Videos of Obama's Mentor

After listening to the pastors remarks, I actually agree with a lot of what he said.

Do you agree with these remarks?:

"The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. The government lied."

We put [Nelson] Mandela in prison and supported apartheid the whole 27 years he was there.

"white America, U.S. of KKKA," as he refers to the nation

"We cannot see how what we are doing is the same thing al-Qaida is doing under a different color flag"
I still cant understand what all the fuss it about. Obama is a racist, why would he, or anyone else for that matter be a member of that church for any length of time with an raving loon spouting that racist vomit unless you agree with it.

Not everyone agrees with their pastor, true. But this goes WAY beyond that.
Seems like we are left with two conclusions:
There is at least one other possible conclusion or at least a variant on your second conclusion. 3. He was aware of the beliefs, rhetoric et cetera but not aware they were socially deviant beliefs. If I understand the nature of cults correctly they normally indoctrinate socially naive individuals into believing their beliefs are a normal part of life. So he could have not been clueless, but was merely one of ten, a hundred or a thousand like minded dupes. :(

The preacher constantly haranges about ''liberation theology'', demonstrating that he has a background of study and discussion on this fringe subject which happens to have a very well developed internally interlocking set of deviant beliefs. Which just happen to be making him millions of bucks. (To me he sounds a whole lot like some of the unsavory white politicians I was forced to listen to in the 50s when my father was in the labor union. When we looked back on them with just a few years perspective we realized they were all playing the hopes and fears of the crowd...scamming the crowd as it were.)
Like Obama, this pastor is not only a racist, he is also a cars carrying member of the " blame America first crowd", not as badas Ron Paul, but he hates America, or to put it bluntly he hates "white America.

He will get a pass, everyone knows that only white people are racist.
I never could understand why anyone has ever said something like Ron Paul hates America ... From my point of view he was one of the few candidates that truly seems to love and want to save it. :confused:
He will get a pass, everyone knows that only white people are racist.

I know this is a touchy subject and if we dont tread carefully the thread will be closed quickly...but

I completely disagree with the way this statement is worded, but can see why you would be saying that. All of the MSM personalities as well as most of the pundits have been calling this anything but racism. Misunderstanding, a witch-hunt, these are the words that MLK spoke (which is so far from the truth), etc. Is there a bias in the MSM towards racism only being one way or rather favored more to white people are racist and black people are not because they have actually suffered in the past?

I do not understand how Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, and others can speak the words they do and not be labeled at least somewhat white-hating.

I know there is bias, I am not naive, but what is your take on it.
He will get a pass, everyone knows that only white people are racist.

Obama might get a pass on saying that Wright is like an uncle, but he does not agree with all of his views.

But no pass on Obama saying he is a smart guy that should be Commandeer in Chief but at the same time he is not aware of years of hatred spewed by Wright. Even though some of Wrights supports admit these statements are not new to them.

And absolutely no pass if he tries to defend Wright as he is indicating he will due in an upcoming speech. If he tries to convince people that Wright is really not a racist and has nothing against white American, then Obama will have committed his first real tactical error of the campaign. This problem is going to haunt Obama for a long time to come. Obama had it within his power to handle this issue differently, but no pass this time.
Obama is just one ant out of the anthill. All of this simply being attached to just him and not the machines that made him makes for good headlines, but is ultimately useless.
I do not understand how Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, and others can speak the words they do and not be labeled at least somewhat white-hating.

I know there is bias, I am not naive, but what is your take on it.

That subject sort of came up during a yelling match between Sean Hannity and this preacher. The answer seemed to be that it has to do with context. In other words, hating blacks because you think they are inferior animals is worse than hating white people who hate you because they are racist. Who can disagree with that? He's saying being a racist is worse than hating racists.

He also kept on repeating over and over a couple of "liberation" theologists and asking whether Hannity knew of them. I think it would be a good idea to look up those people and see what this philosophy is all about.

The result seems to be that, viewed in proper historical context, it's always right for black people to hate and blame whitey. What is it that these guys say which has so influenced the preaching of Wright? The yelling match never got around to that point.

Hmmm... the internet is great.
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I do not know if the man is a racist or not. I do not see evidence that he hates anyone because of the color of their skin, their nationality, or any other factors they cannot control. I do see that he is angry at specific groups that have a history of oppression and injustice towards him and his "kind"...for lack of a better word.

The fact is, most of you any here have no idea what it is like to be discriminated against. Even the women on the forum have no idea what it is like to be hated for something about yourself you cannot change. Sure women have had to fight for equal rights but they never faced outright hatred and malice because of their sex on a national level.

