screwed up all my other hobbies for the next two months :mad: Found out the hard way I'm not Shaun White.

I'm also a very bad diesel mechanic. Not bad as in awesome, bad as in not very good and shouldn't try to DIY everything. My truck repair bill and snowboarding injury have severely encroached upon my gun habit here lately. Sigh... Two more months. Plenty of time to reload a crap ton of .308 and .45
I'm a 54 year old mantence Boilermaker welder at a coal fired powerhouse hopeing my job last long enought to get my kids thru school.I'm usally in jeans and a tee shirt.Can't decide if I like shooting or relaoding more lol:)
I'm a 58 year old 5'8" overweight ex trucker turned factory worker with long hair in a pony tail and a short beard. I wear jeans and a T shirt year round. I live in the country and shoot whenever I feel like it. I abhor paper targets but am proficient on pop cans etc, not to mention white tail deer. :D
Electrical engineer, designing micro chips used in cell phones. Have been doing that for too long. Currently studying to be a gunsmith. If, God willing, I will see the day I can retire, that's what I am going to do, and of course woodworking and some other silly stuff.

Fat Old Guy psych professor. Bearded and semi-bald. Jeans, and some kind of cover (not a shoot me first vest!).

Known as the institution's gun nut. Some are ok with that, some are not. Tough.
Who are you?

I am you. I am me. I am every man. I'm the guy driving to and from work everyday. Trying to keep my sanity in this crazy, mixed up world. Trying to make some sense of it all. Trying to take care of my family.

I am also a gun owner. A CHL holder. A second amendment supporter. A common man who believes in Christ. A military veteran of 27 years (AF, retired).
I'm the thirty something guy in a dull sedan wearing a dress shirt and khakis during the week. I'm driving a truck, tractor or 4 wheeler on the weekends.
I spend my free time camping with scouts, watching dance recitals, hunting and coaching.
And despite being armed most of the time I've never harmed anyone or even let it be know that I'm armed, but I am prepared.
59, semi-white collar, about a year or so from retirement. Often out of town, involved in air transport safety.

Seldom go into the urban center of Memphis, where I would carry on my person. Often running/walking
on wooded trails. Tired of most man-made environments and much of the very self-centered civilian mindset so common now, at least in today's American culture. Even in the better hotels....

Ironically most visits to urban centers are in other cities with little free time, where a handgun might one day be an urgent need. It's impossible to carry on the job without being in an extremely unique federal program, which doesn't have much tolerance for leaving certain "things" behind.

Joshua2415: I watched a Youtube video of an armed homeowner telling a guy at his front door that he was armed, which worked. The suspect claimed to need help with a car or accident etc, but the house is near a gas station.

Off the subject and totally unique here, but that's not nearly as alarming as a tv episode: read up on the off-duty (NYC) officer in dark, rural Vermont who saved his own and his young son's life when a guy knocked on his door, claiming a car accident.
The LEO displayed his holstered gun, and the guy left the porch. The next day the off-duty LEO discovered Two Graves already prepared outside the house which would have been for the guy and his little son. Really scary?
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Also 59, 5'9", weight harder to hold at 180 than when I was younger. Trying to stay in shape. Very conservative, strong faith in God, three good kids, one good wife. Love my country but do not trust my government. Have always been a hard worker, either at work in retail or on my land where I love to hunt deer, turkey or just a lot of targets. Do not know actual count of firearms owned but still need one or two more.
Who am I ??
Just some guy who was born liking guns. Was born during Vietnam, and my parents swore I'd have nothing to do with guns or violence, so I wouldn't grow up to die in war.
Well, I fix guns for a living (sort of a living, anyway), so we can see how that turned out.
Did my first action job on an S&W model 10 when I was 17, almost 31 yrs ago now. But since then spent over 20yrs as an industrial machinist, which destroyed much of my body, drove trucks around the country a couple years, a few other less important jobs here and there, and now finally doing what I always wanted, which was gunsmithing. I did it off and on at home all along. So I have never stood out, always wearing jeans or maybe just cargo pants and t-shirts, work boots or tennis shoes. Now, I do carry at work, but before carried the rest of the time. Been married over 20yrs, one adult child, one not far from it.
Still living in the city, and still hoping to get to the country. Yes, I hold doors for people too.
Sometimes, they will for me, so we aren't alone.
Don't get to hunt anymore. Don't fish, allergic to seafood, so no point. Been reloading since 1985, but don't get much time for it anymore.
Have done NRA bullseye, NRA smallbore 3P, CAS, 3Gun, and a couple NRA Highpower.
Just the getting old guy, with hair slowly turning white, not terribly out of shape, as I sit here and sip my spiced rum.
I'm the 36 year old, tee-shirt or hoody, jeans, and cowboy boots wearing guy you never look twice at.

