What's Wrong With Ron Paul?

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Musketeer said:
While he did what he could to help with education the vast majority of it was (and still is) being paid for by myself. My sister was the same. I haven't taken squat from the many.

He used the work that he did in an era that he lived to benefit you.

He didn't send you an invoice, did he?

The world which he knew, and the work that he contributed, was taxed by our government. Besides the entitlement programs you scream about, was support for common defense, infrastructure, his Social Security, and most importantly, the head start he gave you to earn your own living.

Well, guess what, I was right next to him, working and paying taxes. All my life--from 1964 right up until now.

And with us were 78 million other 'boomers who pretty much built the "modern life" enhancements which differ from those right after WWII.

That's a lot of work-ethic, lots of tax money paid in, and much of the country you now enjoy.

I worked. I earned it. It's mine. Give it back.
That could equally tell ya that there are folks who believe in Area 51, The Protocols, and that there is no law mandating you pay taxes.

WildhaveyouhuggedyourstentodayAlaska ™

OK, I've never heard of "The Protocols" before, but I do know that we have some highly restricted real estate out West.

And you know very well I'm not allowed to make my own sten gun. Stewart tried it, but Raich denied it, because that would be interstate commerce. You know, like a partial birth abortion or an indigenous California toad. How's that research project coming, anyway?
People end up with the government they deserve and the government they vote for. That's what we are getting.

The president's and congress' public opinion is at all time lows. Yet, we keep voting for the same old stuff, apparently because that's the way it is and we can't do it any differently or truly try to change the system, or at least try to make a dent and change the direction of the ship.

The office of the president has seized too much power. We spend two years campaigning for a four year term. We are not supposed to be electing the king of the US. He is supposed to be a faithful holder of the office of the executive branch. Our congress has become totally impotent. Yet, we keep thinking that the president has to "lead" us, and tell us what to do and how to do it, and be the world "bully", like that will make the world respect us or do what we want.

Everybody is apparently just only too happy with the current government and erosion of our freedom. Everyone talks about smaller government and regulation, but when it comes down to it and I talk to people on the street or at work, it scares them and they think we just "can't do that" and that we need the government. Well, everyone wants big government, and you got it.

People think they are getting something with social security? Well, it's a scam. The government takes your money all throughout your life, and promises you something in the future. They don't tell you that they will deflate the value of the dollar over the years and that what you end up with is much less that you would have had if you had been able to keep your own money throughout your lifetime and invest it in your own retirement account. Then,once you get there, they continue to ruin your SS with fed created inflation, and give meager cost-of living increases that don't come close to keeping up.

As our government monster continues to grow, supported by an ever dwindling minority of productive workers, it has clearly switched from a purpose of protecting the people's freedom, to protecting itself, increasing, protecting itself from the people.
reminds me of a CPA trying to run for POTUS. Kinda whiny, not very charismatic and not really someone I can see needing to kick some a$$ if trouble erupts overseas.

Hey let's leave us accountants out of this :D

Well...5 pages on this topic, so I think it is safe to assume there is a TON of things wrong with Ron Paul.

Just out of curiosity, since I am unaware. If a candidate drops out of a race but still has money on hand...obviously that money would be used to pay his debts first, but what happens to the rest of it? Donated to charity, returned to the contributors :rolleyes:, or just the candidates?
People think they are getting something with social security? Well, it's a scam. The government takes your money all throughout your life, and promises you something in the future. They don't tell you that they will deflate the value of the dollar over the years and that what you end up with is much less that you would have had if you had been able to keep your own money throughout your lifetime and invest it in your own retirement account. Then,once you get there, they continue to ruin your SS with fed created inflation, and give meager cost-of living increases that don't come close to keeping up

Precisely. I pay 15% of my income to Social Security. Medical cost inflation and ALL inflation is grossly unreported. Weak dollar erodes our buying power. Just how far ahead would the average person be If they could save for themselves rather than donate to another bloated gov't program that administers the lions share away?

Read a letter to the editor in the paper yesterday. The guy says he has $100,000 CD that in the last weeks of interest cuts of 1.25% will earn $1250 dollars less this year. Now he gets an economic stimulus check of $600 but he's still $650 behind! Now here is an individual who saved their money and is now getting rewarded as such, and paying for the fraudulent mortgage borrowing of many. And his money won't buy much do to the rampant underreported inflation. Face the music folks. They party is over, go home.

These are the issues RP champions. Albeit in his Boring manner.

