What's Wrong With Ron Paul?

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Boring Accountant ... let me give you a little clue about myself , my wife and Ron Paul ....

First off let's talk about Ron Paul and his adamant stance on freedom.

He adheres to the one of the truest tests of freedom ... The right for anyone to think or say whatever they want so long as they're not hurting others ... no matter how stupid you think it is or how much you disagree with their view.

He has always held that constitutional and moral stance rather than play god and try to tell people what to think or feel which is why , though he's also not GAY ... he upholds peoples rights to be gay and even marry if they so choose.

As a racist sympathizer like you and others seem to want to suggest he is , did you know his MEDICAL PRACTICE was located in a low income area where he treated people of all ethnicities , delivering their babies more than a few times for free. My wife's sister who lived in that area of Texas was one of patients years ago.

Oh and my wife is Black , White and Mestizo (Mexican Indian) and I'm Italian and Hawaiian ... We both support Ron Paul , a guy even McCain referred to as THE MOST HONEST MAN IN POLITICS.

As for returning donations ... once again I think that way of thinking is ridiculous .... what's next ... returning the donations of anyone ever convicted of any crime ? How bout women that have had an abortion? Then maybe we can move onto men that are homosexual.

It's ridiculous to think less of someone because they received a donation from ANY group and didn't return it. That helps no one but the weak politically correct minded.

Like I said to Wildalaska ... you must think Jesus was a terrible guy too ... after all , he hung out with ALL the sinners and obviously he's as guilty as Paul by association ... right ?
People here are STILL accusing Ron Paul of being a racist? LOL :rolleyes:

Anything, I suppose, to discredit someone who puts the Constitution first and who believes in "a republic, not an empire."

People end up with the government they deserve and the government they vote for. That's what we are getting.

The president's and congress' public opinion is at all time lows. Yet, we keep voting for the same old stuff, apparently because that's the way it is and we can't do it any differently or truly try to change the system, or at least try to make a dent and change the direction of the ship.

I can 100% guarantee to everyone reading this that Americans WILL lose most of our remaining freedoms, and not only with respect to guns. We have a very bleak future to look forward to, thanks to the majority of people who continue to support candidates who support more of the same because it's the "safe" and "reasonable" thing to do.

If Americans don't see the writing on the wall already, then they never will. Our fate is sealed.
the Ron Paul detractors with racist claims are right in line with what gungrabbers say about the NRA. When will they denounce the NRA ask for list of who donates when will the NRA denounce racist and give them there money back.

Lets see some consistency among the detractors and not just in matters of convenience or dislike or hatred.

I am sure Hillbama will forget all about McCain and his racist swearing.
Hillbama could try attacking Paul on it but would get schooled easily because just as others here have no idea what the hell they are doing calling Paul a racist neither would Hillary or Obama.

How many of the detractors have read Paul's books or do they just read when they find something hatefull and demeaning?

where are the same detractors on McCain and his buddy Fred Malek aka "Jew Counter"
I dont hear Ron Paul using any racial swears. Dont you just love how detractors seem to lack consistency.
Something a ghost writer wrote I might add , while Ron Paul was back in his medical practice delivering minority and poor babies ...

Writing he's apologized for being let out that he stated was small minded thinking.
Ron Paul also issued the following statement:

"The quotations in The New Republic article are not mine and do not represent what I believe or have ever believed. I have never uttered such words and denounce such small-minded thoughts.

"In fact, I have always agreed with Martin Luther King, Jr. that we should only be concerned with the content of a person's character, not the color of their skin. As I stated on the floor of the U.S. House on April 20, 1999: 'I rise in great respect for the courage and high ideals of Rosa Parks who stood steadfastly for the rights of individuals against unjust laws and oppressive governmental policies.'

"This story is old news and has been rehashed for over a decade. It's once again being resurrected for obvious political reasons on the day of the New Hampshire primary.

"When I was out of Congress and practicing medicine full-time, a newsletter was published under my name that I did not edit. Several writers contributed to the product. For over a decade, I have publically taken moral responsibility for not paying closer attention to what went out under my name."

Some here seriously need to learn more about Ron Paul and quit perpetuating the propaganda ... Here's a clue as to what type of man Paul is ... he did the same thing with regard to his good friend Ronald Reagan

HKuser said:
Ain't necessary, you and your ilk will have crashed the system

I didn't ask you what you might do by default, I'm asking you what you will do.

For several posts now you've been trash talking about my actions. This is a debate. And frankly, "turn-about" is a valid debating point.

So let's cut the crap, Last American, are you or are you not going to send back you Social Security checks due to your beliefs on socialism?

Yes or no. Deal or no deal. No weaseling.

Quote: PetreTG said :
Who here thinks for one minute that Ron Paul or his people would knowingly sign autographs and take pictures with a Racist Group leader ?

Wildalaska's response :


That's too bad ... you should try welcoming a little reason and stop selling the wrong questions ... get out of that obviously little weird world a little more often and visit human decency and common sense for a change.

Just a thought.
That's too bad ... you should try welcoming a little reason and stop selling the wrong questions ... get out of that obviously little weird world a little more often and visit human decency and common sense for a change.

I'm not the only one who thinks that way.

So you gonna ad hominem us all?

Decency and associating with Nazis are mutually exclusive.

L'chaim, bubbeleh

WildallmootbecausepaulisdoneAlaska ™
Quoted by HKuser
See? This is how the greedy old socialists of the post-WW2 generation broke America. They ate up whatever their parents contributed, they consumed more, and paid less and ate up whatever they contributed, now they want to eat up whatever those who come after contribute leaving nothing in their wake.

So, what you're saying is that even though The Tourist is wanting the very money he put into Social Security back since he's retired, he's a socialist?:confused: Appears to me that he's entitled to the funds he put in at the qualified age. Where's the socialism in that? I never seen in his post that he wanted more than what he put in....

If Americans don't see the writing on the wall already, then they never will. Our fate is sealed.

Good. It's finally settled. The end of the world is near. Neo-con Christian "conservatives" could have told you that. I mean, this place is just a pit stop for us far right wing pompus pulpit pounders anyway...(say that five times fast)....

Where's my marshmallow stick? I want to at least have a S'more if we're done for...
Associated bull being flash mobbed and having picture taken is hardly an association either way pales in comparison to McCain having Fred Malek aka Jew Counter not just on his campaign but as National Finance Co-Chairman
What's wrong with Ron Paul?

Well, for starters, he is really no longer running: Message From Dr. Paul

Secondly, he doesn't have good looks.

He also is a member of a party that is in shambles, which cannot seem to determine exactly what it stands for anymore. Kind of in the "I support everything that Bush has done, but don't want to be associated with him" kind of way.
Tuttle8 said:
(funds) he put in at the qualified age. Where's the socialism in that? I never seen in his post that he wanted more than what he put in

That's the concept and agreement. As I worked, my check showed FICA withholding. It was my contribution, as one would pay for fire or theft insurance.

If your car is stolen, and you file a claim, you're not a communist, you're a client.

Not only did I hit all of the marks under the Social Security plan I draw from, but I hit them several years earlier. Like many Americans, I falsely believed that since I was healthy and I had my own company I did not qualify to collect under their rules despite I had more than paid my contributions.

Once the error was explained and I filed the correct paperwork, I received some back-pay. Again, it was Social Security themselves that pointed out I was in error of my rights under law.

What Rush Limbaugh once pointed out, and what should deeply gratify HKuser, you don't just have to pay in the designated amount of tax. You can pay in as much as you want. They even have a department that handles those voluntary over payments.

Coupled with that, you don't have to accept Social Security money. Simply don't file. If you get the checks, either don't cash them or send them back.

Now, when HKuser thought I was in the hot-seat, he railed pretty good.

That is until I asked what he intended to do with his benefits. He has not answered the question directly. In fact, he looks like he wants this whole thread direction about his intentions to just go away.

When asked point blank how he will handle his retirement checks we get a meaningless sidestep answer and crickets.

Where's your Social Security money going, HKuser? Are going to do what you're crowing about and send it back? We want to know!
Wildalaska said:
Decency and associating with Nazis are mutually exclusive.