You have no idea the type of anger that builds inside you when you have to sit and see others like yourself beaten or killed because of what they are and not who they are. You have no idea what it is like to be the butt of cruel jokes daily. You have no idea what it is like to have what you are be the punch line of a joke or be used a slander. You hve no idea what it is like to sit back and see people preach that you are wrong simply for being and openly denounce your right to exist. You have no idea what it is like to be afraid of how people will accept you because of your skin color or fear that they will turn on your and maybe physically harm you if they ever learn your religion, or sexual preference. You have no idea what it is like to be hated for things you have no control over.

I know what that is like and I know how easy it is to hate the people that do this to you and people like you. I do not know if he is a racist...but I do know he is a very angry man (maybe rightfully so) and I fear he may have allowed that hate to taint his words and action. he may have allowed that anger to twist him up and make him into something almost as objectionable as the people he has issue with but I do not see definitive evidence he is a racist.
In other words, hating blacks because you think they are inferior animals is worse than hating white people who hate you because they are racist. Who can disagree with that? He's saying being a racist is worse than hating racists.

But isn't that circular in a way? Now I am allowed to hate him (Wright) for being a racist to racists? Kind of seems counter-productive.

His words seem to echo racist connotations also. References to White America...the KKK of the USA and other terms and phrases that do not single out individual racists like Don Black or any others, but white people as a whole.

Second, it seems that of all people a Reverend of any sort who has a degree from some form of accredited university, theological seminary, etc. should know that the Bible teaches anything but hate. Golden Rule comes to mind.

Back to the idea that racism is sometimes one-sided. I find myself, personally, that the NAACP is preaching equality towards colored people while at the same time distancing itself from the other nationalities and races of this country. How is it productive to promote equality by seperating yourselves into your own group?


Agreed that I do not know what its like, I am a middle-aged white man who has had a great upbringing, but thats not the issue. Do both sides get equal, no pun intended, air time or is some of this hidden because it is not the typical form of racism common in this society?

I can think of examples of a variety of things that I have problems with where race has been brought up. One being nooses. I have a completely seperate argument for thought-crime, but because its a noose it is more dangerous than a rope tied in a bow-tie, or a half-hitch? Its not the object that brings the emotion, its the reaction of the masses that bring in the emotion.
But isn't that circular in a way? Now I am allowed to hate him (Wright) for being a racist to racists? Kind of seems counter-productive.
You are failing to make the distinction between racism (unjustifiable hatred) and anger towards someone that has slighted you.
I can think of examples of a variety of things that I have problems with where race has been brought up. One being nooses. I have a completely seperate argument for thought-crime, but because its a noose it is more dangerous than a rope tied in a bow-tie, or a half-hitch? Its not the object that brings the emotion, its the reaction of the masses that bring in the emotion.
One can play semantics games with inanimate objects all day, that does nothing to deal with the true negative action of the person holding the noose. Nor does it alter the historical use of that object and the memories it brings with it. A group of people did not just decide to have a negative reaction to a particular object. That negative reaction was instilled in them by the use of that object be real world bigots.

You argument removes the object from it's proper context and tries to invalidate the reality by making people ask the wrong questions about an inanimate object without historical and physical relativity instead of dealing with it in it's true context.

I can sit all day and say "is a white robe and hood really that offensive or is it just how people react to it that is bad?" If you ignore it historical significance and delete all factual relevance you can make it sound like it is unreasonable to be offended by them.
... both Obama's and Clinton's associations with Saul Alinsky's organizations. Saul Alinsky wrote a book "Rules for Radicals" that Hillary wrote her Wellesley Senior Thesis on. Obama went to work for one of his organizations as a "community organizer" AKA communist rebellion organizer. Saul Alinsky wrote the book on Marxist overthrow of this country by destroying it from within. Obama and Clinton are clearly followers to any who research their backgrounds. The Marxists have destroyed freedom and killed so many of their own citizens that I think it is important to recognize the next reincarnation of the past leaders of their ilk.
And the neocons are Trotskyites and Zionists. Philosophically only Paul has it going on from my perspective.
You are failing to make the distinction between racism (unjustifiable hatred) and anger towards someone that has slighted you.
I don't pretend to be a mind reader, myself. Racism can't defeat racism and racism is racism no matter where the source comes from. I haven't discriminated or denied anyone anything, if I am hated or attacked because I'm white, that's racism. I do not represent the white race nor am I responsible for sins of my father's fathers, who came from Germany so I don't think they owned slaves. The hate preacher should be rejoicing for what he has, like most preachers, instead of living in the 50s and pretending he's discriminated against. Seems like he's done purty good for a guy held down by whitey. He's made a handsome living spewing his message to gullible people looking for justification. I think you are also downplaying women's sufferage a bit too but I know what you are getting at. I don't see a big discrimination problem, seems like opportunities abound there as well.
Obama's church's website, on

