What gun do you keep in your truck?

Any idea how many cars were stolen in Atlanta during the same period of time?
Matters not a whit, Einstein. :rolleyes:

Not every car stolen contains a firearm ... . But every car broken into containing an unsecured firearm results in a stolen firearm.

Just da fax, Jack.
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I never said that. I've had my car broken into. I don't leave anything in my car that I can't afford to lose.

What is it you’re talking about that you said you never said? I didn’t say you yourself ever leaves anything of value in your vehicle when you park it but that’s not what I was talking about. I was asking how and why you feel the person who’s car was broken into and had a gun lifted from the car during the theft shares the same responsibility of the theft just because it’s a gun but not anything else and yes, you did say that, or at least that was my take and since that post, I’m not the only one who feels that’s what you said.

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I don't leave a gun in the car unless I'm going to a restricted area, like a school. Not secure enough for me to leave a gun in the car all the time. I've been fortunate enough that I was always been able to carry concealed at my office ever since my state started allowing concealed carry in the 90's.
CZ52. I live out in the country. About the only critters I would shoot on sight are ferrel hogs and the 7.62 x 25 will do that job nicely. It's accurate and flat shooting out to 100 yards. I doubt I would bother shooting at anything farther away.
You "might" bear some responsibility for your loss (of a cheap gun) but you bear absolutely no responsibility for the crime. None. If you think otherwise (to use the adjective you've thrown about to slander people you disagree with and know nothing about), I guess you'd think those people are stupid too. There are no stupid people that I know of who frequent this site. Period.
What is it you’re talking about that you said you never said? I didn’t say you yourself ever leaves anything of value in your vehicle when you park it but that’s not what I was talking about. I was asking how and why you feel the person who’s car was broken into and had a gun lifted from the car during the theft shares the same responsibility of the theft just because it’s a gun but not anything else and yes, you did say that, or at least that was my take and since that post, I’m not the only one who feels that’s what you said.

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Why do you assume that I think the fact that a gun was stolen makes a difference?

Where did I say that? The topic of this discussion is storing guns unsecured in your car not canned Lima Beans.
Locked cars are easily broken into.
So are "safes" that are in cars.
Maybe we should have a safe for the safe that holds the gun inside the locked car (that probably has an alarm anyway.)
How secure is "secure?"

Perhaps HIDING the gun is a better option.

Or, maybe welding the gun to the car frame?
I'm trying to think of a way to say this that hasn't already been said.

Car break-ins are a common occurrence. This discussion comes up on some forum at least once a month.

Every single one of the name trainers has done an article about why you shouldn't leave an unsecured gun in your car.

I have read hundreds of posts by people identifying themselves as police officers who talked about the number of vehicle burglaries they've responded to in which the victim loses a gun. A lot of times they talk about how the car wasn't even locked.

People start discussions here two or three times a year asking for suggestions for a truck or car gun and they SPECIFY that they want a cheap one in case it gets stolen.

There is even an industry based on securing your gun in your car.

So this a known risk and no one can say they weren't forewarned.

I can't speak for anyone else I can't just go out and drop $600 to replace one of my hand guns that was stolen out of my car. I certainly don't have 1200 plus dollars to replace a rifle laying around.

So even if it is the thief's fault that he/she stole a gun out of my car it's still in my best interests to take reasonable precautions to secure it with the easiest precaution being not leaving it in the car in the first place.

I don't know how else to say this but I can piss and moan about how it's the thief's fault all day long but I'm still the one who is out the gun and the money I'm going to spend replacing it.

Now let's talk about why it makes a difference that the item stolen was a gun.

I'm not sure it does, but I never seem to hear about people buying "Truck Lap Tops" that are going to live in their vehicle permanently. I'm also not aware that having a (insert high dollar value item of choice) stolen from your car leads to the next crime in which another person is endangered. I mean you could brain someone with a lap top but you'd have to work at it.
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I'm sure those of us that choose to keep a gun in a car realize the risks. Some of us take extra precautions.
I have even had a whole CAR stolen!
BTW- was that my fault?
"As Lincoln stated, 90% of statistics on the internet are made-up.."

I'm pretty sure it was Mark Twain who said that.
I try not to leave a gun of any type in my truck. Only if I end up somewhere where I can't take my gun inside will I leave it (reluctantly). My truck has a lockable container. The gun I carry and may be forced to leave in my truck could range from a Beretta 92, Colt Series 70 MK IV Gov't, S&W model 10, on up to a Ruger Vaquero in 44 Mag.. As you can guess I like to keep those handy, just in case.
Why do you assume that I think the fact that a gun was stolen makes a difference?

Where did I say that? The topic of this discussion is storing guns unsecured in your car not canned Lima Beans.

I dunno, dgludwig picked up on it too but whatever, I guess it’s just the “you bear some of the responsibility” part that has well, maybe just me, thinking you’re saying we’re part of the blame of our vehicle gets broke into and it’s a gun that’s stolen but it doesn’t matter either way regardless because whatever’s in your vehicle that gets stolen is more than likely going to have to get replaced so it doesn’t matter if ifs a gun or whatever it is.

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I dunno, dgludwig picked up on it too but whatever, I guess it’s just the “you bear some of the responsibility” part that has well, maybe just me, thinking you’re saying we’re part of the blame of our vehicle gets broke into and it’s a gun that’s stolen but it doesn’t matter either way regardless because whatever’s in your vehicle that gets stolen is more than likely going to have to get replaced so it doesn’t matter if ifs a gun or whatever it is.

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But if what's stolen from your car is a gun it's more likely to be used in another crime. Maybe Ithe convenience store clerk who ends up with it in their face at 3 in the morning would it rather you had taken some secondary measures to secure it.
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"But itf whats stolen from your car is a gun it's more likely to be used in another crime. Maybe Ithe convenience store clerk who ends up with it in their face at 3 in the morning would it rather you had taken some secondary measures to secure it." (Moonglum)

EXACTLY! Perfect example Moon!

We are not discussing CD's, a wallet or X-mass gifts being left in a vehicle and subsequently stolen... but a GUN.

Do some of you really want to risk having your gun stolen by some degenerate or juvenile delinquent and used in a drive by shooting or a holdup, or used against an innocent child or an LEO? :confused:

Knowing the world we currently live in (rising crime rates and VERY little accountability) and those who seek to make examples of individuals in order to further their political Agenda, it's NOT a good idea to leave one's gun in a vehicle.

At the very least... get a secure lockbox that cables & chains to the vehicle!
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