Videos of Obama's Mentor

It was over before Wright

BHO wants to kabosh ccw nationwide. That means I don't have to look at his church to slap the bucket O' poo label on him.

That aside, the fact that he called for Don Imus' blood in '07 for tasteless insensitive words designed to be humor, but excuses Wright for his pronunciations, which are not given as jokes, tells me the candidate from Illinois has serious problems.

His defending black "backlash" racism is understandable to a point. That point falls well short of the seeking of our nation's highest office IMO.

Calling for punishment of a comment from a white radio entertainer for a slight intended in jest and defending the outrageous conduct of Wright is exactly the kind of moral compass one could expect to find in a gun grabber.

Yet we act surprised?
It's not really important. Let's be accurate. If a white politician had attended any church more than one time in the past where inflammatory remarks were made against blacks, then that candidate would be out of the running.
I think it would be important then as well.
is exactly the kind of moral compass one could expect to find in a gun grabber.
Calling for punishment of a comment from a white radio entertainer for a slight intended in jest and defending the outrageous conduct of Wright is exactly the kind of moral compass one could expect to find in a gun grabber.

Yeah, it's called a double standard. Keith Oblerman & CNN went off on Ferraro like she was a junior KKK member. This for just making an observation about the facts of Obama's getting black votes.
I will take your word, but it would not be important to the liberal media that would roast any white candidate making such a mistake.
Agreed, and that's a very sad fact. Race relations are still a problem in this country and the media - liberal and conservative media and everything in between - take a good share of the blame.
WhyteP38 said:
And yet, he disinvited Wright from the event at which he announced his candidacy for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination a year ago. But if he didn't know about Wright's controversial rants, what reason would he have to disinvite him?

In the early days, when Obama was a rising local politician, the ethno-centric views expressed by Rev Wright probably served both of their careers well, as that rhetoric would have resonated with their regional supporters.

I suspect, as you point out, that the campaign knew this was coming and wanted to build maximum political capital first. However, the campaign is in a narrow band between stall-speed and Mach-tuck:

A) If they denounce Rev Wright, they alienate their most fervent supporters.

B) If they fail to disassociate from him, the central theme of inter-racial unity appears fraudulent.

C) If they claim the candidate is being treated unfairly, they'll be perceived as playing the "race-card".

I don't think the Phila speech will lay this to rest, the way Reagan did the age issue ("I won't opponents youth/inexperience"). It will be interesting to see how David Axelrod's plan to handle this plays out.
Just as a little humor. I noticed in one of Wright's video he talked about being passed up by a cab due to being black. I think he indicated that would never happen to a white person like Hillary. Have you taken a cab lately in any big US city? Do you think a bunch of white red-necks are driving these cabs? Now that is a joke. That would make a good SNL skit. :D
actually I think I remember Jon Stewart making a quip about that when Obama first made some comment about not being able to get a cab when he was accused of not being black enough :eek: :p
In the early days, when Obama was a rising local politician, the ethno-centric views expressed by Rev Wright probably served both of their careers well, as that rhetoric would have resonated with their regional supporters.

I suspect, as you point out, that the campaign knew this was coming and wanted to build maximum political capital first.
Yeah. Actually, I think Obama missed a golden opportunity (from a purely political-strategy perspective). He could have claimed something along the lines that the Trinity Church exposed him to black experiences he and Michelle had not encountered, but that it also acquainted him with the misunderstandings and divisiveness he seeks to address as president. In short, he saw the good and the bad so as to better understand our nation's racial problems. If his Philly speech had been along those lines, we'd have very different discussions going on right now.

Why keep attending a church in which those views are expressed? Because a doctor must get to know his patient's ills before he can treat them. A patient with an illness isn't necessarily a bad person, but he is a person in need of help.

Instead, Obama chose the "I had no idea" route, which almost no one finds credible. That, and he threw Grandma under the wheels of the Barack Express, which was completely unnecessary.
I just saw an interesting phone interview Obama had on Fox news. In response to his statements about his Grandmother making racist statements, Obama said"she was a typical white person". Wow, and he wants to heal the racial divide. Also, Obama said previously that his Grandmother loved him and did a good job helping to raise him. You might think he would have thought about not using her an an example of white racist know, just out of respect for what she did for him.
I just saw an interesting phone interview Obama had on Fox news. In response to his statements about his Grandmother making racist statements, Obama said"she was a typical white person". Wow, and he wants to heal the racial divide. Also, Obama said previously that his Grandmother loved him and did a good job helping to raise him. You might think he would have thought about not using her an an example of white racist know, just out of respect for what she did for him.
You are missing the point entirely. His point was it is not just "hate mongers" that are guilty of making the random racist statement...intentional or not.

For a very long time in this country it was completely acceptable to make racist statements (just as it is now okay to make being gay the punchline of every joke) and almost everyone did it at one time or another. Not just guys in white hoods...but everyone. Grandmothers, teachers, fathers, kids on the playground, etc. Black americans had to live with this their entire lives.
I think I got it exactly right. He said "typical". it is clear to me he meant "typical". Not hard to interpret.
Right, and it was very "typical" for hate speech and bigotry to present itself in even the most average white americans speech. It was common and accepted. It was not limited to a fringe element.
Right, and it was very "typical" for hate speech and bigotry to present itself in even the most average white Americans speech. It was common and accepted.

That's not an answer, it's just your personal statement. I get what you are trying to say.....all average, typical white Americans are racist. Ok, you can have your opinion. but the way Obama's poll numbers have fallen over his handling of the race issue shows a lot of other people seem to agree with my view.
That's not an answer, it's just your personal statement. I get what you are trying to say.....all average, typical white Americans are racist. Ok, you can have your opinion.
And your opinion is clearly causing to to miss the point of his statement and taint it with your own bias.

He is 100% correct that racism was rampant and accepted in the american home when his grandmother was growing up and it was the way she learned to be and that is hard to overcome. She was raised with obvious racism and that was typical.
He is 100% correct that racism was rampant and accepted in the american home when his grandmother was growing up and it was the way she learned to be and that is hard to overcome. She was raised with obvious racism and that was typical.
Many white folks died supporting blacks all the way back to the Abolishionist movement and probably beyond. Even back then there was no typical white person. To think so says a person has little ability for discernment. This is surprising for someone who is half white, educated and supposedly a man of the people. It does help to explain why he felt so comfortable in a racist church. The spinning on what Obama really meant is already getting old, fact is, the man doesn't do too well without a script. I can't imagine what 4 years of his presidency would be like. We would need a new government department to explain his parables to the masses.
And none of it changes the fact that Obama's mentor, his campaign advisor, his close advisor, actually believes that the government created HIV to kill black people, or that God should damn the US.

This is the judgment Obama has exercised? These are the nutballs who will advise Obama if he were to become President?

The Democrats should be flocking to Hillary in droves right now.