What gun do you keep in your truck?

I have a friend that keeps a Ruger Blackhawk .357 in his truck 24/7.

It is secured in a gun vault, mounted under the back seat, unloaded. Ammo is in the glove box.

We have discussed his choice vs mine. We have agreed that what works for us is the best for us.

I don’t know, maybe I shouldn’t leave a pistol in my truck all the time but my initial thought was that if I don’t cheap out and get a really good steel lock box that actually attaches inside the big bottom compartment of my full length center console that goes all the way from the dash to the back between the front bucket seats that whenever I was in my truck, I could leave my every day carry in my pocket and take the big full-size out of the box and put it in the holster that I have mounted to the side of the console but since I pretty much only do that on long trips, I guess I don’t necessarily need to keep it in there all the time.

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I have a friend that keeps a Ruger Blackhawk .357 in his truck 24/7.

It is secured in a gun vault, mounted under the back seat, unloaded. Ammo is in the glove box.

My entire truck got stolen...maybe he should re-think that strategy.
None. Mine stays with me, not in my truck.


I can understand that if I just had one pistol that I carried that served all of those purposes but I have an every day carry that goes on me in my pocket and then I have the one in my truck for long trips that becomes the primary weapon for when I’m in the truck.

In other words, the one that I have in my pocket would just stay in my pocket and the one that I carry in my truck would be the one that I’d go to if a self-defense situation came up while I was in my truck.

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Not in the car

Property crime is through the roof in the metro area I most often visit.

Smash and grab is the standard method. The crooks know where to look.

Their total time to do the deed is under one minute. The standard uniform includes a hoodie as most lots have cameras.

That metro area is greater Portland, Or. where the "homeless" have city council seats, sure seems that way.

Don't leave a gun in your car. A safe or lockbox MIGHT help.
I'm in a real rural area. In one vehicle I leave a marlin pump rifle in 25-20. It is in a gun case. In the second vehicle I lease a Sig P230 in a pistol case.
Originally Posted by JustJake
Guns left in vehicles result in a high rate of theft. Ask the Memphis Tenn. P.D.
Wouldn’t somebody have to know it’s in there first?
Noop, not at all.

Smash the window. Commence to searching.

Hell, just last week the boosters pranced into a fully staffed retail clothing store - with security cams running - and literally just walked out 20-mins later with everything they could carry.

Why should your locked vehicle be any more of a deterrent? :confused:
I’d add that having stickers all over your car for your various favorite firearms manufacturers is not a great idea if you do leave your firearm in your car. Criminals may not always be the brightest, but still.

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I agree that leaving your gun in your truck overnight is not a good idea, unless it's a $200 Bersa or something like that - not a big loss. I believe keeping your gun in a truck gives you more flexibility with the type of gun. I won't necessarily choose to cc something heavy like a 1911 .45 ACP or S&W 686 .357 mag but in a truck it may fit very well. I also don't understand why some peple would drive with their gun unloaded under the back seat in a box. Unless you live in a state with very strict gun laws, I think it should be loaded (I wouldn't keep a round in the chamber though) and be close, like in a glove compartment. It is always better to play coward and drive away from some road rage maniac but if you are squeezed in a dead end and somebody is alreasy shoting at you - you need your protection tool rather soon. I would also question the protective abilities of a civilian vehicle. Maybe some protection against 9mm or smaller. I doubt it would work well against .357 mag.
I agree that leaving your gun in your truck overnight is not a good idea, unless it's a $200 Bersa or something like that - not a big loss.

I understand what you are saying and agree from a value standpoint, but any gun stolen from a vehicle is almost certainly going to be used later in some criminal way. I don’t want to contribute to that, while realizing there is no shortage of stolen guns on the street. But, as a matter of principle…I don’t want to add to the problem.
Let me make a point-
If you leave a gun hidden in a locked vehicle, you are not "contributing" to gun theft and illegal use. Only the thief is doing that.

It's almost as if people excuse thievery because it's commonplace.

No one has the right to break into your property and steal things. You are not responsible for their actions.
Lots of gun owners have their trucks covered with hunting or firearm stickers, or keep things in plain view that indicate a good possibility that there might be a gun in the vehicle. It only takes seconds to smash a window and check the center console, glovebox, and under the seats.

Alot of firearms end up in the hands of criminals because they are taken from the good guys.