What's On Your Night Stand?

Night time gun is a revolver for me.

The rotation includes:
4" GP100
3" Sp101
4" S&W Model 67 Combat Masterpiece in 38 Special.

I load them all with 158 gr 38 sp +P hollow points. I keep a couple of speedloaders ready to go as well.

Recently bought a Gun Vault SV500 pistol safe at Costco for $60. The GP100 doesn't fit very well but the others fit nicely.

Other items include a bright LED flashlight, headlamp, reading glasses, iPhone charger, pen and paper...
Mr. Revolver Guy wrote:
What's On Your Night Stand?

A lamp, my CPAP machine and an alarm clock.

And I will point out that in liberal, gun-hating Texas ;-), if you have a gun stored in such a way that a minor can get to it, it is a misdemeanor crime. And if a minor shoots someone with the gun, it's a felony. This applies regardless of whether or not minors reside in the house. To be in compliance with the law, you must either have the gun in a locked box or have a trigger lock on it.

Many states have similar laws.

So, if you have a gun just lying on top of the nightstand or lying in an unlocked drawer of the nightstand, there's a very good chance you're a gun criminal. Check your state and local laws and make sure you are in compliance.
Lots of careless individuals leave loaded firearms where children can access them in Florida.

Some times with tragic results. Stupidity is not a thing that is curable. It will never change. All we can do, is keep our firearms not the one for defense of life, ours, locked in a safe, and if children visit, carry that one pistol, in a holster, on your person.

My two Grand kids live 3 miles away, aged 4 and 7, they have never seen a firearm at my house, or when I visit. I carry a razor sharp Bench-made folder, don't leave that lying about either. At sometime in the future they, with the permission of my Son, will get a safety class. Not just yet.
What on your nightstand

Smith & Wesson model 28, 4 inch. Its been there for the last two decades. Its big, and I can shoot it well, with or without glasses.
Beretta 92FS is on mine.
Also have a Walther P-38 in a clip on holster on my bed rail.
And a S&W Model 60 and Model 637 on my dresser.
And a nine mil. Hi-point carbine by the door.
I have a split level house, so I have a gun upstairs and downstairs. Both are well hidden but in easy reach if I need one or the other. When we have company especially with kids, I lock them.
#1 - Bersa 9UC
#2 - Ruger LCRx 38 spl +P
What's on my nightstand? A lamp, radio, clock, and my ever-loving CPAP machine. INSIDE the nightstand - a S&W 386 Sc/S loaded with Hornady Critical Defense. Right next to the nightstand, a Remington 1100 Tactical, and 3 feet away, in the closet, an AR15. And guarding all of that, and me too, is Juliet Queen of Dogs*Goddess of the Hunt*Companion to the Heroes. Golden food and water bowls await her in Heaven, where she will frolic with Unicorns and feast of the bones of Dragons. She is one badass Dachshund/Chihuahua.
S&W M66-4

I have several of those speed loaders, they really do reduce loading time. I keep my in house gun loaded and 3 speed loaders ready to go all the time