The black value system

Disavowal of the Pursuit of “Middleclassness.” Classic methodology on control of captives teaches that captors must be able to identify the “talented tenth” of those subjugated, especially those who show promise of providing the kind of leadership that might threaten the captor’s control.

Those so identified are separated from the rest of the people by:

1. Killing them off directly, and/or fostering a social system that encourages them to kill off one another.
2. Placing them in concentration camps, and/or structuring an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons.
3. Seducing them into a socioeconomic class system which, while training them to earn more dollars, hypnotizes them into believing they are better than others and teaches them to think in terms of “we” and “they” instead of “us.”
4. So, while it is permissible to chase “middleclassness” with all our might, we must avoid the third separation method – the psychological entrapment of Black “middleclassness.” If we avoid this snare, we will also diminish our “voluntary” contributions to methods A and B. And more importantly, Black people no longer will be deprived of their birthright: the leadership, resourcefulness and example of their own talented persons.

Yep, captives. It's a remarkable similarity, not actuality.

Look, there is still no true equality. Great leaps have been made, absolutely, but if you look at the leaders of this country (Elected officials, CEOs, etc) the percentage breakdown by race just doesn't match the breakdown of the general population. Whites have been and continue to be "the man".

This isn't a case of affirmative action trying to "fix" that problem. It is a community trying to help itself from within. Rather than applaud this, some here call it racist.

I suggest a re-reading of the 12 points on Trinity Black Value System, but this time from this perspective: "Let's get rid of the awful stereotypes of inner city blacks: lazy / unmotivated / poor work ethic; unable to be taught; baby-daddies not around. Let's soundly REJECT these stereotypes and help each other do better."

Now, number 11 on that page can be read as racist: "Pledge Allegiance to All Black Leadership Who Espouse and Embrace the Black Value System." It can also be read as: "Support those leaders that REJECT those stereotypes and are on your side." Remember, a lot of the pressure on inner city youth is from peers that don't want others to do well, and undermine those that are perceived as different or that might have a way out. Having once lived in South Chicago, I can tell you, the most afraid kid walking home to the projects was the nerdy one in glasses that looked like he might have a future.

Captive is a great word in that page. It forces the audience to adopt the mindset of "but we're NOT captives". It looks like it does its job.
3. Seducing them into a socioeconomic class system which, while training them to earn more dollars, hypnotizes them into believing they are better than others and teaches them to think in terms of “we” and “they” instead of “us.”

I'm having trouble translating this as something other than an anti-capitalist philosophy of racial identity.

First, the word "seducing" carries implications of trickery. So right off the bat, people are being tricked into thinking that capitalism works.

The trickery continues as these "victims of capitalism" are "hypnotized" into believing they are better. Why might someone believe that holding a job and taking care of yourself is better than being a welfare-sponging gang banger? Only hypnosis or some other trickery can explain such an irrational conclusion. I mean, if the welfare-sponging gang banger is black, he's still US, right? And if a hard working family man is white, he's THEY, right. No, wait, we aren't supposed to think of "we and they" at all. Just "us."

It doesn't get better as it goes along, either.

4. So, while it is permissible to chase “middleclassness” with all our might, we must avoid the third separation method – the psychological entrapment of Black “middleclassness.” If we avoid this snare, we will also diminish our “voluntary” contributions to methods A and B.

A and B refer to killing off blacks, encouraging them to kill each other, putting them in concentration camps, and/or structuring an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons. Who knew that practicing capitalism had such awful consequences? I think I'll dye my skin and become a black identity socialist/communist. :rolleyes:
Propaganda Wheels

Op-Ed Columnist
Generation Obama? Perhaps Not.
By WILLIAM KRISTOL (Trotskyite/Neocon)
Published: March 17, 2008

In this column, I cite a report that Sen. Obama had attended services at Trinity Church on July 22, 2007. The Obama campaign has provided information showing that Senator Obama did not attend Trinity that day. I regret the error.

So much for veracity in media... :barf: