Videos of Obama's Mentor

Leveling charges of racism is too often used as a means of silencing political opponents and critics.

If you question the morals and behaviour of certain segments of African American society, your a racist.

If you criticize Obamas choice of church and pastor your a racist.

It is one of the main two plays in the Democrat playbook the race card and the other being the threat that Republicans will take entitlements away.

It must be hard to be a liberal Democrat this election cycle, if you vote for Hillary are you a racist? If you vote for Obama are you sexist? Oh what a confusing dilemma.

Obama has really been discriminated against, Harvard law school, the U.S. Senate, ect. G*d D$%n America Rev. Wright said. He also said rich white people like Hillary don't know what its like to be black in America. Rich white people? In 2005 Obama and his wife reported $1.7 million in combined income. In 2006 over $990,000i. Source. That sounds rich to me.

The truth is Obama like other Dems uses the race issue as a means of garnering votes, plain and simple.
That's right Nate.

It's one thing to logically talk about the enslavement of African Americans and discuss the evil ramifications of that system. Most Americans feel it was one of the worst, if not the worst, "thing" we have EVER done. It was just plain evil and wrong.

But no, the demogogues(sp?) always have to go further with their anti-race talk - why - for votes, money, undue recognition, etc.

It's disgusting to me.:mad:

Do you realize people have been killed because of the inflammatory words spoken by these types of extremists over the decades (look at the KKK, Black Panthers, etc.)? They have and people will continue to die with this type of talk out there. You can't stop it but you can sure keep people out of office who follow that crap IMHO.