Videos of Obama's Mentor

As far as Obamas policies that I prefer over McCain; I like Obamas tax policies and fiscal policies more and I prefer his foreign policy. But my favorite is his "Service" policy which encourages community service.

Why not:
- send in extra tax payments
- get a pen pal in Iran
- service your community

Why do you need the government to make you do what you say you want to do? I suppose you don't own any firearms either, because you agree with the DC gun ban that Barack Hussein Obama supports?

I simply don't trust Republicans as much as Democrats anymore,
In my opinion, it would be idiotic not to distrust them both equally, it's politics. Just because you don't trust McCain doesn't mean you can trust BHO.
Obama claims he only follows the pastor's religious advice, but not his civic advice. Is there a difference?

Doesn't seem to be any difference in Wright's Church. Wright was preaching politics from the pulpit. Not to mention that is not allowed under tax exempt status for churches. It's clear from multiple videos and member statements, that this type of preaching from Wright was the norm, not the exception.

It appears that Obama is not only trying to sell the idea he does not agree with Wrights ideas, but he wants us to believe that he (Obama) was not even aware these statements were being made. nice try, but no cigar!
I did not get a chance to watch Obama's reponse on H&C last night, but I did see the videos online and the interview Wright had with H&C back in March 2007. IMHO, this man is a racist, pure and simple. He is not preaching hate towards white people or people not of color, but he is definitely not preaching anything about equality. There is a HUGE double standard here when it comes to things like this.

I don't know if any of you have followed it, but there was also a Pastor Tony something I believe that went off on Obama and promoted Hilary during a sermon a week ago or so. The Obama supporters were calling this man a racist, but fail to say that Wright is a racist. Hmmm...interesting.

I am glad to see Obama come out and say that he does not agree with the statements Wright made...but at the same time Obama is a politician...any of his "words" are suspect for possible political implications. Basically I dont trust the man because his arce is on the line for the Democratic nomination and if he didn't slam this guy for his words, he would be toast. The thing more important here is that the degree to which Obama honored this man and respected this man. Regardless of how many times he actually attended Sunday service, he referred to this man as his mentor, he allowed his kids to be baptized in that church, and he got married in that church, that all goes to show how he feels about this man.

Lastly as a Christian...I am very upset that this man can call himself a Pastor and purportedly preaches from the Bible these blatant lies that he does. The "God Da*& America" speech was the most infuriating, as well as the HIV comments and the 9-11 comments.
Scream "oh please" all you want. Someone agreeing with a racist on "some" things, yet not others I cans understand. But, in this instance it it flat out niave to think that Obama does not share most if not all the views of that racist loon of a pastor. Like I said earlier, you do not stay with a church for 20 years, friend with the racist pastor to the point of letting he marry you and baptize your kids without having the same mindset. Obama should have known this would surface. So he either does not care or he is crap stupid b
Well, wasn't really a "scream" but I still don't buy that Obama is racist.

I guess I just don't put much importance on pastors and baptisms.
Obama claims he only follows the pastor's religious advice, but not his civic advice. Is there a difference?
:confused: Absolutely. The two are in no way mutually inclusive.
I guess trying to portray Obama as a racist is the only hope a lot of republicans can clinge to at this time. They see his appeal to the moderates as something that will be hard to over-come since Bush destroyed all credibility with the middle of teh road people. The only real option is to try and destroy his appeal to the minority groups and liberals by labeling him hateful. I just don't see that working because it is pretty obvious to me that he may be many things but hateful is not one of them.
I am sure I am not the first to suggest this, but I think more investigation is due on the Oprah/Obama/Wright/Farrakhan relationship. I think it's a legitimate question and the public has a right to know how deep this relationship goes.
Lets see Obama attended this church for 20 years, donated to the church, the pastor married him, baptized his children, he wrote about Pastor Wright in his book The Audacity of Hope( in which he calls Wright his mentor).
Obama has a law degree from Harvard; therefore, he must know about the Federal Rules of Evidence. As such, he must also know that you can use character evidence to impeach a witness.

The classic law school example goes something like this:

Witness: I’ve known the Defendant for 20 years, and he is an honest person.
Opposing Counsel: Were you aware that 5 years ago the Defendant was convicted of fraud?

This character evidence does not go toward proving the Defendant committed the crime at issue; it goes toward discrediting the Witness’ statement because he is unaware of the Defendant’s fraud conviction, which is a crime involving dishonesty.

So let’s apply this to Obama’s situation:

According to Obama, he visited numerous churches before selecting the one led by Pastor Wright. He has regularly, though not perfectly, attended this church for at least 20 years. He was baptized into this church. He and his wife were married within this church. His children were baptized into this church. For at least two decades, he has taken spiritual guidance from this church. He has even written a book inspired by Pastor Wright.

Every truly spiritual person I know values their spirituality much more highly than they do the material world. One would think that before committing yourself so thoroughly to such an ultimately important path – a path that should guide your worldly actions and determine your fate in the hereafter – that you would want to know as much as possible about the person who has inspired you, baptized you, married you to your wife, baptized your children, and gives you spiritual guidance.

And now Obama claims that he wasn’t aware of Wright’s beliefs.

Seems like we are left with two conclusions:

1. Even after 20 years, in which he committed his and his family spiritually to this church, under the inspiration of Pastor Wright, he somehow failed to grasp the kind of person Pastor Wright is and what Pastor Wright believes. Like the Witness in the example above, he really doesn’t know what Pastor Wright is about.

This is an incredible admission: Clueless for over 2 decades about a matter of greater personal importance than the worldly affairs of politics. One shudders to think about whom else Obama would so devoutly trust in the lesser arena of politics to guide him, where Obama would have less incentive to do as thorough a job of inquiry than he did in the spiritual realm.


2. Obama really wasn’t clueless for over 20 years. Given that he has assembled a top-notch team that has propelled him to the lead in the Democratic Party nomination process, it seems doubtful that he’s a clueless person on important matters.

Whichever conclusion is correct, both are unsettling.
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so the corollary is

that anyone who attends a particular church, belongs to the same congregation, believes a religious leader on some things about faith must believe everything the religious leader says. Accordingly any candidate who claims they go to any specific church must also believe everything that minister might ever utter. When the minister makes a statement such as Katrina Hurricane was the work of God who was smiting the US for its homosexual practices, that Tella Tubbies are gay, etc. Therefore any of those candidates should be held responsible for the position thier religious leader proclaimed.
It's interesting that during their administrations, Carter taught Baptist Sunday school, Reagan didn't attend church at all, Bush I (don't see anything online in a quick search), Clinton attended Foundry Methodist, Bush II is part of no congregation though occasionally goes to St John's Episcopal Church, but God told him to run for the office...

So, either church is important and should be attended, or it isn't important at all but faith is important, or religion itself doesn't really matter.

Mentor probably isn't the best word in this situation. "Spiritual leader" may be better in this context.
that anyone who attends a particular church, belongs to the same congregation, believes a religious leader on some things about faith must believe everything the religious leader says. Accordingly any candidate who claims they go to any specific church must also believe everything that minister might ever utter.
Well, that’s not the corollary I would draw. I would draw a corollary similar to the situation I described regarding the witness giving testimony about someone they supposedly know. Nothing in the example says the witness knows everything about the defendant, or that the witness agrees with everything the defendant says or does. Instead, the point is whether the witness really knows the defendant as well as he claims he does. In the example, the witness clearly doesn’t.

The corollary I would draw is that Obama doesn’t know Pastor Wright as well as he claims. If so, he has displayed an alarming level of poor judgment, considering the level of commitment he has made for his family and himself. How could he be so clueless after 20 years? It's not as if he simply sat in the pews; he had much greater interaction than that. This judgment impacts the most important area of his family and his life.

Or else he hasn’t made such a poor judgment but is instead not being honest.
keep the standard the same.

So when Candidates sought out endorsement from Jerry Falwell (dead) that was good. Even though Jerry professed some off the wall ideas from time to time.