Accountants please chime in!
We spend two years campaigning for a four year term. We are not supposed to be electing the king of the US.

Does anyone know what woudl be invloved in trying to limit campaigning time. Any groups out there currently trying to lobby for a law or something. I have be tired of this election for months and it is still months away. I know some other countries have open campaign periods. Canada.. I think, and some EU countries
But he reminds me of a CPA trying to run for POTUS. Kinda whiny, not very charismatic and not really someone I can see needing to kick some a$$ if trouble erupts overseas.

That's because our concept of what the president needs to be has gotten of course, IMO, and as a result, we have given him too much power. The president needs to respect the constitution, uphold the duty of the office, run the executive branch, and understand our place in the world, and constitutionally use military force as needed, all things I think Ron Paul well understands.

The direction we are going, we really will elect ex-wrestlers to be "President of America" like in the movie Idiocracry, since we need a president who will "kick ass" around the world. (although I WOULD take Jesse Ventura btw, or how about President RP and VP or Defense Sec Ventura)
Well, guess what, I was right next to him, working and paying taxes. All my life--from 1964 right up until now.

And with us were 78 million other 'boomers who pretty much built the "modern life" enhancements which differ from those right after WWII.

That's a lot of work-ethic, lots of tax money paid in, and much of the country you now enjoy.

I worked. I earned it. It's mine. Give it back.

See? This is how the greedy old socialists of the post-WW2 generation broke America. They ate up whatever their parents contributed, they consumed more, and paid less and ate up whatever they contributed, now they want to eat up whatever those who come after contribute leaving nothing in their wake.
It actually sounds like you're really aggravated because the fruits of my labors won't be available for you.

As for being a socialist, yup we brazen red cowboys, soldiers and bikers have always postulated communist goals.

What is really going on is that you younger folks wanted us to support you as kids, have the government snooker us out of the taxes we paid as working adults, deny us the benefits we were promised and then find a plausible excuse to come flying in and scoop it all up. Sounds more blitzkreig to me.

Hey, guys. One more time. It was never yours. Get it. My money. Paid in since 1964. My labor. My sweat. No entitlements in sight. Just busting my back.

And building the country you know.
Fruits of your labor? What fruits? You ate it, it's gone, you left nothing! None of it is yours! One more time, whatever you gave, you already got back, you spent it, you're broke, bankrupt, without a pot, now you want to go out and hold up a whole new generation at gunpoint. You think that everything, everywhere is yours for the taking. You're a socialist by your views and desires and actions, not by what you wear or ride. It's you and those like you that got us in the mess that this country is in right now. Anything you did, you did for yourself, and you still took from your parents generation.

Will Ron Paul kick the greedy old wrecks to the curb? Sign me up.
You can have a discussion here without calling other members names such as "socialist", "communist", etc. We're a better Forum than that.

And that's all I have to say on this Thread. :barf:
Tell me, if you're not a hypocrite, what difference does it make if I have truly run off with all of the Kremlin's money?

You're supposedly the last true American. Strap on your six-shooter, ride off into the sunset and save us all.

As for this being my sinister plan, I wasn't even alive when FDR died. But I paid my share as required. And the government made me a promise.

So Mr. One Last True American, save us all.
You voted yourself the promise of past and future generations' money. I thought Ron Paul was the one last true American that would save us all?
But I paid my share as required. And the government made me a promise.

Government promises? Like the oath of office? The ONLY candidate who will not lie while taking the oath is RP.

The solution: Stop the insane government spending while you can, or be forced to by China and our other creditors. Simple enough?
Petition of the Last True American

"Because I am the only one who really cares about America, I the undersigned vow to return every last nickel of communist welfare money promised me from Social Security when I turn eligible at the age of 62. I gladly do this to stem the tide of socialism and forestall the corruption destroying my country as the last true American cowboy. I shall not be tainted and now return to my pedestal to flagellate myself."

HKuser, we all expect this to be signed and notarized, that is, if the promises and beliefs you proffer carry any weight.
Wildalaska SAYS:

How many here think that before Ron Paul signs an autograph or allows someone to take their picture with him ... that he should ask them , WHAT'S YOUR NAME , WHO ARE YOU , WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR , ARE YOU A PART OF ANY ORGANIZATION I WOULD NOT WANT TO BE AFFILIATED WITH ?
If you think folks can come up and meet the candidates like that without someone on a staff somewhere not knowing who those folks are, you havent been involved in the Political process very long.

Ron Paul knows who Don Black is.

