What guns you don't like and why?

I would say that the Sig Hammerli Trailside 22 semi auto was the worst pistol that I ever bought.

The plastic magazines kept wearing out...then Hammerli stopped production of the Trailside --- the safety broke on my Trailside --- and no spare safety parts can be found on the market.
This is hilarious!! I think I'll throw a couple pennies too. I actually like glocks, but like mentioned above, it's the fan base I hate. Same as above. Every time I go to the gun store to look at new and traded guns, it's the same crap. I pick up a cool older used gun, not because I can't get a new one, but I like older stuff as well. And then it starts, "you really ought to get the glock xx". I know quite a bit about guns, and I don't need a guy telling me it's not what I want. I hate that. I like all kinds of guns, big, small, medium, revolver, auto. I don't limit myself to a particular style, and I don't need someone telling me the only gun worth having starts with a G.
Anything in 40.

Gen 3 and older Glock 19's, 23's. I get some nasty slide bite from them.

I really like Glocks for the most part too.
Anything in the CZ 75 family. I bought into the internet hype and have owned a couple. I find the tiny, narrow slide hard to use and the beavertail curves down and digs into the web between my thumb and trigger finger during firing. The triggers are stiff and gritty. While I found the accuracy to be above average, reliability was unacceptable for serious uses. A good range toy, not a serious fighting weapon.
Just shows how different people have different experiences. I found CZ/s reliable accurate and easy to use. As for the slide my 5 foot nothing wife can easily move the slide. I don't like Glock poor trigger and I see more stoppages on the range with Glocks than CZ/s for example.
Originally Posted by Evil Monkey
If it's not a glock or a glock copy, it's crap.

Anybody who condones the carry of SA/DA pistols, revolvers, or SAO pistols with hammers and such is really trying to carry a purse. He's not thinking that it's a practical defensive weapon, but more as something that is part of his outfit. A statement piece.

Originally Posted by Evil Monkey
The only people carrying 1911's, P226, Ruger P95's, CZ75's, etc, are gun hipsters. Now if you want a pistol like this for fun then that's cool. But don't think they make a good carry weapon, because you're only fooling yourself

People who are immature and emotionally tied up to their choice of guns are deluding themselves and others with their non-sense.

Tell me, evil monkey..... What is your real world gunfight experiences are to make you so sure of what you say?

Every glock I have owned, and I have owned Gen 2, early gen 3, and gen 4 glock 17s, 19s, Gen 2 and 2.5 G21s, Both gen 3 and gen 4 G22s, Early Gen 3 G31 and 33. All... ALL... have malfed on me consistently using different ammo, Win Ranger Ts, HSTs, and Gold-Dots. (dept allowed ammo) I also am one of those who doesn't like the feel of the Glock.

I consistently shoot the best with a SIG P-226, Browning Hi-Power and the H&K VP9. The first two have blood on them.

So instead of spewing your crap as a blanket statement you should remember you aren't the only one in this world. People are different, and far better people have seen the elephant with your..."hipster guns"...and are still standing.
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I dislike any pistol touted by the masses as "reliable" when it hasn't had at least 509 rounds through it in tough conditions.

So precise a count, I'm guessing the last digit is a typo for zero! :D

(Before I begin, a disclosure: I have always lived in places where handguns are a shooting-range-only affair, so a lot of factors which rightly motivate many US buyers are off the table to start with.)

I dislike Glock, as I experienced it way back in 1996. "So this is the Glock, cool!!" I said to myself when first given the opportunity to shoot one (in 9mm Parabellum), and prepared to be amazed. And then I wasn't. It was a real let-down, particularly a disappointment for sight picture and general ergonomics.

If I get an opportunity one day, I may try one of the current generation of Glocks to see if anything has changed. Nevertheless, and all else being equal, I base my opinion of a handgun on how it feels in the hand, how comfortable it is to shoot, and how badly I want to load another full magazine or cylinder when I am done emptying the first, and Glock just didn't do it for me.
The only model of gun that I do not like is the Springfield XD. I have owned one in 40 and one in 45 and both had what I consider to be awful triggers. They also felt like they somehow enhanced recoil compared to other guns of similar size and caliber.
I don't like polymer framed guns, though I do appreciate them and get that other folks love them. BUT, the triggers always suck, they're butt ugly, and they have no soul. And capacity does not make up for those shortcomings.

I don't like SA revolvers, the lines are beautiful, love the look, don't like shooting them.

I don't like long barreled revolvers, they don't balance well for me. 6" is my limit and I prefer 4" or less.

I don't like stock guns. I know most people never change a thing on their guns but I like custom stuff that has been tweaked and altered to satisfy my wants and needs.

What I do like, really really like, is very specific - custom 1911s, preferably Colts, and tricked out DAO S&W revolvers (sorry Evil Monkey). I have been spoiled by clean, crisp 1911 triggers and butter smooth S&W DAs. These are what I own the most of, they are what I carry and shoot. I have a few other handguns but these are the ones that do it for me.:)

All of that being said, I've seen plenty of custom Glocks and other polymer guns that I wouldn't kick out of the safe. Of course, most of the work done on them is generally to make them less like what they are and more like...... a 1911.:eek:
I try not to critical of other people's choices But I have to admit I look down my nose at The Judge and those who own them. It's a lousy .45lc and a much worse shotgun. What really disappoints me is that they are probably the hottest selling revolver out there.
It's just personal preference, nothing to get all worked up about. :)

I am surprised that so many don't like the Model 92. I love mine. Maybe it's because of my extra large hands.

I don't like the derringers I have fired. If they are more powerful than 22 I have trouble with them slipping around in my hand.

I had a Taurus 709 slim. I got a very good deal on it and I have owned many good Taurii over the years, but the way that it sat in my hand made it extremely difficult for me to squeeze the trigger (probably due to my freakishly long index finger).

I don't like my Sig Mosquito because it is so incredibly unreliable.

I like my Russian Nagant in theory, but in practice its trigger pull is so heavy that it's not fun or easy for me to shoot.
I'm kind of bipolar when it comes to what guns I dislike. I don't like Keltecs .380 but I like the Ruger Lcp. I don't like the glock 21 because the grip is too big but I love the Glock 30 + 30sf. My ruger p95 gave me issues, but I still love it because it was my first semi. I love my HK USP, but I dislike HK's prices :P
Ruger SR9. Hate the way it felt in my hand. This is the only gun I have immediately handed back to a Gun Counter clerk. I think I held it a total of 2 seconds.

Not a fan of most compact or smaller guns. My pinky falls off the bottom of a Glock 19, PX4 Compact, M&P Compact, etc...
Anything that is just smothered with serrations and checkering and texture. I know HK and Walther are top quality, but I find the P30, VP9, HK45, and PPQ to be pretty ugly guns. I think Glocks look waaaay better.

I hate the PPQ and love the P99, which confuses me, but I don't try to convince myself otherwise.

I know I'm like...an extreme minority there :P

I do love the P2000.

I know the Beretta 92 gets named a lot in these kind of threads, but as a guy with huge hands I truly adore the design. It's very easy for me to shoot well. To get an idea of my hand size, the Sig SP2022 is just BARELY big enough. If I'm being totally honest it's about 10% too small, but a wonderful feeling gun otherwise.

It's also why I don't really like CZ. I know they're good guns, but the slide-in-rail design gives me less to grab, which is already an issue when you have bear paws.
Handguns not lefty friendly

Being lefthanded, it's a pain to deal with guns that aren't lefty friendly. More are being made now with reversible mag releases and right side safety, so it is getting better...........need more lefty bolt rifles also.:rolleyes: