What guns you don't like and why?

I can´t stand the look of the Ruger Super Redhawks, Blackhawks etc. Mostly to do with the grips. Good quality guns, but ugly...

Hi-Points, Glocks, Tokarevs... Ugly ugly ugly...
I like almost all the guns.
If its revolver, than I like Colt Python/Trooper.
Semi autos Again Colt,1911 type, Gold Cup.

Derringer is just about the only one I'm not interested, because mostly unprotected/dangerous trigger.
-they are too popular. Like an iPhone. They are like a bandwagon for firearms.

I hate the AR for the same reason. That, and its crappy, Polish-engineered DI gas system that makes the rifle have to be cleaned every hundred rounds in order to keep it from jamming.
Polish-engineered DI gas system that makes the rifle have to be cleaned every hundred rounds in order to keep it from jamming.

This is not remotely representative of a properly engineered AR-15 with direct impingement. A good AR can run for thousands of rounds, if necessary.

It's cool not to like ARs, many people don't, but that's just flat factually inaccurate if an AR is lubed properly.
It is fun to read everyone's ideas and opinions. Apparently Diggler and I are opposites. :)

I got a Ruger Single Six when I was 14 and it was the only handgun I owned for ten years or so. I shot thousands of rounds through it in the woods and down by the creek. It is probably because of that that I love single action DA revolvers. It might be partially due to my big hands, too. The SAA types feel great in my hand. Ruger Blackhawks are my favourites.

I think I am finally understanding why I have had good luck with Taurus.

I have owned about a dozen of their revolvers and have only had trouble with one. I suspect that their revolvers are better than their semiautos., for one thing. And out of the dozen or so Taurus revolvers I own, there are only three that I didn't inspect for fit and finish and trigger before I purchased them. Most of the ones I have were made in the late 80's or early 90's. I have three recent-vintage ones I bought online. Two are fine, and the other one is about to go back to the factory for the second time. The eleven or so good ones that I have are rock-solid reliable, most of them having had thousands of rounds shot through them, and several of them have outstanding triggers.

I own two Taurus semiautomatics. Both are great. One is a 92 and one is a little tip-up 22. They are both Beretta designs. Neither has ever malfunctioned. The 22 has a good trigger and the 9mm has an excellent one. But my stepfather bought one of the newer polymer 9mm's, and it is a piece of junk.

So do I hate Taurus? No. Would I buy one of their revolvers again? Sure, if I could inspect it carefully first. Would I buy one of their Beretta designed semi-autos? Sure, same as their revolvers. I have also heard good things about their 1911's. Would I buy one of their recent polymer semi-autos? No. But I don't usually like polymer guns anyway.

**Warning! Satire Alert!**

I don't like them plastic guns. Them little tiny 380's and 32's ya stick in yore pocket... maybe. The rest of them ain't worth a crawdad. I even gotz me one, some Smith in that newfangled forty calibers. It goes bang. So what. Plastic guns is a buncha overgrown squirtguns. A real pistol is made of STEEL anit weighs as much as a brick. I see alla these little fellas in their matchin sunglasses an matchin BICYCLE SHORTS an they got their plastic squirtguns an they squeal an flap their arms when one of hits somethin... I know it's the 21st century an all an we gotta get used to other sortsa folks, but... shakes his grizzled old head sadly.

I will put up with alloy frames for 22s and snubbies. Zinc frames are garbage. All zinc handguns should be melted in fires... fires made by burning piles of plastic pistols. An you could throw on some matchin sunglasses an matchin bicycle shorts, too!

Back when I was young, back in the Cave Times, men shot cowboy six shooters and 1911's and 357's and maybe a snub 38. Everything else was for... hm... the disabled, the elderly, young kids, and girls... especially girls. I try not to think that way no more in these here modern times.... I try real hard.

(No guns or gun owners were harmed in the writing of the previous paragraphs. Any readers who were offended are entitled to a full refund. The writer wishes to apologize for his faulty sense of humor; It has been sent back to Brazil three times for warranty work and still does not function properly.)
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I don't really dislike any guns, some don't fit me and/or don't work for me.
What I dislike is getting told I'm an idiot for being smart enough to train to use a safety, or that there's something wrong with my hand because some fanboy's favorite gun doesn't fit or doesn't work for me.
Taurus Judge and S&W's clone... expensive, clunky fixes to a non-existent problem.

The .45 LC cowboy load we tried in a friends Judge, keyholed at 15 yards.

Federal "buckshot" #4 loads failed to penetrate a single 1x6 with a 1/4" plywood target board. If the shot load was in answer to an inability to make hits at combat distances, it was a failure since the pattern was barely 4" across. As a 40 oz. "snake" gun, it's a major success...wink wink.

Best Regards, Rod
I don't like any gun with a 40 S&W or 10mm. WHY do we have to split hairs for a new caliper gun just to make more money and confuse the whole gun industry.
The calipers we have are more than any of use need.

Thx Pop
Pop, you've pointed to two chamberings... One from the 1970s and the other from 1990. Since the debut of the .40 S&W... we had numerous additional new calibers introduced in handguns alone, to say nothing of all the "latest and greatest" in rifles.
If I had to choose one, the only one that really sticks out to me is the whole lineup of Taurus Judge revolvers (and S&W Governor). The idea is kind of good in theory but doesn't work out so well. The 410 isn't great from a shotgun let alone a 3" barreled handgun and while I love the .45 Colt (and ACP in the case of the S&W Governor), the guns lack the strength to shoot warmer loads so what you're left with is somewhat neutered performance from all two (or three) which is especially bad considering their size!
I dont like most of the polymer Walthers... Just because I think they are ugly... no other reason.
Also I guess I dont like Jimenez.
Obviously for the low quality, but more for the name... just say it... J I M E N E Z
LOL... Just sounds stupid !!!!!
I don't remember the model but it was a Beretta 9mm, accurate but had a forever long trigger pull and was super stiff. Had to pull the trigger 3/4th of the way and then aim.

I know it's everyone's own opinion but have you given the Judge and Govorner a fair chance? They came in more than snub nose and 3 inch barrels, there's a 6 inch one as well. I wanted one, almost bought one several times. Then I got the long gun version, the Circuit Judge. If I ever have the cash again and I'd like to get one of the 6 inch barreled Judge revolvers. Maybe SBS a 28 gauge Circuit Judge.
I've yet to find a HK that I like the trigger and feel of.

NOTE: I have not yet handled the p30 or that new striker fired one, so that could change

I don't like how XD's triggers feel, nor how they point.

I don't like anything with a frame mounted safety, frame mounted decockers are OK.

I like pretty much everything else.
I don't like DA/SA semi-auto's or DA Revolvers.
I own Glocks and even their trigger pull is considered a DA (I know, it's called Safe-Action), it is relatively light and consistent each and every time.
As far as revolvers, I can't stand the long DA trigger pull, single action is great, but I'd rather have a SA revolver than a DA revolver, I only wish there was a SA out there that had the swing-out cylinder rather than the traditional loading gate.