What's Wrong With Ron Paul?

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McCain is not a real conservative but the simple fact of the matter is that Hilbama is a real threat to us all as they always try to legislate what's "best" for us. Engage hugely expensive social programs paid for by the average working stiff.

Between the devil you know and the devil you don't, I'll take a chance on the unknown...
McCain has ~700 delegates. Ron Paul has 16 delegates. Ron Paul supporters: give it up. He's done.
McCain has 680 delegates, 1191 are required to secure the nomination prior to the convention. About 1000 delegates are yet to be decided by the primary/caucus process.

Oh, Ron Paul has 42 delegates last time I checked, $8 million in the bank, and zero debt.
Ok so how DID Rudy become the frontrunner? Media coverage? Polls? More Media coverage, more polls? Then Rudy completey flames out even though his face was ALWAYS pictured in the Voter Guides.

THANK YOU!!! You have proven my point. If the media had the ability to pick a candidate we would have Rudy or Fred as our nominee. The recieved all sorts of hubbub for months and months.

Because this obviously isn't the case, the Paulites assertion that his dismal performance is because of a lack of media attention (which isn't true) doesn't hold water.

Address this Question: CNN goes 24/7, Ron Paul is a candidate that was just in their debate (in which they lied to him). WHY for the love of god wouldn't they cover him just to have material to fill the day? They covered Hillary's coughing fit in depth for crying out loud.

I don't pretend to know why CNN does anything so I can't answer that. What I do know is that the extent of Paul's newsworthiness is his fundraising and his crotchety demeanor at the debates. He hasn't done anything else to report on so I don't see why he deserves air time just because.

To put this another way, Ron Paul got 20 times the amount of media attention as Dennis Kucinich and had performed just about the same. So if anything, if we are screaming about fairness, Paul shouldn't have recieved as much media attention as he did.

Notice that when I mention the media blackout, that's been since January 1st. Paul had a number of interviews on non-news shows, including Jay Leno. That's hardly the same as being reported along with other candidates

Oh, I see:rolleyes: So when you say "blackout" you mean everything but national TV ads, national debates, and non-news shows.

Your spin is pathetic Pat.
RealClearPolitics is showing Ron Paul has 14: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2008/president/republican_delegate_count.html

CNN is showing Ron Paul with 16: http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/primaries/results/scorecard/#R

McCain has 680 delegates, 1191 are required to secure the nomination prior to the convention. About 1000 delegates are yet to be decided by the primary/caucus process.

For Ron Paul to win, he has to run the table and get all the delegates from here on out. That's not going to happen. Face reality. Ron Paul is done.
Wow, I'm an unthinking sheeple because I won't waste a vote on someone that doesn't have a chance in hell of being nominated.

So people won't make a stand in the Presidential election to force their party to remain true to its purported ideals and now they won't make a stand even in a primary to do so. Sorry but that is pitiful. If you can't even cast a vote to show where you stand and the ideals you support in a primary then that is a pretty sad comment on your convictions.

I got news for you, whoever wins the nomination needs the support of all his party to win. That is exactly why you should vote your convictions in the primary. Even if your guy doesn't win at least the one who does can see who (and how many) he really has to keep on his side.

Gutless victory at any cost, even eventual destruction.
The reality is that next president will likely nominate 3+ supreme court justices. McCain is certainly not perfect, but I'd rather that McCain be the one doing the nominating, rather than Hillary or Obama.
So people won't make a stand in the Presidential election to force their party to remain true to its purported ideals and now they won't make a stand even in a primary to do so. Sorry but that is pitiful. If you can't even cast a vote to show where you stand and the ideals you support in a primary then that is a pretty sad comment on your convictions.

You're not "making a stand." Couching a simple vote in such histrionic verbiage might tend to hurt your credibility in the real world.

You're simply conducting an exercise in pointless self indulgence at this point. Great, you feel good about your vote.

Edit: Please note that I'm referring to the general election above. Please vote your conscience in the primaries.
Why is the crystal ball so completely dead on this one particular subject?

You are joking, right?

So you are saying you think RP supporters know the answer and for some reason just aren't saying? What are you thinking they would do that for?

Personally, I don't know who Boortz is. I voted for Paul, but don't claim to have a psychic connection to him.
Breaking News.....

With Romney out, McCain was thought to have nailed the republican nomination, but forgetting to turn the mic off at a press conference, he says something that destroys his chances leaving Huckabee and Paul to battle it out.

