What's Wrong With Ron Paul?

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He points out that somebody misrepresented McCain's record and that means he supports McCain? I suppose I'm a Paul supporter because I've commended his fiscal responsibility and his sincerity?
I think the tag line or your signature clearly defines why I'm not an RP fan.

For example, it's a great ploy to use the epithet "tax eater." Makes all of his enemies look like slovenly welfare mothers. It vilifies numerous people with one brush.

It's also elitist. Class warfare at the least.

In other words, he says the things you want to hear. Here's new flash, I'm a tax eater. Chomp, chomp. Every dribble you relunctantly pinch off to old Uncle Sam makes a stop by my wallet. Slurp, that was good! Hey, and starting this month I get a bigger bite.

After my generation has played by the rules, built an Intersate, spearheaded all those nifty computers you enjoy, suffered in wars and police actions, supported troops and protested lunatics, I'm now being told that my actions are misguided.

In the end, politicians all sound the same. "I'm the new guy, I have a new broom. I'm channeling The Framers. In fact, I'm wearing a pair of Thomas Jefferson's antique underpants right now!"

If you want to fix stuff and set a new path, do it from your end. It seems to me that when millionaries gather to talk about 'self determination' they do it on dear old dad's money.

I did my bit as honest citizen, well, after I got done wrecking saloons and chasing women. Okay, okay, I'm sorry about drinking most of the blue agave scrub cactus into virtual extinction, but I was younger than.

Just send my Social Security check and hope to the heavens you can do half of what the 'boomers did. In fact, other than those noisy little ricer cars, what have you done for me lately?
I think there must be one more bottle of that agave juice about half empty in your hand friend.:)

Don't usually toss up links as most don't pay them much attention but I did see this one tonight on the You Tube and I found this pro gun democrat quite inspiring with his introduction for Ron Paul. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l8AIuJJRZo
You talk in circles my dear friend.

Thanks for proving my point. Because I lay some facts on the table, I'm automatically working for the McCain campaign.

If you're representative of all Paul supporters then its no wonder his campaign died.
Just send my Social Security check and hope to the heavens you can do half of what the 'boomers did

I'm guessing you paid into the SS system and are now drawing? Or were legitimately disabled. I view that as system that was sold to the public as a retirement plan that is now unfortunately going broke. Indeed you better hope to heaven I do 1 1/2 times what you boomers did just so you continue to get that check.

I'm disgusted with the reach of entitlement programs. In Illinois, If you can't pay your heat and your income is low, go see your township they will pay it. If you have kids and can't afford the heat, DCFS to the rescue. Section 8. USDA food stamps. Medicaid. And on and on. If that makes me ELITIST so be it.

On topic, Ron Paul got my attention with this line heard on WGN radio back in October: How should we get the money to pay for that? Steal it from the Taxpayers? And I admired that.

I spent 6 years on our village board and it is amazing how fellow members thought the village's checkbook was their own. To hear talk from a politician like Ron Paul warms my heart.
Thanks for proving my point. Because I lay some facts on the table, I'm automatically working for the McCain campaign.

No problem. No, I'm guessing you are doing absolutely nothing for any candidate except for trying to dissuade others from their choices.

If you're representative of all Paul supporters then its no wonder his campaign died
No, I suspect I'm not typical of ALL RP supporters. I actually canvassed my precinct for voters. Many voters who were not on the internet either hadn't heard of him or thought he dropped out. We are rural here and many don't have high speed internet. But this leads me back to the black out of coverage and specifically in the voter guides published in the newspapers. Unfortunately without the mass media you can't get any votes, but this has been talked to death too. If anything the blackout spurred me to canvass.
4sarge said:
I'm guessing you paid into the SS system and are now drawing?

You are correct.

I have a problem with the old canard that this is "broken and cannot be fixed."

For example, we usually use the term 'Titanic' for a the idea of a colossal failure.

Failure? Hundreds of people were successfully off-loaded in life jackets into life boats. Using the state of the art wireless with new rescue codes, the Capathia found these tiny boats in the huge area we can "the north Atlantic." Many of the survivors were interviewed after living into their eighties and nineties.

Other than the guys who drowned, I'd say it had earmarks of a success.

I played fair. I paid in from wages I earned in getting up in the morning and doing my job. After thirty years I retired and founded my own company.

Broken and cannot be fixed? Sounds like sour grapes.

The system is working just fine. I paid my mortgage payment on time, yet again.

I'd suggest you learn to live and thrive in whatever life you have. The alternative is not much of a career move. If you have to cut back on some of your toys or work an extra hour, don't blame me or expect RP to bring you room service. Your face the same age old problems of the human experience.
No problem. No, I'm guessing you are doing absolutely nothing for any candidate except for trying to dissuade others from their choices.

I'm not dissuading anyone from anything.

A better question should be, why does it bother you that I'm preventing someone from getting away with posting misleading statements. I suppose its ok with you to mislead and slander people as long as they don't line up with you politically.

If anything the blackout spurred me to canvass.

Uh oh. The dreaded blackout again. I'm still waiting for ANY evidence that suggests there was some conspiracy in the news media to not air stories about Paul.

1) No candidate, not even Paul, has "right" to be on the news.
2) Paul hasn't done anything newsworthy to be covered.

Learn it, live it, love it.
STAGE 2 said:
Paul hasn't done anything newsworthy to be covered.

Well, yes he has.

His Presidential aspirations have melted faster than Jimmy Carter's in the choked air cleaner of a desert rescue helicopter.

One minute, the internet darling. The next minute, a forgotten footnote.
Can you come up with an effective arguement to not support Ron Paul or Huckabee thru the primary process?

Support who you want. But don't be surprised if a whole lot of us laugh at people who claim Ron Paul still has a chance, when anyone who can do grade school arithmetic can tell that doesn't have any chance at all.
Speaking of simple math and not having a chance, has anyone else noticed that McCain's campaign has $3 million on hand and owes $4.5 million? Heading into a race against Hillary, who has $38 million on hand and owes $5 million, or maybe Obama, who has almost $19 million and owes $800k, I'd say he has a serious problem. Even Ron Paul, with $8 million on hand and (of course) no debt, would have a serious problem if he were nominated.
P42, that may be true. But, he spanked Romney who had huge resources.

McCain is limited by his own legislation as is Hillary. Since Obamas constituents are the poor hordes contributing a few dollars each with few " maxing out", Obama is the benificiary of McCain Feingold in this cycle.
You mean the McCain who voted against waiting periods, or the McCain who voted against the AWB, or the McCain who voted to repeal the AWB?

Look at his record: http://www.gunowners.org/mcv106.htm

Not good enough. We wouldn't tolerate this b.s. from a Democrat, McCain ain't getting a free pass from me for having the "R" next to his name. The Republican party isn't the interpretor of the 2nd Amendment. I will not eat s*** for the good of any party. Sorry.
Ron Paul is considered unrealistic for modern America, a throwback to a more rural and individualist America.
For example, we usually use the term 'Titanic' for a the idea of a colossal failure.

Failure? Hundreds of people were successfully off-loaded in life jackets into life boats. Using the state of the art wireless with new rescue codes, the Capathia found these tiny boats in the huge area we can "the north Atlantic." Many of the survivors were interviewed after living into their eighties and nineties.

Other than the guys who drowned, I'd say it had earmarks of a success.

The Titanic was a success...

Total On Board Titanic = 2229
Total Survivors = 713

Yep, resounding success. Poor metallurgy, bad operational procedures, criminally incompetent planning results in the newest, grandest ship in the world having a 32% survival rate on its maiden voyage. Do you include Napoleon's invasion of Russia among your other historical success stories?

Of course with a 32% survival rate equaling success of course you feel
The system is working just fine.

I though at 37 know perfectly well that the system I am paying into called Social Security is a black hole from which I will recover nothing. Of course that must be the meaning of success though, you will make it into the lifeboat and I won't. Sorry, but I am left on the deck of the RMS Titanic to see if I and the other 68% can fashion a sail boat out of decking material as the freezing water rises.

I love the attitude of those who feel entitled to SS because they have paid into it. Just because you paid into it you are entitled to get it even at the cost of MY MONEY to support you when there will be no way I can then be supported by it. Me Me Me, the cry of those in AARP who are collecting SS. I'll pay for it though if you would only agree to END IT for anyone as of today who is under 40 (that includes me, meaning I'll pay till those collecting it who are over 40 now die). Give me a light at the end of this tunnel into hell and I will work through it but that is not done. No, the same generation that outsourced all of our manufacturing and ran up the debt to get to this point now turns around and says

I'd suggest you learn to live and thrive in whatever life you have. The alternative is not much of a career move. If you have to cut back on some of your toys or work an extra hour, don't blame me or expect RP to bring you room service. Your face the same age old problems of the human experience.
The system is working just fine. I paid my mortgage payment on time, yet again.

As long as we keep proving one another's point:
Right the system is working fine. But why do you still have a mortgage? You are retired, correct? Shouldn't you have paid off that mortgage? Did you and your spouse both work all your lives but couldn't afford the American dream without mortgaging your future? Or did you live beyond your means? Does your mortgage debt now get passed to your heirs along with the national debt?

My wife relates yesterdays story from her job. They come to Jackson Hewitt, and pay an extra $200 to get their tax refund check faster, then go to WalMart to cash it. Apparently WalMart ran out of cash so then many went to the currency exchange and paid another $120 to cash their checks now they have lost 30% of their money to fees. Why don't these people get a bank account? They can't won't wait for the hold on the money that the bank requires before withdrawl. No one has taught these people to save. Lets now send economic stimulus checks out from the public treasury or debt. Yes indeed the system is working!

Uh oh. The dreaded blackout again. I'm still waiting for ANY evidence that suggests there was some conspiracy in the news media to not air stories about Paul.

Conspiracy by omission. Let me reiterate, 5 candidates in the voter guide, one drops (oh Boy they're going to cover RP) now they cover only 4 and OMIT RP. When it's down to 4 they cover 3 and OMIT RP. Can I PROVE conspiracy, NO. If you read any newspaper even you must be astute enough to have witnessed this.

Back to RP: I'm not saying that I won't give my vote to McCain in November.
Yes it is settling. Yes it is the lessor of evils. Hopefully RP can have an honest debate with him before November. Who knows McCain might have a gripper before the convention.
Not good enough. We wouldn't tolerate this b.s. from a Democrat, McCain ain't getting a free pass from me for having the "R" next to his name. The Republican party isn't the interpretor of the 2nd Amendment. I will not eat s*** for the good of any party. Sorry.

Vote for the who you want. Realize, however, that the next president will likely be appointing 3+ justices to the Supreme Court. Which of the following choices do you think will be better for you (not for the party, but for you and the rest of our nation):

a) Hillary or Obama nominating 3+ Supreme Court Justices, or
b) McCain nominating 3+ Supreme Court Justices

There is no choice "c". Neither Huckabee nor Ron Paul have a chance to get the nomination. You many not like the choices, but that is all we have.

During the 2000 election, many left-leaning liberals voted for Nader, because they said that there was no difference between Gore and Bush. Gore wasn't far enough to the left for them. As a result, they got Bush. By 2004, they learned their lesson -- that there was a very real difference between Gore and Bush, and that while they felt Gore wasn't perfect, they would have much, much rather had Gore as President rather than Bush.

Conservatives are making the same mistake now. McCain isn't conservative enough for them so, they'll throw a temper tantrum and pout and either not vote or vote Democrat.

Hillary or Obama would be far, far worse than McCain. McCain certainly isn't perfect, but he's a lot closer to conservative principles than Hillary or Obama.

Cutting off your nose to spite your face is never smart. It is particularly stupid with 3+ supreme court seats on the line.
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McCain certainly isn't perfect, but he's a lot closer to conservative principles than McCain or Obama.

I do agree with much of what you said but that quote is particularly insightful. More than once I have wondered how many personalities are trapped inside John McCain's head and which one was running the show. You point out excellently that McCain may be closer or further from McCain on conservative issues on any given day.

I'll vote for him though unlike if Rudy were running.
Musketeer said:
Just because you paid into it you are entitled to get it even at the cost of MY MONEY

You have that backwards. You are paying me what you owe me.

While you were still a whelp, you were sucking up my tax money by using my roads, my soldiers, my fire departments. Your streets were kept safe by my police, and troublemakers went through my courts.

I use the term "my" because while you consumed the services, you did not pay for them. I did.

Now, here's what's really unfair. You ain't my kid. I should have been able to mark a box on my tax return showing "no children." Whatever your parents paid to raise you, I should have been able to deduct from my taxes.

So now I'm out of the main-stream of earners and tax payers. Now it's your turn. And in the fair spirit of turn-about, I expect to drive on your roads, be protected by your soldiers...
I see Wild Alaska is still spewing nonsense with regard to Paul and did not even address my points to him because he cannot.

As for your latest "proof" Ron Paul in pictures with Don Black ...

Last I checked this was a free country and after a debate someone came up and wanted a Picture with Paul .... Many in fact did. Ron Paul was not WITH Black in any manner ... he was simply accommodating someone that wanted a photo and auto graph..,

If that is the worst thing you have on Paul ... Then the guy is a SAINT.

Jesus Christ could have been pictured with whores, thieves and tax collectors among others and many tried to paint him just as you try to paint Paul, for it.

Maybe you should take the time to actually learn something about Paul, WILDALASKA ... instead of spreading lies and helping to create the WRONG QUESTIONS .

Just a thought ...

Ron Paul's Photo-Op with Stormfront

Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 3:53:50 pm PST

An LGF reader emailed this photograph, showing Ron Paul at the Values Voters Presidential Debate in Fort Lauderdale on September 17, 2007. Immediately to Paul’s left: Don Black, the owner of neo-Nazi hate site Stormfront. If anyone knows who the creepy guy in the hat is, please post a comment.

Update: it’s Derek Black, Don’s son.

UPDATE at 12/20/07 5:17:22 pm:

Here’s another picture from the same event, showing Ron Paul signing an autograph for Derek Black:

UPDATE at 12/20/07 9:48:41 pm:
And if you’re wondering where these photos came from, here’s the source: Stormfront. (Google redirect page.) They were apparently taken by Stormfront member Jamie Kelso, with a Canon PowerShot SD1000 camera.


How many here think that before Ron Paul signs an autograph or allows someone to take their picture with him ... that he should ask them , WHAT'S YOUR NAME , WHO ARE YOU , WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR , ARE YOU A PART OF ANY ORGANIZATION I WOULD NOT WANT TO BE AFFILIATED WITH ?

That would be pretty ridiculous wouldn't it ... that is unless you are someone that thinks like the Wild one from Alaska .
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