What guns you don't like and why?

or you are really that ignorant about firearms.

Ignorant about firearms? Me? lol:D

That'll never happen in this life time. Ever.

I've been through the sa/da pistol ideology, cocked-n-locked, etc, and I've learned alot about what a defense pistol should be and what it shouldn't be. I laid out the reasons why and nobody has refuted yet.

Again, if you like 1911's and PPK's for fun, that's great. But let's not get silly.....when it's time to carry a pistol for self defense, it better be a M&P shield or something similar in operation.
The pistol needs to be relatively snag free. That means no crazy beaver tails, spurred hammers, etc.

The pistol needs to have a consistent trigger pull for ease of training. SA/DA is not conductive to this. SAO or DAO only.

If I carry it is a .38 snub. It is DA/SA and has a hammer.
Does this make me an idiot or a hipster?

More importantly does this mean you advocate a smooth gun such as the Glock carried in condition 3, over a snag-fest snub ready to shoot?

I ask this as local laws here say a semi needs to be chamber empty, hence my choice of a revolver.
In other words, blanket generalisations, given the myriad of needs, considerations and preferences out there, don't make for intelligent reading.
What I read in all of this is that the platform you described is clearly best for you, given your needs.

That all said, I do agree that the Glock styled gun does make a very good carry gun. One of the best. But at the exclusion of everything else? Sorry. Not convinced.

Onto guns that I don't like.
I must confess that I am not moved, as some are, by the pencil barreled S&W with the exposed ejector rod and emaciated grip. Nor am I a massive fan od the HP in terms of looks. Heresy I know, they just don't do it for me. I find the 1911 far more aesthetic.
The only people carrying 1911's, P226, Ruger P95's, CZ75's, etc, are gun hipsters.

I'd say you need to expand your horizons a bit. There are some people still around, and still carrying 1911A1s because they were doing that before the GLock existed. They know it, they trust it, and it works for them.

when it's time to carry a pistol for self defense, it better be a M&P shield or something similar in operation.

That's you opinion, and welcome to it. I do wonder how you square it with the reality that what you name crap works, and has worked for a lot of people for a very long time.

The 44 Automag. Big, heavy, clunky and silly looking.
About this, SaxonPig, we shall just have to disagree...

(also, its two words, .44 Auto Mag. The one word Automag refers to the AMT series of guns Automag II, III, IV, V, which are completely different mechanically from the original Auto Mag Pistols)
This is because you believe that in an adrenaline filled shootout, with you firing from an awkward position, or while moving and firing rapidly against a moving opponent, your 3lb 1911 trigger will somehow make you a sick marksman. That is ridiculous.

No, practice will make me a better marksman. If a 5 or 6 lb. long pull mushy trigger makes you a better marksman, well, I find it hard to believe, but more power to ya, cause it flies in the face of common sense and reality. Still don't think you're ridiculous, just wrong.
Originally posted by Evil Monkey
The pistol, is a device that under emergency use, must be simply drawn and fired. There needs to be nothing else done except draw and fire.

The pistol needs to be relatively snag free. That means no crazy beaver tails, spurred hammers, etc.

The pistol needs to have a consistent trigger pull for ease of training. SA/DA is not conductive to this. SAO or DAO only.

Because we don't need an external safety, as it creates an extra step in using the pistol, we must have a heavier and/or longer trigger pull for decreasing the chance of an ND. I do not believe light triggers help your accuracy in any situation except the shooting range.

OK, so walk me through this:
No beaver tail, spurred hammer, etc. to snag, check.
Consistent trigger pull, check.
No manual safety, check.
Long, heavy pull to decrease chance of ND, check.

So, it seems that my S&W 442 .38 revolver meets all of the criteria that you have so graciously provided us in your infinite wisdom. Yet, you also say this:

Anybody who condones the carry of SA/DA pistols, revolvers, or SAO pistols with hammers and such is really trying to carry a purse. He's not thinking that it's a practical defensive weapon, but more as something that is part of his outfit. A statement piece.

Non sequitur oh anointed one, non sequitur.
Oh yea. I forgot. I don't care much for "J" frame sized revolvers. Never have. Just too small for me.

Again, I don't really "dislike" them, I just don't have much interest in them.
It's all opinion. That's the point to having the discussion. I don't expect anyone to agree with not worth arguing, you know.
when it's time to carry a pistol for self defense, it better be a M&P shield or something similar in operation.
Or what? You'll put your hands on your hips and give me the EvilMonkey Eye?


You should totally go work at a gunshop so you can preach to everyone all your superior knowledge and give advice from your extensive life experiences.

Can you give suggestions on the best mods to put on a Tactical Segway?
LOL, you guys are feeding the monkey too much.

I own SA/DA, SAO and DAO firearms. I shoot them all equally well since I practice with all of them. I can transition from one to the next with no reason to shoot a few rounds to get into a groove.

I currently carry an XDS45, but will soon be switching over to a S&W CS9. It's DA/SA like my Beretta 92 Elite, S&W 5904, Ruger P89 and quite a few other pistols with similar triggers. Many of those guns have a better SA trigger pull than any striker fired gun and the DA first pull is easy to use effectively with little practice if you've never shot one before.

