Who are you?

Who am I?

I'm the guy who loves his wife and children. I wear a white coat every day at work. Then when I am off...(not enough) ...I do the farm with horses and cows and a wife that loves the animals. I'm so blessed.. and I try to remember to thank God for this life every day.

Oh...and I have a couple guns I really enjoy :)
I'm the skinny college student in the nice sweater and jeans who you'd never think carried a gun

By the way, 8mm, what stock is that on that mauser (I assume it's a mauser)?
Who am I? Just an average middle aged sales rep. Five years Army, five more LEO. 20+ in advertising. I try not to stand out and I carry daily.
I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain. I'm not much into health food, I am into champagne. Yes I like making lo..oh crap, wrong forum!

I'm 34, tall and athleticly built, TN born and bread (but oddly no accent), and most comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt. People tend to size me up based on my build, without realizing that I'm AIWB carrying a G26, and a sharp knife in my pocket!
Who are you?

Ah.. the GRAY MAN!

I try to look 'normal'. Just plain blue jeans, t-shirt, old sneekers. No karate logos, no NRA or TSRA stuff, or skull&crossbones... Same for car. No bumber stickers (and it ain't no fancy car.)

But one thing for sure.. my carry gun is in tip-top shape.

I'm a 60 yr old construction worker,That most would not give a second glance.
Im a guy that will look you in the eye and shake your hand,If I know you I may talk your ear off at times.If I dont I listen,I never sit with my back to a door and I'm never unarmed.I love my family and my country but not sure I recognize it anymore.I treat people right and expect the same in return.
I dont look for trouble because I do not back up well.I,ve worn jeans since I could walk.
Jeans and t-shirt in the winter, cargo shorts and t-shirt in the summer time. I am a big guy (6'2" and 280 lbs), so comfortable sneakers are also a must have when I am on my feet all day. Once I open my new BBQ truck - grand opening on May 1st - I will be adding a black apron with BBQ flames on it to the mix. By then I will have my CCW, so there will be a PT111 G2 hiding under that apron during the summer, and a P-07 during the winter.
Just a retired auto parts salesman and customer service consultant. Levis and a t shirt with a jacket and a 9mm IWB. Still hunt and target shoot, daily work outs and keep a very low profile.Basically, I'm just me.
I'm at least a little bit, maybe a lot like most of you, but these quoted qualities ring the most true. Still working, by myself in my 60's and thought I would be sitting on my butt and enjoying the fruit of my labor by now, but our friends in DC have changed things for most of us.

Army draftee, way back when, and I find I am less tolerant of stupid and inconsiderate people, and I speak my mind more than most recipients would appreciate.

I fly the Stars and Stripes 24/7, and I hope I have not already seen the best America will ever be.

bent and broken by 42 years in the construction industry

[]I love my family and my country but not sure I recognize it anymore.I treat people right and expect the same in return./QUOTE]

I'm the guy who worries about my kids' future.. individually and on the grander scale of where our nation is headed. These worries keep me awake at night at times.....
I am a recently transferred gent from New Jersey that is now a Texan. I love free America.
You can find me in camo, jeans and at work a Sport coat. I never leave home without my 9mm Shield, and allow my employees to carry at the office. Second Amendment is very important to me, especially after living in the Peoples Republic of NJ all my life. I will never leave Texas.
Im the guy who sits in the walmart shoe isle while his 4 year old daughter tries on every shoe thats pink or lights up.
Im the guy who rings you up at the convenience store, the guy who trys to be polite after hearing how walmart sells things for cheaper (trust me i know).
Im the nice guy who finished last, and im ok with that.
Who am I? I'm an industrial construction worker in his 30's. Most of the week I can be seen wearing a hard hat with hi viz clothing and steel toe boots, if you see me at all. I work in lime kilns and industrial boilers and furnaces/ refineries. When I'm not working I love spending time with my pregnant wife and my son. I love doing outdoor activities. I work hard and I play hard. I believe in God and I believe in freedom. I know it's not politically correct. deal with it.
So now we have nice pictures too. Here is some of mine.
Summertime I'm a gardener,

And Wintertime I make my own sausages.

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By the way, 8mm, what stock is that on that mauser (I assume it's a mauser)?

It is this Boyds.

This rifle was a gift from my grandfather about 8 years ago. It launched my interest in shooting actually.

I love this rifle. That stock is great and incredibly handy. I had a 18" shotgun around the house for a while and I found it cumbersome compared to the 23 1/2 inch barreled Mauser with the Boyds thumbhole stock on it.

I need a better scope on it; but otherwise it is a great gun on the range or in the field hunting.
Metalboy -

You aren't so far away from me in Wisconsin you know.. maybe I could swing by some time.. do some shooting, eat some sausage...


In all seriousness good on you sir. I appreciate a person who goes to the trouble to make their own food. Usually every winter I make beef-venison meatballs in a quantity sufficient to last until spring; but the Venison was wanting over in Michigan this year. I got one shot off all season, hit my mark; but the buck crossed the property line unto a lease that refused to let me pursue. Bummer; my meatballs were beef-turkey this year.
Im the guy who sits in the walmart shoe isle while his 4 year old daughter tries on every shoe thats pink or lights up.

Mine is three and not only wants to try on all the shoes, but wants to buy all the shoes as gifts for adults who would never fit in them. She strongly recommended a pair of pink leopard print shoes (child size 7) as a gift for my wife last Christmas.
I'm the guy in jeans and a t-shirt behind a gun counter most days and sweats and a t-shirt on my days off. And, yes, while I may indeed be happy to see you, that is a gun in my pocket.
i am one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy... ill do jobs for anyone if the pay is good... i have all sorts of weaponry at hand if need be...
She strongly recommended a pair of pink leopard print shoes (child size 7) as a gift for my wife last Christmas.
And I'm the guy with a wife who has those kind of shoes -- not kidding. :)