Videos of Obama's Mentor

it is true that predatory lenders prey on the poor
Up until about a month ago, I had the stance of Hey they signed on the dotted line, f%^k them. But recently, I've mellowed and thought that deregulation of the mortgage requirements did nothing more than release the pack of lending wolves on the sheep.

Prior regulations were there to prevent the now headline "subprime" crisis.
I think that there was a pretty good point on the news video when they asked whether this sort of rhetoric would be permissible if you transposed the word white for the word black. I for one would not vote for somebody who happened to wander in off the streets and sit on the back row of one of the white christian identity churches even if he sobered up the next day and said that he was there looking for the bathroom. So why should I vote for somebody who tithes for the black equivalent? Racism is racism regardless of its color.
If you are a member of a church for 2 decades and the pastor is a racist loon, and you DO NOT vote with your feet and find another church, you must agree with said racist pastor's views. So, IMO Obama is a screaming racist. No ifs, no ands , no buts about it.
I have been watching some of the latest fallout from Obama's pastor. There is no doubt this will hurt Obama. Just the fact that he now has to distance himself from these remarks raises questions about Obama's real beliefs. Obama says he never heard these types of statements first hand. He must have been sleeping in the pew. Maybe someone could ask Obama again why he does not wear an American flag in his lapel. I just never bought the story that he did not want to appear to be a super-patriot.
Obama says he never heard these types of statements first hand. He must have been sleeping in the pew.
Or it is possible that he, like the majority of politicians, only actually shows up at church when there is a camera following them.
Or it is possible that he, like the majority of politicians, only actually shows up at church when there is a camera following them.

Well, all I can say is he (Obama) has made several comments that he has attended church for 20 years and takes it very seriously. So, now I guess he should clear this up by saying he only attended for photo ops and that's why he did not know such statements were being made.

Since the 1980s, Obama has not only remained a regular attendee at Wright's services in his inner city mega church, Trinity United Church of Christ, along with its other 8,500 members, he's been a close disciple and personal friend of Wright.

Wright conducted Obama's marriage to his wife Michelle, baptized his two daughters, and blessed Obama's Chicago home. Obama's best-selling book, "The Audacity of Hope," takes its title from one of Wright's sermons.

Sounds like just a little more than having photo ops to me!

This is a plausibility test for Obama. People really don't know that much about him. Now his is asking people to believe that he went to this church 20 years, this pastor married him and baptized his children, yet he knew nothing previous of this pastors anti-American statements. Obama is going to have a hard time convincing people he really knew nothing.

It is my understanding that there are audio recordings of most of Rev. wrights sermons. Obama is saying he was never..never, at any sermon where these anti-American statements were made. Now, if someone shows that in fact Obama's was at these sermons, then watch out!
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Just because he attends the sermons doesn't mean he agrees with the pastor on every issue.

I think you are evading the issue. Obama has said that he was never at any of his sermons where this took place. It's not a matter of him agreeing, it's a matter of him being at those sermons (if he was) and saying he was not there...that's called lying. I never said at any point that Obama agreed with all of Wrights statements, just that he is claiming innocence by not being present. Maybe yes, maybe no. I think it is very unlikely that Obama was not aware of these statements beforehand.
I think you are missing the point. Obama has said that he was never at any of his sermons where this took place. It's not a matter of him agreeing, it's a matter of him being at those sermons (if he was) and saying he was not there...that's called lying.
...and we could never tolerate a POTUS that lies. :D
Obama denounces pastor's 9/11 comments

What can I say? I am glad he did this. All said, I simply don't trust Republicans as much as Democrats anymore, so I am more willing to give Barack the benefit of the doubt. Their were a whole slew of things Bush himself did that I can't stand and now McCain is kissing up to him and embracing his policies. This pastor has no political power and I don't see Obama kissing up to him. If McCain came out and denounced Bush's failed policies I would have more confidence in him.

As far as Obamas policies that I prefer over McCain; I like Obamas tax policies and fiscal policies more and I prefer his foreign policy. But my favorite is his "Service" policy which encourages community service.
he agrees with the pastor on every issue.

If the pastor of my church was a KKK grand dragon (whatever they call themselves) I would damn sure change churches. You dont go to a church for 2 decades, call someone a friend, have them marry you and baptise your kids if you dont like and agree with that persons stances on things.

Obama is a racist, plain and simple.

Its like my grandfather used to tell me why I should not hang with bad, loser people (insert druggie looking, trashy looking, low class people). He said to me: "If you walk with crap, you always get some of it on you."

Obama was their by choice. He stayed by choice. You cant tell me he was unaware of the sermons, unaware of how this pastor looked at the world. So with that in mind, Obame thinks in the same vein, as do each and every parton of that racist church.
You dont go to a church for 2 decades, call someone a friend, have them marry you and baptise your kids if you dont like and agree with that persons stances on things.
You sure can if you agree on some things and disagree on other things.
Obama is a racist, plain and simple.
oh please
Well now you know why Hillary Clinton hadn't dropped out despite the near impossibility of her winning the nomination.
Scream "oh please" all you want. Someone agreeing with a racist on "some" things, yet not others I cans understand. But, in this instance it it flat out niave to think that Obama does not share most if not all the views of that racist loon of a pastor. Like I said earlier, you do not stay with a church for 20 years, friend with the racist pastor to the point of letting he marry you and baptize your kids without having the same mindset. Obama should have known this would surface. So he either does not care or he is crap stupid b

You dont see it that way, fine, that's you right.
Obama denounces pastor's 9/11 comments

The most telling thing is that while Obama may have denounced what his pastor has said (btw Obama considers Pastor Wright "like an uncle"), he refused, on camera, to repudiate the pastor (aired last night on MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann", see interview here) and continues to support Pastor Wright.

Obama claims he only follows the pastor's religious advice, but not his civic advice. Is there a difference?

As the far as personal loyalties go, Pastor Wright is a blatant racist. Obama MUST repudiate this man, and anything LESS absolutely should call into question his judegemnt.
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Not only that but "Pastor" Wright is still employed by his campaign. Even if we could believe Obama sat in the pews in a coma for 20 years you would think he would have axed the lunatic by now.
Lets see Obama attended this church for 20 years, donated to the church, the pastor married him, baptized his children, he wrote about Pastor Wright in his book The Audacity of Hope( in which he calls Wright his mentor).

Now hes denouncing Wright and saying he dosen't agree with him?

People go to the church they identify with and embrace the views of the spiritual leader.

After hearing Wright I know why Michelle Obama said she was 'Proud of America for the first time in her adult life'.
She has been listening to the rantings of Wright for twenty years.