Carry what ever you want, but don't be pompous and say that someone is just wearing the gun as a fashion statement or doesn't really have a defensive carry gun because it's not brand A or something similar. I've ignored plenty of gun store commandos with the same attitude.
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I don't like sigs because I have small hands and can't get a good grip on them, at least the double column mags.
I love my M&P Smith auto. I even have 3 different calibers for it.9mm, 357 sig, 40 S&W (with the appropriate bbl. of course.) I don't like the S&W wheel guns for the same reason I don't like the Sigs, The grip is too big for me.
I also do not like the Glocks for the simple reason that they do not fully support the case and I reload and don't want any "kabooms" when firing any gun.
I think all the guns I do not like are great pistols if they fit your hand and fully support the case.
I dislike any pistol touted by the masses as "rekiable" when it hasn't had at least 509 rounds through it in tough conditions. Most of the Kimbers I have owned or shot are very guilty of this.
Glock, Glock, Glock


I dislike a Glock handgun. I've even tried to make myself like them many times, but just don't. I own all sorts of handguns: DA/SA, DAO, SAO, striker fired, hammer fired, DA revolvers, but I can never warm up to the Glock handgun. It is a fine firearm, but it feels like a 2x4 in my hand, the grip angle feels awkward, and the triggers feel odd and squishy.


I despise with a passion @GLOCK@. Just hate the Glock "Machine". Store salesmen never stop, as well as Fanboy banter never stops. I browse in gun stores, and ask about a certain handgun, inevitably I get the "have you thought about the Glock XX?" Uggghhh. Recently asked to look at a Kahr CM380 and the salesman asked if I had given thought to a Glock 42. I asked him why, when I was asking about a hyper micro 380, would you suggest a Glock the size of my Kahr CM9 9mm?
From my understanding, the answer to why salesmen push them so much is that they buy them from Glock very cheaply, but Glock mandates they be sold at a certain price, giving them a high net profit.
I have a friend who is a Glock-o-phile. He was fed the full bore Glock spiel by the resident know-it-all gun shop salesman when he was first looking for a handgun. Bought it hook, line, and sinker. Good for him, but the problem is he regurgitates the same spiel to anyone who will listen. He, himself will shake his head and comment on how unbelievably good the SIG's, HK's, Colt's, CZ's, and other assorted friends handguns he is shooting are, but says he is just too invested in Glock. Yet, if anyone asks him about what firearm would be a good choice, the first thing out of his mouth is Glock. Like a robot. If they go shooting with him, they will always get a Glock. If they shoot with several of us, with several different makes and brands, I have yet to see someone opt for said Glock.

A few notes about the Glock "spiel":

"Glock's are the perfect first handgun for anyone looking for one, because they break down so easy and they are so simple to use."
They don't break down any easier than a SIG, a CZ, or an XD, actually harder. If you completelytear it down maybe, but I know of very, very few people that disassemble a handgun to that extent.
For someone looking for a CCW I would not recommend a Glock at all. The above mentioned Glock-o-phile, and other friends that have them will not carry one concealed with one chambered. Nor would I. I have no use for a handgun that I don't feel comfortable carrying with one down the hole. For those that say, "just don't touch the trigger, and nothing will happen", I wish I could live in your world of perfectness and events out of the ordinary never happening.

"Glock's are just a tool, you pull the trigger and they go bang, everytime". Well.......whoopti damn doo! So do my SIG's, Ruger's, S&W's, Colt's, Springfield's, etc... everytime. I have an early 90's West German SIG P220 that I cannot recall it ever not firing. That is akin to me saying, " I have a Ford Taurus and by God, everytime I turn the key it starts the car" Yeah, well, you have a Mercedes Benz S class, and everytime you turn the key, it starts the car. So what, which would you rather have.

"Look at all the departments that carry Glock's"
Again, so what. The aforementioned Ford Taurus was the best selling car in the world. Because it was so good? No, because it was a fleet car and they could be bought in droves very cheaply.

"Just keep shooting a Glock and you will get used to it"
Um...Whaaaa??? Why? Why not just shoot the one that naturally feels "right" out of the box?

"Glock perfection"
Please. Every manufacturer, even the best have problems from time to time. Glock is no exception. Seems there are a lot of Gen 3's and Gen 4's out there with problems.

So there ya go. My opinions, probably worth less than two cents, but mine nonetheless. If you like the way a Glock feels and shoots, good for you, but please quit feeding "The Machine".
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The only people carrying 1911's, P226, Ruger P95's, CZ75's, etc, are gun hipsters. Now if you want a pistol like this for fun then that's cool. But don't think they make a good carry weapon, because you're only fooling yourself.

I have lived a bushel full of days and never heard 1911 drivers referred to as hipsters. :eek: Good one. :p

For me its simple. I hate all pistols that I do not own or am secretly coveting for the day I win the big Lotto.
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Nothing with an aluminum, polymer- anything but steel frame. Don't like Glocks, that weird-to me- trigger and the polymer frame. Nothing with any sort of frame or trigger lock.
I don't cap and ball revolvers.

I tried shooting them once, though I had everything set up just right. Even on a perfect day, I'd always manage to get some sort of problem or hang up going that spoiled my fun or made things downright unsafe.

They just aren't for me, and need to be left in the 19th century IMHO.