Videos of Obama's Mentor

Redworm, why don’t you google for the quotes from Obama on Rev. Jeremiah Wright? If you support him should you not know this?
When have I ever claimed to support him? :rolleyes:

I just figured if people were going to be deriding him for having such a man as a mentor they'd be able to refer to a time in which Obama referred to him as such.
Bush's faith has been attacked from the left since the 2000 campaign. Now Obama's faith is off limits? I'll be darned!. Pastor Wright is fair game. So is the weatherman.
No one has suggested such things be off-limits.
To add to what you just said Perldogg , What also concerns me is Obama's associations/choices outside of this Church.

His choice of a guy like Rezko to do business with and a Campaign finance manager partly responsible for a mini "ENRONesque" scandal the press never really grabbed on to.
I've read the quote from Obama himself on that Redworm. As well as his inspiration for his book being credited to this preacher who in fact is credited with the title The Audacity of Hope.
Yes, I know about the title of the book but if there's a quote actually referring to the man as his mentor then it'd be nice to see it. I'm not doubting it, I just want it for reference and perhaps my google jedi skills are lacking today.
I am no fan of Obama but Bush's (and others) ties to the Saudis scare me a whole lot more than any lose religious or personal affiliations of Obama's or Clinton's.
Agreed PlayboyP ... But Bush is not going to be the next president. His damage was done already .... and by done , I mean hopefully he's done.
Just curious, why does the US business affiliation with the "Corrupt Kingdom" give you the willies more than Obama's personal relationship with his radical mentor? And what makes you think that it was solely Bush who initiated and cultivated the relationship?
Well if your talking McCain , that's just par for the course for the Republican president to support/endorse the party nominee.

I'm more concerned with McCains endorsement by guys like Strobe Talbott and George Soros , BOTH of whom seem happy with the 3 top picks to help further their agendas.
I am no fan of Obama but Bush's (and others) ties to the Saudis scare me a whole lot more than any lose religious or personal affiliations of Obama's or Clinton's
That's an amazing comment. It's hardly a loose affiliation for Obama! You can't be serious. Sounds like you're a Michael Moore fan, try this for debunking the "Saudi connection".
That's an amazing comment. It's hardly a loose affiliation for Obama! You can't be serious. Sounds like you're a Michael Moore fan, try this for debunking the "Saudi connection"
I do not see any "debunking" of Saudi connections. The Bush's are close friends with the Saudi royal family. They do actually allow the Prince to use their home when he is in the states. He did walk hand in hand with the Prince. They did help Bin Laden's family escape after 9/11. Maybe I am missing the debunking. Care to point it out?
Didn't read it, didja?

The 9/11 Commission Report takes Moore to pieces on this. (pp. 329-330):

"First, we found no evidence that any flights of Saudi nationals, domestic or international, took place before the reopenning of national airspace on the morning of September 13, 2001. To the contrary, every flight we have identified occurred after national airspace reopened.

Second, we found no evidence of any political intervention. (Discussion of how decision was made by Richard Clarke in coordination with the FBI).

Third, we believe that the FBI conducted a satisfactory screening of Saudi nationals who left the United States on charter flights. (discussion of the screening).
First, we found no evidence that any flights of Saudi nationals, domestic or international, took place before the reopenning of national airspace on the morning of September 13, 2001. To the contrary, every flight we have identified occurred after national airspace reopened.

Second, we found no evidence of any political intervention. (Discussion of how decision was made by Richard Clarke in coordination with the FBI).

Third, we believe that the FBI conducted a satisfactory screening of Saudi nationals who left the United States on charter flights. (discussion of the screening)
Please send me a link to the sources they have sighted. When I get a chance I will look up the information as to the flights that took place the day after. I am on my iTouch right now and it is hard to do too much.
Have you considered that allowing the family members to fly on 9/11 was a calculated risk and was more likely a surveillance technique in hopes of tracking down Bin Laden?

Just something to ponder...
Have you considered that allowing the family members to fly on 9/11 was a calculated risk and was more likely a surveillance technique in hopes of tracking down Bin Laden?

Just something to ponder.
I doubt it since they are known to have cut all ties with Osama, but you never know.
back on topic....

How does that saying go? When your enemy is busy destroying himself, don't get in the way. If I were Hillary or McCain, I'd stick to the "no comment." Which is pretty much what those two are doing.

the pastor does have a point - Hillary really doesn't know what it's like to be a black man. Then again, a fish doesn't really know what it's like to fly. As for the anti-Americanism.... well that's a no-no. Nevertheless, who cares what the pastor is saying? The pastor is nothing compared to Obama, who is the messiah.


Oh wow that would make a great bumper sticker... "Obama is the Messiah"
Please send me a link to the sources they have sighted.
They cited it:
"The 9/11 Commission Report takes Moore to pieces on this. (pp. 329-330):"

I don't know if it's online, probably so.

The pastor is nothing compared to Obama, who is the messiah.
Why, He looks absolutely radiant!
After listening to the pastors remarks, I actually agree with a lot of what he said. It is true that our foreign policy is in part responsible for attacks against us, it is true that predatory lenders prey on the poor, it is true that the leadership of America has lost it's way and no longer cares about the individual citizen, but I do not agree with the way he delivers his message nor the fact that he delivers it from a religious pulpit. He is definitely no Martin Luther King.