Who are you?

I'm 53 and a bit overweight. I manage two housing complexes within a major mid-western maximum security prison. One of those complexes is our maximum security lockdown unit. In 25 years, various inmates have threatened to kill me too many times to count. When it happens, I just tell them to take a number and get in line like everyone else. I was also a parole officer for several years.

At work I wear business casual every day with khakis (no gun of course) and a polo, but in the evening and on the weekends it's jeans and a sweatshirt mostly. I hunt turkey and deer, have fun with the family, do some woodworking, and all year round is 'grilling season'. I'm the guy sitting in Taco Bell in the shorts and ball cap telling jokes to my kid.

Outside of work I'm almost always armed. Over the years I've read lots of files and met many victims of senseless and random violence. I'm not planning on being one of them if I can help it.
I'm the mid-40s guy that gets mistaken for his kid's Grandpa (Didn't get married til I was 32.93 years old)· I'm in khakis and button-down shirt at my auto repair shop during the week, talking to folks at the front counter, carrying an LCP in the pocket. Nights and weekends I'm in cargo shorts and an In-N-Out Burger t-shirt while carrying a G27 with a 357Sig Lone Wolf barrel on my belt.

I'm the guy that holds doors open, teaches my kids respect, and cries while singing the national anthem in pretty much any setting. I try to help others and believe in the inherent goodness of people, but am prepared to make a stand against those who would do me and those I care about harm.

I know Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins, and would have come to Earth to do it had I been the ONLY person to save. Same for you.
I am the guy you will likely never notice in my jeans and Button down untucked shirt. Unless you make a habit of hanging out in countries with internal conflict or may on occasion be seen in areas where you are on holiday taking pictures of endangered wildlife that others would like to harm for their ivory or horn. You may see me in VA, GA, NC, FL, Col, AZ or as of late TX. I am always armed some days a revolver, some days a 1911, some days an HK OR a Sig. I can be seen holding my kids hands teaching them to cross the street or helping them tie their shoes. Holding my wife's hand as we walk in the park or through a store. My job does not define me, I am a business owner away from my profession. I am not quick to violence nor do I shy away from it. Who am I? I am a husband a daddy, a business owner, zoologist and a private military soldier who by the grace of God found a place in a company in another country so he doesn't have to follow the ridiculous ROEs set down by The US. I may work on ships in high threat waters or on occasion escort high profile clients in to areas of the world that could be a threat to them. There is no romance in my career it is just an unusual job. One that requires tolerance, understanding and cultural insight. While at work speed aggression and violence of action is in the forefront of my mind. At home laughter, quality time and the safety and security of my family, fellow man and self are at the forefront of my mind.
I am the guy that thinks Spats needs a Golden Mouse Award nomination for starting this thread.

I would be the guy on my cell phone taking care of biness as needed.
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Not sure who l am. Old school values. 59 years old , been shooting since age 7. Trying to enjoy whatever time left I have on this planet.
I'm a retired skilled tradesman...55 yo,6'3'' 220 lbs.US Army veteran with Honorable discharge.I've always liked guns...was into IHMSA silhouette shooting for about 15 years,then got burned out and moved on to other things.

...other things like travel & photography..RC model planes..and the latest in neat firearms & gear.Latest acquisition was a GLOCK,IWB holster,a set of carbide dies to start reloading for this new gun. :)
maybe I could swing by some time.. do some shooting, eat some sausage...

You're very welcome to stop at my place at any time of your convenience, as a matter of fact, so is everybody else.
But there is something I want you to know. On that picture they are Hungarian sausages, and the problem with them is, no matter how much you eat, in a week or so you get hungry again.

I think you need to contact the moderators about adding smell-a-vision to the forum!

Moderators are a little different than I'm. They have erasers. I don't, because I don't make mistakes.....:D:D
A guy with a white beard mass producing AR parts for a living, shooting,
riding my M/C, and very happily married.
I'm an Air Force veteran, owner of a window cleaning company of 19 years and whitewater kayaking enthusiast. Just a Carhartt casual type, but I can spruce up when necessary.

My garage is filled with past hobbies including skiing, tubing, mountain biking and paintball, but bullet casting and whitewater boats take up the most space.:cool:

Everyone says I have a scowl on my face, but its just the way I look. Get me in a comfortable social situation and it becomes obvious I'm far from what my appearance suggests. My P01 is never far from reach, but I still struggle with how I would bring myself to deploy if the need ever arises, despite doing very well in many IDPA matches and several defensive courses.
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Am I the youngest guy here?

Maybe in this thread, but there's at least a couple of teenaged new shooters on the board that I've helped out with questions in the last few months...... not old enough to own handguns by a few years yet ..... I'm pretty sure they have you beat in the "youth" category.
I'm the mid 20s "modern tech-hippie" with long hair and dress clothes who lives and loves the left coast, sonetimes dress clothes from the 70s but slacks and a button-up jacket combo nonetheless. Surprisingly I can conceal a fullsize.
I'm the 56 year old retired firefighter, that is reality is busy enough to be called very semi-retired chasing other interests. Most often you will find me in faded jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie sweatshirt. If I am working you will find me in Navy blue BDU pants and the appropriate agency t-shirt and sweatshirt.
I'm a 57 year-old former pharmacist turned high school chemistry teacher. Grew up on a dairy farm, where my parents (who both had sizable chunks of native american blood) raised the five of us like indians.

Learned to hunt, fish, track animals, and read weather as a kid. Along with that came learning the safe use of firearms, and I started shooting at the age of 5 with supervision. Had my first .22 by age 8, and first shotgun at 12 or so.

Found handguns at age 15, been in love with them ever since. Spend most of my time shooting with handguns, as I like the challenge.

Own my house and consort with a lovely gal who lives a few miles away. We garden (perennials and vegetables) and love to explore the back roads as other hobbies.

My job doesn't allow me to carry much, but if we're going into town I usually have something IWB ;)
I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain. I'm not much into health food, I am into champagne. Yes I like making lo..oh crap, wrong forum!

Well, that remark elicited quite a loud, blurting, outburst-laugh which required follow-up with a paper tissue to wipe my nose.

If this wasn't bad enough, it happened in a near-silent waiting room.
Full of people.

Thanks. No, really. Thanks!!

So who am I?

I am the average height guy wearing jeans and a T-shirt, possibly under a woolen top. Glasses, coat and perhaps on a pedal bike, or pushing a pram with dogs in tow.
I am also the one who has difficulty getting his point across with the locals!