WilddonblacksmoneywasgoodtooLOLAlaska TM


OK...I love Obama...gimme the dirt on him

Sorry but such an assumption is absolutely ridiculous and illogical.

Who here thinks for one minute that Ron Paul or his people would knowingly sign autographs and take pictures with a Racist Group leader ? That's such a ridiculous claim it's ludicrous.

Seems to me WildAlaska that it's you out of the political loop somewhere off in "Never Neverland" Alaska that doesn't realize politicians do everything they can to distance themselves from these types of groups because they know , anything and everything , no matter how ridiculous (Your example is a perfect one) , will be used against them.

Further , Ron Paul , my alaskan friend is well known for going out among his supporters and taking photos , talking to them and signing autographs ... he is in this regard the ANTI Politician ... but you wouldn't know that because you're too busy spreading the WRONG QUESTIONS . :cool:

Finally .... OBAMA ?!? :D :D :D

Thanks for the good laugh on that one....

I could play your game and talk about Obama's Muslim background and how he swears allegiance on the Koran .... which is about as credible as any claim you've made against Paul.

But instead I'll warn you that, you'd better be careful what you wish for with Obama ... who's spotless record is well known around MY parts (I have a home in the NW Suburbs of Chicago as well as WI) His record for getting things done is spotless because there's nothing on it. You've been wooed by charismatic speaking and false promises ... A guy that will stick a fork in the 2A and will help Illegals to all sorts of benefits who rubs elbows with crooks currently being indicted like Rezko ... look it up.

Heck ... Obama made #8 of Judicial Watch's 10 most corrupt Politicians list :D

8. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL): A “Dishonorable Mention” last year, Senator Obama moves onto the “ten most wanted” list in 2007. In 2006, it was discovered that Obama was involved in a suspicious real estate deal with an indicted political fundraiser, Antoin “Tony” Rezko.

In 2007, more reports surfaced of deeper and suspicious business and political connections It was reported that just two months after he joined the Senate, Obama purchased $50,000 worth of stock in speculative companies whose major investors were his biggest campaign contributors.

One of the companies was a biotech concern that benefited from legislation Obama pushed just two weeks after the senator purchased $5,000 of the company’s shares.

Obama was also nabbed conducting campaign business in his Senate office, a violation of federal law.

If Obama is your pick over Ron Paul ??? There's really no arguing with you as you're living in a state of delusion or simply trying to provoke RP supporters.
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Go back and research more about Obama and Rezko...

Obama donated all of Rezko's donations to charity because it was money he did not want to be associated with...it carried a bad air to it.

I distinctly remember Ron Paul's campaign saying that they were going to keep the money StormFront donated because "it was only $500" and "if we have it, then they cannot use it" So instead of distancing himself from the contributor, he goes out and gets a pic taken with him...WOW.

I am not an Obama supporter by any means, but he and his crew knew that the money that was contributed by Rezko would probably be best if he got rid of it, to remove any suspicions...RP would do good to follow his lead.
Obama Donated that to charity WHY ??? ... Put 2+2 together and use common sense.

Ron Paul simply refused to play that ridiculous game.

Then learn about his actual dealings with Rezko as well as other charges against him some listed in that snippet from Judicial Watch.

BTW ... did you know RP also accepted donations from Whores and Pimps! Jesus would be proud! :cool:
The Tourist says"

HKuser, we all expect this to be signed and notarized, that is, if the promises and beliefs you proffer carry any weight.

Ain't necessary, you and your ilk will have crashed the system long before I would ever be eligible; a monument to your generations' greedy selfishness, voting yourselves ever more money without paying your share into it.
I think this dead horse has been beat enough.

I think, as well as a large part of his detractors, that something so highly distasteful, like being a white supremacist, and that it is so looked down upon as a society, as it should, would tell me as a politician, congressman, leader :rolleyes:, someone with morals, etc. on and on about what Ron Paul claims to be that he should not accept it, and if by mistake he did, return it or donate it. To do otherwise and accept it is not supporting StormFront's cause, but it is not distancing himself from it.

Yea, Obama had questionable dealings with him (Rezko), agreed, and what is your point? I concede, rather heartily agree with you, that Obama is just as much political scum as the rest of them, but your argument to defend Ron Paul accepting those donations is to say in essence well its not as bad as Obama's dealings with Rezko...seriously?!?!?

Imagine for a moment Ron Paul was the frontrunner, the Republican pick...Hillibama would tear him apart for his racist dealings in the past if they were head to head.
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