Who are you?

"ha Personally I think it would be awesome. I mean you get the girl and she has a cool interesting dad that shares your hobbies? Thats a win win! Terrifying sure. But cmon it would have its perks. "

What else are you dreaming about?
Like if somebody told him that he was good, when he was bad?:D:D
I am a young working chef who goes is a college student studying business. I am the tall dark completed young man with a very solid build. When I am not in my chefs uniform at work I wear creased riatta tan khakis with wolverine work boots and a nice Polo or button down shirt untucked and a flat billed solid black Houston Astros hat on. I only carry when I am hunting which is very very often at least twice a week every week. But when I get my CHL in July then I will be packing more then.
I am a retired attorney with a closet full of worthless dress suits (inseam is too short.) My wife's half of the closet is filled with valuable clothing. I, too, regularly hold the door open. I wear Wrangler jeans and weather-appropriate button-front shirts most of the time. I hunt but not often these days (bow, rifle, shotgun and 629) and fish (fly, casting, spinning). I rarely carry any of my handguns. We have two Labs. We have two married daughters and three young grand-children. Daughters have a total of three Labs (five Labs keep us busy during family visits.) Sons-in-law are hunters and shooters. We live in a suburb next to a small acreage usually occupied by 7 to 10 whitetails, sometimes including 150 P&Y (B&C) bucks. My pension and Social Security are enough for occasional drive-through burgers & fries. :D
Spats, you know who I am, we've met.

Oh, OK. I'll play along.

I'm the guy who doesn't blend into a crowd very well. I'm 6'3" and something over 300 pounds. Hard to miss. Hell, they can spot me from the space station. If it hits the fan he or they will likely be aware of my presence simply because I'm too big to miss. But I'm pretty tricky so maybe nobody will see me slip the 380 out of my front pants pocket.

I'm the 70 year old retired musician in jeans,cowboy boots,and T-shirt, sitting
at the table next to you,eating Tex-mex,who doesn't want to be messed with,
and who lives in the city and longs for the country.And as soon as my CCL comes,
I'll be carrying my gen 4 glock 30 in a Remora,aiwb.
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I used to be the guy who could ring the 200yd gong on the rifle range with his .45 Colt Blackhawk, off hand, classic target stance, left hand in my back left pocket. And a lit Marlboro hanging from the corner of my mouth.

Now, I'm the guy who watches the modern era drive away in a cloud of dust, and waves goodbye from his porch rocker....

I'm just an average guy of 37. Reagan is the first president I remember. My wife an I are a team, we both work to support our 2 kids, and try to have a little extra to have some fun with the family. We work hard for what we have and are thankful to have it.

I'm a simple former heavy haul trucker, turned Highway Department worker just a little over a year ago who still wakes up every morning actually looking forward to going to work despite making a little less money than I did when trucking.

I'm kind of a jack of all trades sort of guy, who likes to go against the grain. I still ride my 3-wheelers, drive an old '78 Chevy truck (in the summer time anyway) and own my share of firearms.. Might not seem "against the grain" to some of you, but I live in NY! ;) My wife and kids like to pile into the cab and box of that old truck for a summer evening cruise to a campfire gathering at any one of my siblings or parents houses. Nothing like the sound of an old 350 and the smell of carbureted engine exhaust mixed with the sounds of the crickets and the firework show of lightning bugs in a summer night hayfield.

If I'm dressed up, it's my best jeans and button up shirt with a belt and my best pair of logger boots.

When I'm not dressed up it's about the same except it's a little dirtier and I skip the belt..

I can't carry every day (see above reference to state of residence), but when I do, I'm packing a magnum anywhere between 357 and 460 S&W...SO ask yourself, "Do I feel lucky??" Well, do ya punk?? ;)

I'm the guy who feels extremely disconnected with his generation. Like I was born 75+ years later than I was supposed to be. I look back at my childhood in the 80's and remember how much more free we were even then.

I'm the guy who worries about my kids' future.. individually and on the grander scale of where our nation is headed. These worries keep me awake at night at times.....

I'm also the guy who swears to be a misplaced Texan. I most certainly DO NOT have a NY state of mind.... One may contend that I cannot afford to stay, but the reality is that I cannot afford to pick up and leave.. monetarily or more importantly for the family we would be leaving behind.....

I'm one of the guys that plows the roads in our little snow covered corner of NY, called Vienna.

Cheers. :)
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I am the 40 something, overly educated, mini van driving soccer mom. By day you will find me in khakis charming old people into doing what I want so they can get better and go back to their lives. At night I do the mom thing. My husband and I both work hard, and we have have a good life, with plenty of extras -boat, camper, snowmobile, motorcycle....- I love the outdoors, particularly the beach and water. And I have recently joined the ranks of the armed.
I’m a Indiana Hoosier (still have no idea what that means). X Navy flight crew. I spend half of the work week looking through a microscope. I’m an old fart that will never retire and will die being shot by a jealous 20 year old husband,,,, Ok, ;) that is very deep in the bucket list! Fat balding and as others have said I dress like I don’t have a shilling in my pocket. And looks wise, I would be the last person you would think would be carrying a Kimber Royal carry. Hobbies and my wife says I have WAY TO MANY. Books are an addiction, military history and aviation. Muscle cars, on my 4th Chevelle big block ground up rebuild. Audiophile, and THERE IS NO CALABER OTHER THAN THE 44 SPECIAL,,,,, NONE,,, I hate TV but love TOP GEAR.
This feels like an on line dating service, the difference is they can read your mind.
Australian Sheppard’s ROCK
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I am a Uniform wearing guy 5 days a week and then gladly slip in to a no body over the week end. Peace, quiet, wife and kids and a Ugly Black Dog. Recharge time as I call it. I am the guy that pushes your wife, daughter, son out of the snowbank in the winter with a smile, never accepts money for helping. A smile and a hand shake fill the spot just fine
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I'm the guy whose a dad, who goes to school and works full-time and an extremely casual office environment for a farm supply equipment company that specializes in Poultry and Pig systems.

Average work day I'm in Lucky Brand 181 Relaxed fit jeans; a polo or plaid shirt (Pendelton) and a black fleece jacket. About once a month I wear a hoodie on casual Friday. In the winter I wear Wolverine anti-slip Work boots and in the summer usually a pair of Adidas tennis shoes. If it gets really cold outside I will break out the Carhartt overcoat. It is not unusual to see my (shaved) bald head in a baseball cap unless it's cold enough to warrant a beanie. Logos include my University, my workplace, the Detroit Lions, Cabelas and the NRA (usually only at gun-related events though).

I am barred from carrying at work; so I usually only carry if I go out after work or on the weekends while out and about with the family. On the weekends I often switch to my leather jacket which makes my G19 at 4 o'clock disappear. Though honestly I can carry it in almost any clothes I own as long as my shirt is untucked. Lucky jeans 181 are forgiving around the waist so my Glock tucks in nicely and is held in place my a Galco stow-n-go hanging on a Galco belt.

Here I am at the range with my first 8MM a few years ago:

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Who am I? I'm a part time wood flooring contractor/ full-time dad of 5, and wear my company workshirt and jeans most every day..... I used to wear shorts spring-summer-fall, but since I need to wear long pants to make a call for the local Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad, it's jeans year round now.

I work hard, mind my kids' business, and run into burning buildings (and all the other exciting stuff a FF/EMT gets to do!) to unwind ...... never a dull moment!
who am I? Happy, freedom loving Professional type, married 35 years, polite, still working and spent 21 years in the military. I'm a gun guy, love hiking, backpacking and traveling. A sheepdog at heart.
Who am I

33 year old Sergeant for the Michigan Department of Corrections, Uniform during my work week, hoodies and jeans in the winter / summer its shorts and T-shirts, and always a baseball hat. I work while my awesome wife stays home with the kids. I carry everyday (Glock 26), my wife just pasted her cpl class so she will be carrying soon. I like to snowmobile go cycling and shoot. I just recently joined a private club so I can shoot anytime I want.

Life is good!
When I was 24, I decided to retire when I was debt free, had enough money to pay my bills and buy the toys I wanted. I reached that goal at 55 ,12 years ago and I haven't shaved since (I do trim it infrequently). I'm short, old and fat. People act surprised when they see me riding around on one of my motorcycles or when they see me target shooting behind the house or tending my goat herd. People know I have various guns but they would never suspect I have a 9mm tucked inside my jeans and sweatshirt.
I'm the guy who wears Carhart jeans and shirts with Justin roper boots every day of the work week. During the weekend is shorts and tee shirts. I might get crazy and throw on a polo.