WhyteP38 you can not use different standards that change as you like depending upon the candidate and their acceptance of religious issues. If you accept an endorsement from Falwell or any other religious figure you have to accept their view and stated opinions.

Can anyone honestly say the have heard every sermon over a long period of and agreed with every position of their preacher?
So when Candidates sought out endorsement from Jerry Falwell (dead) that was good. Even though Jerry professed some off the wall ideas from time to time.

WhyteP38 you can not use different standards that change as you like depending upon the candidate and their acceptance of religious issues. If you accept a nomination from Falwell you have to accept his view and stated opinions.
There's a monumental difference between gaining an endorsement, and entrusting your spiritual guidance and awareness. Comparing the two is an apple and oranges comparison.
Can anyone honestly say the have heard every sermon over a long period of and agreed with every position of their preacher?
Obama's level of involvment and commitment required that he understand who he was dealing with; it did not require he attend every sermon or agree with every position.

If he can make such an enormous misjudgment about such an ultimately important issue in his and his family's lives after knowing someone for 20 years - and let's not forget that he was no ordinary participant, given that he was in the state senate starting in 1996 - it is alarming. As president, such judgments will be critical, and it's unlikely he will have 20 years to get to know his advisors. He certainly won't have 20 years to size up foreign leaders and figure them out.
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Can anyone honestly say the have heard every sermon over a long period of and agreed with every position of their preacher?

That is not the point. Think of it as sample checking. When Wright makes these political statements on many occasions, and when even his supporters and church members acknowledge that he has made these statements, then it is naive to believe anyone attending his church would not be aware of Wrights real positions and agenda. Obama cannot say he is a smart guy that makes decisions based on good judgment, then on the other hand say he is oblivious to what his pastor has been preaching for years. Like Bill said "give me a break".

I still say this. Obama made a tactical error by saying these anti-American statements were absolutely never made during any of his attendance. Chances are really good that someone will prove him wrong. When you make absolute statements, you had better be ready to back them up with facts.
Obama made a tactical error by saying these anti-American statements were absolutely never made during any of his attendance.

Whatever you think of Wright and how it does or does not affect your opinion of Obama, do any of you actually believe Wright never gave similar sermons in the course of the twenty years Obama attended?

If you don't believe him then it looks like Mister Goldenboy the champion of 'hope' and 'change' lies just like the rest of them.
The differences between an endorser and a spiritual advisor are what make the two agencies completely different things. In the first instance, someone is entrusting you; in the second instance, you are entrusting someone else. In the first instance, you may or may not be absorbing advice from someone else; in the second instance, you are by definition purposely seeking out someone’s advice so as to absorb and use it to inform your world view and guide your judgment. Those are important and critical differences.

For example, David Duke could endorse Obama. Obama could thoroughly reject Duke’s endorsement, but that cannot prevent Duke from continuing to endorse him and to eventually manifest that endorsement by voting for Obama. There is nothing Obama or anyone else can do about it. That’s a very different circumstance from Obama actively seeking out Wright’s spiritual guidance and spiritual participation in Obama’s life. In the first instance, Obama has neither sought nor desired Duke’s detached involvement; in the second instance, Obama has definitively sought out and desired Wright’s intimate involvement.

Obama has claimed that he was not aware of these controversial aspects of Wright’s beliefs. However, the CIA drug conspiracy theory Wright has ranted about goes back to around the 1970s, and the HIV conspiracy theory Wright has ranted about goes back to around the mid-1980s. Both theories are older than Obama’s involvement with Wright. Obama has intimately intertwined his and his family’s lives with Wright for the past 20 years. If Obama’s claim is true, for him to now come out and claim that over the past 20 years he had no clue that this is what Wright is about is an admission of monumentally poor judgment.

If Obama can be so completely deceived by someone so close to him for over 20 years, imagine how much more easily he can be deceived by those whom he knows less about over a far shorter span.
Until a couple of days ago (after this story broke), wasn't the good pastor an actual member of Obama's campaign?
Until a couple of days ago (after this story broke), wasn't the good pastor an actual member of Obama's campaign?

Yes. And Obama referred to the pastor as his "moral compass", among other things.