Anyways, back to the real world.......:rolleyes:

The problem is that if people voted for who would actually be a good president, none of the current candidates would be where they are. Instead, we vote for who has a chance to win? Who decides who has a chance to win? I have said this before, but we are not voting for the presidency here, it's the nomination. You don't get extra points for voting correctly as to who gets the nomination. None of these canidates are perfect. They all have flaws. Name 5 perfect presidents. Any 5. Because no matter who you say I will bet I can find people who disagree with you.

In fact, I would venture to say that the better the canidate is to be president, the less likely his/her chances of becoming the POTUS are. Because a perfect president would make decisions based solely on the constitution, defend America and her principles valiantly, not provide for the people, but instead create an enviorment for the people to take care of themselves, and instill pride in the Country's accomplishments while setting tangible and proper goals for the future. The reason this person will never make it to office, is because the lobbiests couldn't influence them, big business couldn't buy them, special interest couldn't sway them and so all of the groups would expend their energy fighting them and of course would win through use of the media, internet, and such.

If you feel McCain is the best choice vote for him, If you think Paul is do the same. Or Huckabee. If you feel it is inevitable for a single person to win and inevitable for a certain person not to, then why bother voting at all?

didn't mean to hijack this, just wanted to say it.
So you are saying you think RP supporters know the answer and for some reason just aren't saying? What are you thinking they would do that for?

Whether they actually know the answer is irrelevant. Paul supporters have offered endless speculation for the last several months. Its very peculiar that they aren't offering it now.
I don't understand what you want. I have supported Paul but never thought he could win. I had hoped enough people would vote their convictions though so that the final nominee would at least have to take real conservative convictions seriously. Since most people in the party though are sell outs more frightened of Hilbama and tied to the pork of their choice though it seems we wound up with what we deserved. Still, McCain as bad as he is is much better than Rudy.
Ron Paul is the Lyndon Larouche of the 21st century.

He is totally unqualified to be President. Beyond that, with his links to conspiracists, racists and the lunatic fringe of the far right, he would be a disaster as a nominee.

WildimsotiredAlaska ™
Hey WA! Are you done with guns in your sig or what? You must be exhausted :)

Do I get a cookie or something for pointing that out?
Ron Paul is the Lyndon Larouche of the 21st century.

He is totally unqualified to be President. Beyond that, with his links to conspiracists, racists and the lunatic fringe of the far right, he would be a disaster as a nominee.

WildimsotiredAlaska ™

I don't want to doubt your wisdom, but what links to those groups? I know a lot of his supporters are umm.... outspoken. But because a lunatic follows you, that doesn't mean your crazy as well. I am not the most versed on this particular subject, so I am not saying your wrong, but does his donation list come from a majority of crazy groups? Is he a member of fringe orginazations?

Although Lyndon Larouche may have had a similar type of political following, I don't think Ron Paul is going to be imprisoned for mail fraud. But you never know.
Although Lyndon Larouche may have had a similar type of political following, I don't think Ron Paul is going to be imprisoned for mail fraud. But you never know.

Wheres the money.:D

I mean 2o million dollars in fundraising for a blimp?

Hey WA! Are you done with guns in your sig or what? You must be exhausted

Do I get a cookie or something for pointing that out?

No because I will start....now

WildhaveyouheldyourSIG226platinumelitetodayAlaska ™
Wildalaska ... at the expense of possibly sounding a bit sarcastic ... when it comes to your comments about Ron Paul , very inaccurate ones I might add about "conspiracists, racists and the lunatic fringe" ... I find it ironic that I have to tell you that you do not follow your own advice with regard to your signature ...

“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers”

You need to take a look in the mirror keeping that in mind.
Just to show you "Wild Alaska" how inaccurate your comments are ...

The blimp you speak of was outside of any funds Ron Paul's campaign raised. He did not spend a cent towards the blimp.

But you go and keep spouting insults and inaccuracies. :cool:

Don't worry about how "They" got you spouting they're propaganda so that you could get people answering the wrong questions ....
He is totally unqualified to be President. Beyond that, with his links to conspiracists, racists and the lunatic fringe of the far right, he would be a disaster as a nominee.
You've made these false charges many times out here with no substantiation.

Why do you persist in doing that?

Ron Paul is the most honorable man in the campaign for the presidency, without exception.
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