The fact that people still defend this makes me even happier that Paul's little circus is packing up.
Well, for starters, he is really no longer running: Message From Dr. Paul


From Ron Paul Central:
A few news sources are misreporting Ron Paul’s e-mail from last night. The presidential campaign is not ending, not being suspended, and not even drawing down. It’s slimming down and ramping up — with over twenty states having already voted, we’ve shed staff, and we’re concentrating financial and organization resources on the remaining states. We’re going to the convention, and we’re fighting for every vote and every National Delegate along the way.
In the extremely unlikely event that Social Security is still solvent when I am of an age to receive it, I plan to do what my friend's dad does: keep all the checks in a drawer, uncashed.

I would like the freedom to leave the system now. That's not on the table, but giving individuals an account and some control over it has kind of moved from the libertarian fringe to mainstream discussion.

We've got a serious problem because the practice for years has been to use current SS taxes to pay beneficiaries, then loan the surplus to the government to spend. That works as long as there is a surplus, and as long as the government isn't carrying too much debt. The math is about to change, and it will become clear that investing only in government loans is not a great portfolio.
publius42 said:
I plan to do what my friend's dad does: keep all the checks in a drawer, uncashed.

And if you believe as HKuser and RP that's what your convictions should tell you to do.

However, that's not the direct answer we usually get. You have to speak "bellyachers' double-talk" to understand the true nature of their complaints.

We often hear things like "it's broken" or "the 'boomers will have broken the bank." That's slang for "I'm not getting any! Boo hoo!"

So they complain, blame, call people names and shift guilt backward in time.

When I washed my first window at Baskin Robbins 31 Flavors in 1964 my first thought was, "What time is lunch?"

I can guaranty you it was not, "Gee, some 43 years from now I'll going to screw some schlubb in a hobbyist forum out of money he has never earned. Gosh, I wonder if he's born yet..."

I played fair, more than fair it turns out. I actually paid in too much. I could have filed earlier. I was employed, had the work-ethic, as I always had. And I was surprised to find out I had not filed correctly.

However, just because society might have to change its ways (along with its energy consumption) in the year 2025, it doesn't mean I cheated in 1964.

So, and yet again, are all of you RP supporters returning your Social Security checks, or are you just blowin' smoke?
use current SS taxes to pay beneficiaries, then loan the surplus to the government to spend
And the loans get paid back with CHEAP dollars!

I sure hope anyone isn't just relying on SS for retirement!
Who here thinks for one minute that Ron Paul or his people would knowingly sign autographs and take pictures with a Racist Group leader ?
I read about Ron Paul who walked thru the crowds at the Gun Rights Conference where everyone had a gun. Shaking hands, signing autographs, taking picture. I suspect he didn't screen everybody prior since he's just an everyday guy and not a polished Mitt Romney who has everything staged around him. The Black photo? Sure it's a mistake. Did he know them? Probably not. I suspect the Dr. associates with a different clientele IE other Drs., perhaps economists, taxpayers, politicians. Not fringe group leaders.

I lurked on this forum for quite awhile to get opinions on laws, anti-gun legislation, gunsmithing, reloading and political candidates. I couldn't help myself and joined in on the discussions.
Unfortunately for a forum of people brought together by their mutual interest in firearms there seems to be a handful of people that spew a great line about liberty, the constitution, and being a patriot.
But when given the ONCE IN THIER LIFETIME CHANCE to rally behind the ONLY candidate who can deliver this, they simply sit back tapping their little keyboards and do nothing but puke DEFEATIST drivel. May they enjoy the fruits their labors!
Unfortunately for a forum of people brought together by their mutual interest in firearms there seems to be a handful of people that spew a great line about liberty, the constitution, and being a patriot.
But when given the ONCE IN THIER LIFETIME CHANCE to rally behind the ONLY candidate who can deliver this, they simply sit back tapping their little keyboards and do nothing but puke DEFEATIST drivel. May they enjoy the fruits their labors!

Pigs at the entitlement trough are both blue and red. None of them want the gravy train to end. In addition while we often see comments about the Dems being mindless lemmings following their party leadership the truth is both parties are the same in this. The old saying about the grass always looking greener applies to crabgrass also. The ignorance you see in the opponent's party is most likely in yours as well when we are talking about Reps and Dems.
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