Who are you?

Just for kicks and giggles, I thought I'd ask my fellow TFL'ers, "Who are you?" I'll start:

I am the middle-aged guy in a suit during the week, khakis and a blazer on the weekends.

Somehow I missed this thread.

I am a 60 year old, stereotypical "old fat white guy". Computer tech, father and grandfather, cancer not-yet survivor, Christian. And endurer of much sorrow and struggle, this past couple years. I am "complicated".

And almost every time you might see me, I have a j-frame in the pocket or XDS on my belt.
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If I'm wearing a vest or a have a pack with me . . .

If I'm wearing a vest or have a back pack with me . . . I'm probably carrying. I guess that's who I am in this context.

Live well, be safe
Prof Young
Bespeckled upper-middle-aged college professor in a sport coat, and an NRA lifer with a half-dozen pistols and revolvers. I don't hunt, but I shoot regularly at the range. And I vote. :cool:
I'm the guy who bought an old bobbed j-frame about a decade ago and put it in a closet :eek:

I'm the guy that "woke up" about a year ago and have bought 4 new guns in 2015 and started learning how to shoot them - Glock 19(1800 rounds), LCR357(500 rds), GP100-1722(500 rds), GP100-1708(100 rds), and even a few for that old j-frame.

I'm the guy who started pocket carrying the LCR357 to church on Sunday morning and Tuesday youth meeting - because Charleston.
I'm 2 yrs. older than my tag and am so lucky to have found a profession that I have loved for 45 yrs. I don't wear suits or ties because if I did my clients would have to pay for them. I make certain dreams come true for my clients and always council the younger ones not to ever go into debt when starting a relationship and I'm told that I'm pretty good at what I do. Last, I have met my soulmate(for over 27 yrs.) and getting ready to go off into the sunset happily and going to the range with her to enjoy some down time shooting. We always carry our revolvers. Oh yes, I forgot. We are both Yankee Doodles born and bred in the Garden State.
Hey doc, didn't know your in the garden state. Lol were practically neighbors, here in north east pa
I'm the old, fat, white guy, in blue jeans, and a t-shirt in warm weather, a sweat shirt in cold... usually gray, and some kind of ball cap on my head. I'm usually found with my handicapped wife holding my arm. She has trouble with her memory and balance you see.

When I retired to take care of her, the Lord promised to take care of my needs. Since then He's blessed me in so many ways. I am a Christian, but I suppose most people realize that already. I try to show it, not just say it.

I'm a former hunter, former semi-pro bass fisherman, and a pretty poor handgun shot. But I have fun with it. I'm too old to fight, to fat to run, and I'm not leaving my wife behind. A Colt Cobra is my other constant companion. I enjoy looking for guns almost as much as I do shooting them. Maybe more.

If I'm not at home, or on a trip for the courier company I/we work for, I can be found annoying the staff at "Ali-Babba's House O' Guns."
Early fifties white guy with jeans and a t-shirt. Also work pants and t-shirt when working at the auto repair shop. For winter add a Carhartt coat.

Originally from Northern California, was stationed here while in the Air Force. Returned home after my enlistment, realized I didn't fit in any more so back to Montana I went.

Raised two daughters, the younger one is really into guns and hunting. She's the cute little redhead that is armed to the teeth.......... She keeps me broke and short on ammo.....:D
I'm a kid on here it seems, haha. I'm 23years old, married for 3 years, beautiful wife and daughter (almost 2), and work in marketing. Usually I'll be dressed in slacks and a polo, a suit, or just a t-shirt and jeans. I don't get to the range as often as I want but a lot of friends know I love guns.