I'm the guy that holds the door for your wife or daughter at the store, or helps you change a tire on the side of the road.

I cook breakfast for my wife and kids on the weekends, mow my grandparents lawn, and help my elderly neighbor hang his Christmas lights.

I'm just an every day guy, trying to be a decent person.

I'm also the guy that carries a pistol everywhere I go, in the hopes of never having to use it, but, also know I may have to protect myself or my family from those that aren't decent people.
I am just a guy who grew up on a farm, spent quite a bit of time around guns and learned the meaning of respect and hard work from a young age. I am the 27 year old guy who is thankful for the experiences in life that have made me the person I am today. Married to a great woman who has blessed me with an amazing son and another child on the way. Go to church with my family and pray that I can be a positive influence on my family and those around me.

Typically I would be seen wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt, leather boots or tennis shoes depending on the day. Always have a gun, whether I am working or taking care of personal business.

I am the guy who puts on my uniform, vest, badge and gun and takes pride in what I do and who I serve. I wear a triangle on my shoulder (those from Missouri should know) and have taken an oath to protect and conserve. Willing to work hard for what I believe and not afraid to do what is right.

I enjoy hunting, fishing, instructing hunter education classes, and collecting many various things that my wife doesn't always understand.
Who am I?

I'm a 59 year old that is PRO 2A, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. I'm also a NRA Certified Range Safety Officer that volunteers at my gun club when they need extra help at any time. I also Believe in the way that our Founding Father's set this country up where it is a Government for the people, run by the people and not the Government. And I might have the wording a little off but I'm sure that everyone knows what I'm talking about. I also feel that our government has gotten WAY TO BIG and that it has lost touch with us the People. And if WE the People don't do something it's going to get a lot worse for us. And I'm going to be very happy when Dictator Obama and his Admin. or out of office. And hopefully someone gets into office that will bring this country back to what it use to be. Because right now it's being seen all over the world as a weak one that will not help it's allies when they ask for our help to combat their enemies or the terrorists that are taking over their countries. Obama just isn't doing his job. And because of it our allies are being taken over by the Radical Jihadists. And they are even now here in this country because Obama and his Admin. refuse to secure the country's borders and he doesn't even have any type of plan to defeat them either. And this is why Obama needs to go and the sooner the better.
Retired middle aged guy who fled a big city on the left coast and now residing in a sparsely populated rural area. Along life's path gave talks at the Smithsonian and the AAM, had over fifty published articles internationally, played curator and conservator for a small veterans' owned collection, wrote a book on the blackpowder sharpshooter (goes into early sniping), took eight NRA summer gunsmithing classes at Lassen, attended most factory armorer classes and recently finished the two year gunsmithing program at TSJC. Presently writing another book.
Like someone else said, I'm the gray man.

T-shirt, jeans, all year round. Tennishoes with some stuff, hiking shoes or boots with the other. Depends on the plans for the day. During cold weather I can be found snuggled up in a hoodie or chore jacket. I'm short, average weight. Average complexion, average everything.

You walk by me everyday, I stick out like a truffle underfoot... that is, I DON'T stick out. I'm concealed, buried in the collage of people and things you pass by everyday on the street.

You might not think much of me, but I can guarantee that if you make a move to hurt me or my family, I will kill you dead where you stand.